Chapter 31


"Normally one has no need to improve any of these since as they progress they are strengthened through their relationship with the mana core, but in your case your progressing very fast not giving your body and mind to keep up. I already banned you from training your body, the sole reason for this is so that your body doesn't apply too much pressure to your mana core. And for your mind you should rest until tomorrow, do not use magic and just go to sleep, your roommates will be advice not to disturb you, your dismissed." Said Leon.

'Well thus has been one dull day.' Aldin thought to himself as he walked away.

When he got to his room he just jumped on his bed and slept not out of tiredness but simply way to bored not being able to practice magic at all.

After classes Darvin and his roommates were informed not to disturb Aldin as he was to rest all night long because of the principal's orders.

Darvin was bummed by this and too decided to go into isolation, whole in his room he devotedly meditated accumulating mana.

'I have to grow strong as well, I won't be left behind.' Darvin thought to himself. His will was strong and he was using that to strengthen his determination.

The next morning Aldin woke up and went to breakfast with his normal circle of friends which Ivan and Bela had recently joined.

"Are you alright?" Aldin asked Darvin who seemed full of energy but still seemed tired at the same time.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Darvin said with a smile.

Despite Darvins assurance Aldin was still worried.

"Did you guys see the lightning shower yesterday?" Bela said but all those from the white dragon dorm had no idea.

"It was pretty flashy." Ivan said.

"And it almost seemed as if there was a pattern to it.

Not having seen it all the white dragon dorm members soon left after finishing their meals but it was a rave all over the school.

Aldin arrived at the arena where he found his master and proffesor Bloom and noticing that professor Kyle was absent gave thought to his suspicions.

"Professor Kyle will not be able to join us today but due to some medical reasons sadly. Thought today we will embark on specialisation. Magic has more than its use in battle." The principal said.

"Among its auxiliary uses is forging. And this is a perfect example." Professor Bloom said as she went to pick something from the side. It was a cube shaped block of ice with gauntlets encased in it. "Here is your order."

Joy filled Aldin's expression as he remembered the gauntlets he had commissioned.

"And commotion free." Professor Bloom said.

The ice encasing it melted of and I could finally see my brand new gauntlets which possibly had a magic attack imbued in it. The gauntlets seemed to have been made with a tough material, although the innards were covered with some sort of far, it had claw tips as well and a red pattern covering it.

"They look awesome." Aldin said out of joy.

"And that is through purely the efforts of forging. Before you even ask, yes it has a magic skill but that is for me to know and for you to find out." Which made all the excitement on Aldin's face fade away.

"Professor Bloom will be taking you through that speciality, I'll leave the rest to her he said as he left."

"Of we go then, our class will not be taking place here." Professor Bloom said and she walked ahead leading Aldin back to the tuition block until they to a large room with large stone tables.

"The first step of forging is filling you material with mana." Proffesor Bloom said and picked up a large bone and filled it with mana.

"Bit you have to pour in mana from your core and must also not be attributed and only until your mana has completely filled the material can you now begin to shape it." Aldin said.

The begun to changes shape to forma long needle and from the looks of it, the material had been condensed.

"As om sure you have already observed this, the density of the material can also be altered as it can be seen.

Before Aldin could begin a large storm came over the school, the winds seemed to also be strong and lighting also begin striking the ground but the oddest thing was the mana that filled the air. Aldin could almost feel a pull towards it and his mana core also went into turmoil.

Darvin Talor

Although I had barely slept I still felt energetic, and j enjoyed it. After breakfast I went to my class as usual. But sometime after the lesson began I started experiencing some slight discomfort in my stomach, after excusing myself I went of to the infirmary but before i could even get there I barfed all my stomach's contents. My whole body begun aching and the pain kept on getting worse.

Rain suddenly begun to pour and lighting stroke the ground. And the pain begin to fade, when the wind grew string that's when I felt it, there was a tremendous amount of mana in the air. I was finally going to get second advancement. I had almost given on advancing. But here it was. The mana abruptly begin to full in me and then the process of pain begin again. But it would all be worth it if was able to advance. The rain had finally stopped and my body could finally rest and I lost consciousness.

When I woke up I found myself in the nurses room, seems somebody had carried me there. After waking up I was still jot allowed to leave, I felt guilty but was sure I would be able to catch up to everybody.

"Hello, you must be Darvin. I have an offer for you." The principal said as he walked in.

The huge amount of mana drew me to a certain point, I knew professor Bloom would probably get angry if I left but later on I'd just use her soft spot for me, hopefully this time nobody would get struck by lighting, I opened the door and formed a floating light construct and got on it, I flew to where I was getting the pull from. On my way the rain had suddenly stopped. I found Darvin on the ground unconscious and covered by his own barf.

I carried him to the infirmary worried about him. Just as I was going to leave a guard stood in front of me and took me to my masters office, in the office with him was a furious professor Bloom but she still wore a smile despite the popping vein on her head.

"Aldin i appreciate your care for your dear friend but don't run out again." Professor Bloom said.

"Yes, I won't." I said with an apologetic tone in a soft meek voice hoping to smoothen things with her, and it worked but my master saw right through me and sent me a look that seemed to say, 'I know what you did.'

"Though I would like to know how you knew where he was?" my master asked.

"It was some sort of a pull towards the source of the huge mana rather than him." I said.

"Interesting." He said more to himself than to us." Okay go back to class ill deal with the rest." He said and professor Bloom and I left off back to our class.

Leon Corvus.

When I Darvin Talor woke up I was informed by a guard and went to see him.

"Hello, you must be Darvin Talor." I said as I walked in.

"Yes principal and to what to i owe this pleasure." He said.

"I have an offer for you. According to your teachers you are quit the talent, and since you just advance this shows your talent. Though before I make my offer I would like to know your relationship with Aldin Randell?" I asked to which he narrated to me their childhood and bur the most shocking part was the double awakening they had had.

"Well then with that over, how do feel about becoming the school's second disciple."

He went dumb for a minute, and for the same minute I was also hoping I hadn't shocked him to death or Aldin would never forgive me and renounce me as his master leaving me to die without a single disciple.

"Are you serious?" Was the first thing he said after unfreezing before letting out a joy filled scream.

"Yes, and since the dorm is too small for two giants you'll get one just for the two of you with advanced equipment and can even be taking your private lessons their."

At that point he went silent again and let out another scream of joy louder that the one prior to it.

"Yes, I agree." He said.

"Then rest first of all and once your released you can tell Aldin that yourself." I said as I left.

"Aldin did not accept them at first but now he sure would under the persuasion of his best friend.