Chapter 41

Aldin Randell.

After seeing Professor Kyle at work, I went ahead and did some myself. I was able to create a few pills, but they were all low tier pills, but as advised by Professor Kyle, practice would help me improve the quality of the pills. He left when it became evening but he left me the crate and its contents as he said it was gift from the principal. Darvin and I went to the library, I had to do some research on all the possible ingredients and how they could be used in alchemy. Turns out there were various uses for different ingredients.

When it got too late, we headed back to the mansion Darvin told me some shocking news.

"I will enter a long period meditative state starting tomorrow to get enlightenment on my attribute. The principal says it is for the purpose of getting runes of my element." He said.

"So I won't be able to see you for a long time, is that right?" I asked.

"Yes, that's right, it will take two four months at the very least, that's what he said." Darvin said.

"Then work hard and make the wit worth it." I said.

The following morning my master came over to prepare Darvin for the long period meditation while I headed out for magic combat lessons with Professor Kyle.

When I got in he immediately handed me book containing detailed martial art styles.

"That is gift for you, though I cannot give you any detail about the giver, I can tell you that it contains some very powerful martial arts, do not handle it carelessly, it should never end up in the wrong hands. Now let's move on to today's lesson." He said.

"I am going to teach you how earth attributed mages use their abilities in combat and since you already know the underlying principles, it will be easy for you to apply it. Earth users are most advantaged in close combat battles and so you need skills that will help you when in battle. One of these spells is boost. Boost uses earth magic to push you up slightly and this can be achieved by lifting the ground above you in a quick movement like so." He said and from the ground a sudden push caused him to get lifted fast and into the air by around three meters.

"The second one is quake; by causing the earth below one to suddenly shake they lose balance and can even tumble over. The intensity depends on your intent. In this moment your opponent is defenseless." He said and illustrated it by causing the ground below us to suddenly shake and me to fall to my but.

"What I have showed you are skills one can use in combat but that does not mean the others are a waste in battle but these allow you to save the mana you use. Now I'd like you to give it a try."

I stepped back a bit and tried boost, since it was similar to earth bullet I was confident in being able to perform it. In a fats movement I was able to push myself up. I was high enough that I could see outside the school wall, as I begun descending an idea came to mind. When I was about to touch the ground I used another boost to go even higher, it was fun and ended up doing it over and over until professor Kyle asked me to stop.

"You have proven your qualification in using the spell." He said trying his best hide his smile.

'Seems even he wants to try it as well.' I thought to myself.

"Now could you give the other spell a try." He said.

And with the adrenaline still in my system I made the earth quake and the arena even shook a bit.

"Good seems you have mastered that spell quite well." He said. "Then I'll take my leave, wait for you next teacher then, and go through all of them first before choosing the one you want."

The next professor was professor Bloom, I was still mad at her for the prank she had pulled on me but my ego was not going to stop me from getting the power I so desired.

"Sorry for the mistake I did last time." She said. "I put my own interests before your safety."

"I accept." I said.

"Good then, today I will teach you spells that will help you in combat as a mage." She said.

"The first one is frost touch. Using ice magic you are able freeze your opponent hindering their movement, this is most applicable for huge targets." Although I knew the spell, I needed to compare the knowledge that I had with what she had.

"For this spell, do not use water from the air, use your own mana since doing so will make it tougher. And this spell does not necessarily require contact with your hand but also applies with any other part of your body and it best works when applied on joints. Now give it a try." She said.

In the arena were human shaped targets so I waked over to one of them and grabbed one of its sides and using frost touch froze the entire of its body.

"Is that good enough?" I asked and for a few moments she was silent.

"Yes." She said. "Now let's move on to the next one, this ideally a movement spell and is used in between attacks. To perform this spell, you need to form a layer of ice in the heel of your foot and melt it slowly as you add more ice to it which allows you to glide. In doing so your movements will be quick and graceful. Now you give it a try."

I stepped back to prepare for the spell, a layer of ice and as I let it melt the ground felt slippery and my legs began to slide on the ground.