Chapter 43

Darvin Talor

After getting my third rune I had been unable to get any others, I just remained in the white space and consolidated all my achievements, I gained more knowledge on my runes. Time was impossible to tell while in there and suddenly the space begun to dissipate, it disappeared and Darvin came back to reality, the markings on the floor had disappeared. He got out of his room but his entire body was numb, after quitter the struggle he had been able to regain his control over his body, he walked out and found a guard waiting at the door. The guard left shortly after and went away and moments later the principal had arrived.

"When did you wake up?" he asked.

"Just now. How long was I gone for?"

"Three weeks." He said shocking me that I had taken that long. "How many runes did you obtain?" He continued.

"I got three." I said.

"That's great, at most on the first try people can only get one or two. Lets wait and see how many Aldin will get." He said

"What do you mean, did Aldin also go into a long period meditation."

"Yes he did, right after learning all his advanced magic and the same day you got in as well."

"Do you know how long it will be until he gets out?" I asked.

"The time is undeterminable and we should avoid disturbing him since it might lower the value of his benefits. As for you I advise you to get some rest for now until you are full rested then you can continue with your training." He said.

"Okay, I will.' I said and left for my room, it had been reorganized while I was talking with the principal.

When I woke up the next day I met up with the principal and we went to the arena.

"I am going to be teaching you how to activate your runes. Though you must know that they will take a lot of energy to use so you have to be at your best." he said and I did some accumulation for until my mana core was filled.

"The runes you got are already embedded into your mind, so you have to bring them out from your subconscious and the mind will do the rest." He said and form the back of mind I drew out the rune and in that very moment the once calm wind became extremely violent forming hundreds of strong wind blades that begun to tear down the arena that even the master had to shield himself. It had only been for a few minutes though since I fell down of exhaustion, my mana core was already half way and I was huffing and puffing on the ground.

"Well that's impressive, quite the powerful rune you've got there though from the looks of it quite the mana consumption." He said and I could not comment since I was busy trying to rets of the fatigue. "If you want to efficiently use it then you have to learn how to control it, but this is not the right venue for that. "He continued.

After I got some rest we headed out of the school on a carriage and somewhere in the outskirts of the capital.

"to control your rune means you need to control the amount of mana it takes out of your core and where its effect will be felt." He said. After an hour or so we had finally arrived at a flat area and with the principals direction we were able to get to a clearing not too deep in the forest. The clearing was relatively large.

"Now try what I have just told you." He said.

Concentrating on the rune, I brought it out and the air became violent as strong wind blades formed. The process was purely instinctual and so was the man flow, I took some time to get used to the feeling of the mana output and using my control of the mana in my core, I was able to reduce the man output but by just a little I was able to last longer before my mana core reached its half point.

"Good, since you have a hang on that then you can practice that later; now let's see your second rune." He said.

As I had done the second time I went to the back of my mind and drew out the second rune. The temperature immediately fell, and then out of nowhere a strong gull of wind fell down

And with it extreme cold, the fauna froze and the rock begun to break apart, I had to stop shortly after since it was taking a huge toll on the place."

"Impressive the principal said after dusting of the snow on his clothes. But not for casual use." He said. "Now for the third one.'

"Then you're going to move back some distance and far if possible." I said and heeding the warning went far and stood on a floating light construct after I had taken sometime to mediate.

I drew out the third one and dozens of lightning bolts fell on the ground and so did I seconds later and everything went black afterwards and the next thing I remember I was on my bed back in the mansion.

Leon Corvus

I was in the sky waiting for Darvin to show me his other rune and shortly after dozens of bolts of lightning bolts fell to the ground, they were all quite strong and fast enough that for some it would kill instantly. But Darvin too fell down with them. I carried him to the carriage and we went back to the academy.

'If not for Aldin's great shine, this kid here would have been quite the hit.' I thought to myself as we headed back to the academy. He was taken back to his room and I went back to my office where I met an unexpected guest, Xander storm, and he was seated on my desk. This was one of the kingdoms seven tower masters.

"What may I do for you?" I asked and without even looking.

"I have a favor to request you." He said as he turned and got of my seat, it was the famous short stack with long purple hair. Due to his height he had been dubbed a dwarf but his power made it fearsome that it went through various transformations until it was finally at the nightmare dwarfs.

Aldin Randell

After I took the pill I found myself in a white space, was about to begin idealizing my runes but the white began to darken and the whole place became pitch black and in the same space as me was the same horned humanoid being. Looking close now I could clearly see his facial feature and if he was to go the physical world he would have won the hearts with just a smile.

"What am I doing here?" I asked.

"You are trying to get some runes and I chose to pull you in here, I have something for you." He said.

"But why are doing this for me, not that I'm complaining or anything since they are quite beneficial, but I don't get your motive."

"You'll find out when the time is right, but right now let's get back on course. The runes you would obtain if you went through he process would be goo but they would all have their short comings, from the practice you've been doing you mind is ready for some of mine.'

"But isn't it impossible to use another's runes?' I asked confused by his statement.

"That would be true in other cases but this one is quite peculiar, and don't worry, you'll get them without any strain. The first one you'll get is void, this is so that you can absorb mana while focusing on your fight, it just such in mana but with increase in proficiency you might even be able devour spells of you opponents and take their mana. But the disadvantage is that you can you uses it with others at the same time."

"The second one is, water law, this mostly enhances your power over the water element. With this in an area with a lot of water you become almost invincible since all you need is a thought to perform a spell. The next one is hedgehogs reign; similar to the creature's characteristics you will be able to fire out spikes very fast that it will almost seem instantaneous, the next one is subzero, with this you can lower the temperature in an area to very low points, and it dominates the battle field easily. The last one you will receive is thunder god; control of thunder will be at your fingertips with this." He said and for a moment I was in disbelief, with these my power would rise greatly.

"How can I ever thank you?" I said more than ask.