Chapter 40

Aldin Randell

In the morning professor Kyle came over to the mansion for our lesson and we went upstairs.

"This time we are going to take it easy compared to last time." He began the lesson by saying. "Though I am going to ask you, last time was you able to see the tiny particles?"

"Yes I was." I answered.

"Well then that's great. I believe that last time your brain got fried got overwhelmed by the sudden input. This has a simple solution, once you are able to see them, then what you should do is not concentrate on what you are able to feel, the energy signatures are grouped on their own, you will be able to tell instinctively." He said

I took a piece of earth and closed my eyes and begun focusing on seeing them and I was able to, then I now had to group up all the energy signatures. After long hours of meditating, I was able to clearly distinguish them. They were in two different groups and I could clearly feel it. I tried separating them but they had a very strong force pulling them together. Even after applying a strong force on the bonds they only budged by a small bit. I was forced to open my eyes to take a break since it was too tiresome from me.

"Judging from your expression, you are trying to break up the bond but it is too strong, to be able to do that you will need to apply a lot of mana on the bonds. " He said.

After resting for a while I went back to focusing on separating the two. I could feel the two different types of mana signatures from the earth. I applied more mana than I had previously used and it seemed to work but it was way too mana expensive but I was successful in breaking up the particles, I got used to that feeling and after opening my eyes I remembered it vividly and applied it on the earth in my hands. And right in front of my eyes I had obtained iron.

"You did it and so fast, its only midday." He said I seemed to have zoned out while meditating that time had flown so fast.

"Now I need you to redo it until you finally get the hang of it." He said.

I gave it a go and successfully managed to get the hang of it but after some extractions I fell back out of exhaustion.

"Great work if you're able to hold out for that long. But sadly we have to end our session here today since this is the last session we have on advanced earth magic." He said. "But have this, we'll meet in the evening for alchemy." He said as he handed me a book before leaving.

I went down stairs to read the book he had given me, it was a description of alchemy processes that I would need when studying alchemy. From what I had read, alchemy was much easier than forging thought it did apply the same principals.

Darvin came over for lunch and today he seemed to be happy.

"What got you so happy? I asked him when he sat down on the table.

"I just finished advanced air magic." He said.

"That's great and I also finished advanced earth as well." I said and just then lunch arrived.

We had out lunch after which Darvin went up for some training. Professor Kyle arrived escorted by a guard who was carrying a crate filled with the supplies we would use for alchemy.

We went to the basement where there was a large table.

"I believe you've read the book I gave you." He said

"Yes I have.' I answered.

"Good, then you must know that there are only two branches of alchemy, potion making and pill making and already know the processes of each of them." He said.

"Yes." I answered.

"Then let's start, first we will start the with potion making, as you've read we will first need to dissolve them in a solvent then using an iron rod, one can pour in their mana." He said and he picked a jar containing some ground roots of a white lily, as indicated on the jar, and dropped a pinch of it in a bowl, added some vampire bat drool and a drop of phoenix blood. He stirred it and as it stirred I could see the color change until I became a clear solution with a green tint

"And this here is a low tier healing potion and can be used to close up wounds, heal burn scars and even save one form poisoning." He said and handed to me a vial containing it. I am sure you saw the color change as I stirred it that is because due to the mana input I have been able to increase it healing attributes."

"Is that all I need to know?" I asked.

"No, the demonstration I just gave is to guide you, most of the knowledge you will have to accumulate yourself" He said. "Now let us move on to pill making. For this we will need a cauldron. Once you pour in all the ingredients pour mana into the cauldron which will use it on the ingredients and using what you learnt in forging you will be able to form pills."

He took out a cauldron from his crate and dropped in a phoenix bone, as labeled on the jar, fire sunflower petals and ground fire lizard teeth. Sitting cross legged next to it, he placed his hands on the cauldron. After a few minutes he got up and took some pills from the cauldron. They were red in color and had a scaly pattern on them.

"This are fire shield pills, they help increase fire resistance." He said and handed them to me in a pill bottle.

"The quality depends on the control." He continued.