Chapter 29

Penelope bloom

When I got to Bela's room we carried away the bodies of the three girls who were lying on the floor of her room. They were taken away to the dungeon to where the other two were. After questioning them, they were able to reveal their accomplices in fear of getting expelled since this was the most common correctional method the school offered. I handed over the list of involves and the ring leaders.

Leon Corvus

I never thought that nobles would ever be this stuck up. According to what the culprits had confessed to, they had done this because they were ordered by Aisha, a student who belonged to a high tier noble family. For this, there was only one course of action.

On Monday morning, I called the entire school for an assembly.

"When you all joined the institute we had given out a severe warning that this was not a place where one was not use power to harm others, but on among you had the bright idea of threating her peers with just the authority of her family, and since all things bad come to an end and with that, Aisha Laxtor come to the stage." I said.

A girl with grey hair and green eyes came over to the stage. With the way she walked to the stage, the arrogance in her pose was evident.

"As of today, with the power given to me by the kingdom of Lorne, Aisha Lastor will be expelled from the academy and be judged according to the kingdoms laws." the colour from her face immediately disappeared and with her legs shaking she fell to the ground.

"the funs over, huh." I said to the girl on the ground with a mocking tone and just then guards came over and carried her away.

"and to all of you who might ever have the idea of trying anything like this again, be warned the next time will be worse.

Aisha Lastor.

I was dragged of to the dungeon where I was instructed to wait for my parents to arrive since they stayed close to the capital.

'If only those dimwits didn't fail. And what's with that principal, doesn't he know that despite his power he bows down to the kingdom.' I thought to myself.' if only that darn Randell hadn't gotten involved. If I can't deal with him in the school ill make sure he regrets ever messing with me.


After the announcements one other was shaking in their boots. After sending of his guards on the first day he would wonder what had happened on that day.

'What if they succeeded and Aldin found out, he'd kill me, I wish I hadn't been so dumb on that day.' Ivan thought to himself over and over. And soon the truth would come out.

Mean while Aldin had gone for his class with professor Kyle.

"Today I'm going to start the advanced part of earth magic. You have already gotten all the basics of earth magic. The first concept will be metal bending. From the definition you can tell that it has something to do with metal. Normally, metal is obtained from ores. But metal can also be found within earth. It is a constituent of earth. Bringing it out is no easy task because it behaves in the same way as earth itself." Professor said.

"So you mean that it is a part of the ground. Does that mean that it has the same mana signature as the earth?" Aldin asked.

"No, metal does not have the same signature as earth but is part of it. Since metal is part of the earth, then a part of earth's signature comes from metal."

"Are there any other components of earth other than metal?"

"Yes, and speaking of which, even metal has its own other components. Although it takes more energy to separate them and is not advised to do so and the reason is because some of them react with the mana in the air."

"How so, and what are the possible reactions."

"They vary and if can only be realised after getting their specific signatures. And before you even think of it , you are not permitted to try anything. Just focus on bringing out metal."

"Yes professor." Aldin said with a sigh.

"Now let me illustrate it for you." Professor Kyle said as he picked up an orb made of earth. "Since it has many constituents you first need to concentrate on the mana signatures felt from the orb, although for you might be able to differentiate all of them so focus on the two most similar mana signatures."

And in his hands the order split into two. One was shiny and smooth while the other was like ice bit rough.

"As you can see this is what you expect when you want metal," Professor Kyle said lifting the shiny and smooth material. "And this one over here is a crystal, it has been proven not to be separable but still acts like earth but only weaker." Professor Kyle said as he lifted up the other material. "Although it may seem useless it is used when crafting."

Darvin picked up a piece of the earth and focused on understanding the structure of the material. After sometime he seemed to find it difficult that he even closed hid eyes to concentrate more. In his minds eye the ice of earth in his eye was made up of small particles and each of them were different. He first of all tried memorising all their signatures but they were so many that he got confused, he pushed on trying to memorise them but they became even ore complicated making the process even harder and it was taking a toll on him back in the physical world.

Aldin still pushed on even after he started experiencing a headache. Meanwhile in the physical world Professor Kyle could see blood dripping from Aldin nose.

"Hey! That's enough." Professor Kyle said trying to shake Aldin awake.