Chapter 39

Aldin Randell

"Since you've been able to get to this point merging is going to be easier." He began. "For merging to be possible, you need to melt them into each other, not by heat though. Since you have already filled them with your mana, it is like controlling one of your spells. Push them towards each other and bond them together so that they become one."

I was able to understand it and at some point it even related to earth magic.

I took two bone form the crate, filled them both with mana and held them in contact, according to what my master had just said, I begun to treat them as one, the begun to combine and as they did I also altered their shape, it took me a lot of concentration to be able to do that, I even lost my perception of the world around me, when I was done they had merged and formed a large orb but it was smaller than even one of the former bones I had since in the process I had reduced its size.

"And dose reducing its size affect its hardness." I asked.

"Yes it does, the more its size is compressed then the harder it is." He said.

"Then do you mind if I give my strength a try." I asked.

"Sure." He said. I had not used the body training technique since he had asked me to stop and so the strength I had was purely from a weeks practice plus the assistance of devourers touch.

'Here I go.' I thought to myself as I applied a strong grip to it crack begun to appear but that was all. 'Seems really firm.' I thought to myself clearly remembering how strong my punch had been able to crack a tree.

"Since your capable of using it, could your try using merging different materials." He said.

'Sure.' I said.

I took out a bone and a piece of skin. I filled the bone with some mana but when I filled in the piece of skin with mana it gave off a different feel.

"Master why does it feel different when I pour in mana into the piece of skin?" I asked.

"You seem to be keen to this. Simple, because it has an entirely different structure compared to the bone and therefore they can't be mixed and to form an item with both of them, then you have to use layering. Use the materials in layers rather than as a whole." He answered.

"Then I'll give it a try. I said

I brought them in contact then after making a connection between the two, I began altering their shapes. It was not easy so it also took a lot of my concentration and in the end I was able to alter them to look like an orb.

"Good, successful in your first go. But it's late. "He said pointing out the window, it was almost dusk, seems I had concentrated too much that I even lost time consciousness. "Tomorrow, you will have advanced earth with Professor Kyle, he has recovered."

"Then I'll take my leave." I said but before I got out.

"Good work." He said

"Thank you master."

I went back to the mansion and found Darvin leisurely reading a book.

"How was your day?" I asked him and we exchanged experiences of the day.

Leon Corvus.

I went back to my office when my lesson with Aldin was over.

"Summon Kyle." I told one of the guards on my door, I a few minutes Kyle was in my office.

"What is the reason for you summon principal." He asked when he got in with a rather joyful tone.

"Tomorrow, you will have a lesson with Aldin Randell." I said and he became ecstatic.

"Thank you for the opportunity." He said.

"This time take it slow, we wouldn't want the shock to kill you, would we." I said. The last time he made a reckless move on Aldin Penelope had shot him with lightning causing him to take a forced leave.


Meanwhile, in the Lastor castle, a whole room had been trashed and a woman with green eyes and grey hair was the cause of all of it.

"That useless dark guild, they failed to kill a kid and even got caught." She said.

After a failed hit the academy was on high alert and was ready to pounce on the slightest chance. And the Aisha Lastor was now under the tutorship of a mage. After her disgraceful dismissal the news had spread like wild fire and all facts were bare to the public of how she misused her power.

Luckily for Duke Lastor she was his heir or else his name would be dragged down in mud together with hers. But this had only served to add anger as one of her unwinnable vices.

'Noble will always rule supreme, that's what mother always said. She would think to herself every now and then.

Silvia Randell

I was in my office when I got Penelope's letter. After reading and rereading the content of her letter, I couldn't stop laughing. Aldin had broken everybody's expectation.

I immediately rushed to Lark's office and read the letter to him.

"I don't know why I'm not surprised." Were the first words he said?

"At what?" I asked.

"Well for starters I never thought he would get into so many fights, I knew he was a gem, but he even got discipleship I never thought the old man would ever do that and if I knew he had such great perception otherwise I would have taught him everything from the start, it's only some time before they try to make an attempt on his life." He said.

"Then shouldn't we come out, that might shut them all up." I said.

"No, if we do then he won't have his own standing, we'll just over shadow his efforts." He said. "And we'll lose the element of surprise."