Chapter 30


When Aldin finally opened his eyes professor Kyle thought all was well but moments after Aldin collapsed on the ground and at that moment fear overtook him, and looking at Aldin's unmoving body caused the colour on his face to disappear.

"Was I too quick to introducing him to this? Did I just kill the principal's first disciple? Am I going to be executed?" Professor Kyle said to himself and his body begun shaking. Soon enough he too was on the ground, unconscious.

After a long period of silence the guard walked in to find the two lying unconscious on the ground. Immediately calling for assistance, she and her fellow guard carried the two to the infirmary.

Meanwhile in the principal's office he was getting the report from Marabel, the guard which had taken Kyle and Aldin to the infirmary.

"When they wake up please inform me. Your dismissed." The principal said after Marabel left.

"I can't wait to find out what he did this time." The principal said to himself.

Moments letter another guard informed of the arrival of Duke Lastor.

"Bring him in and follow Aisha in shortly after that."

A short plump man that seemed more like an orb rather than a human being walked in.

"May I know the reason for my summoning?" Duke Lastor said meekly.

"Well I think you should ask your beloved daughter." Leon Corvus said and the very moment Aisha walked in and sat next to her father.

"Sweety what did you do?" Duke Lastor said as one of the veins on his head begun to swell ready to pop but Aisha had not the courage to answer.

"She has been found guilty of using her power as a noble to threaten her peers, ordered the bullying of one of her peers and harmed the reputation of the academy."

"I'm sure we cam talk this out." Duke Lastor said.

"What is there to be discussed or would you like us to take this to court, I'm sure they would like to hear of what I have to say don't you think." Leon Corvus said looking Duke Lastor straight in the eye and the room immediately started to become small in the eyes of those sitting across him as sweat also dripped down their heads.

"Nothing, we'll be on our way." The Duke said as he and his daughter walked out.

'Darn that mage, I'll never hear the end of it.' Duke Lastor thought to himself as he walked out.

When they got in the courage. "Didn't I tell you not to get caught." The Duke said to his daughter.

"it's not my fault, it's his damn disciples fault." Aisha said.

"what do you mean disciple, tell me everything." The Duke said to his daughter

To which she narrated everything that happened since they had joined the academy. And every few moments he would sigh at his daughter's narration.

"You really are a dimwit." He said at the end of his daughter's narration.

"You took too much from your mother than you did from me, in front of power nobility is nothing. Just like in my scenario, and if you didn't learn anything from tour experience in the school then you will die faster than your time in the academy." He said and both of them remained silent for the rest of the journey.

When Adlin woke up he found himself on die infirmary when he tried leaving he was stopped by Kule who said it with a serious tone that he rarely had.

"Don't leave that bed," He said before leaving.

Later on Leon walked in.

"How are you feeling." He asked Aldin.

"I'm alright the headaches gone and I feel refreshed." Aldin answered.

"From what professor Kyle tells me you were practising some earth magic before you collapsed, could you tell me what you were doing?" Leon asked.

"He was teaching me how to separate the constituents of earth." Aldin asked.

"Okay I'm going to need you to stay in bed until you are summoned." Leon said as he left.

When he went to his office he found Kyle on his knees on the floor knowing full well that he was in deep trouble. And for a long moment there was defining silence in the room.

"So you decide to teach him advanced magic without confirming with me."

"I expected him to fail in the first try." Kyle said in a quacking voice causing Leon to sigh greatly and him to shiver.

"Just get out." Leon said and in a heartbeat Kyle had left and could be seen running as if try to escape death. After quite some time Penelope walked in.

"What did he do this time." She asked after a few deep breaths Leon told her the recent events. Lighting crackled above the school and a shiver went down Kyle's back.

"I'll have a chat with him later, what about the other 'things'?" Penelope asked.

"No news yet." Leon said.

"But Kyle isn't totally wrong what he did, pretty soon even I won't have anything to teach him, we need to find a solution for us predicament or a year won't be enough." She said.

"Your right, and fast." Penelope later left and Leon was left to us thoughts.

In the evening Aldin was summoned to Leon's office.

"You summoned me?" Aldin said when he walked in.

"Yes please have a seat."

"Today you collapsed after trying to learn advanced earth magic. Right now your mind is not able to handle the input that it receives. It will get easier as you advanced but their is a solution to this, but like the other method I showed you, this one must also be kept between the two of us. I will teach it to you but you must first know the problem. A mages body is broken down two three components; the body, the mana core and the mind. Your core and body have advance very quickly leaving behind your mind to fix your problem me must raise your mind's level."