Chapter 44

Aldin Randell

"No need to thank me, all you need to focus on right now is embedding them into your mind." He said as five runes appeared on his sides.

I picked the first one, it was hedgehog's reign. When I got in contact with it, information of the rune began to seep into my brain, after consolidating it I took the others and did the same with them. When I was done the space did not shatter at all.

"How about you tell me about the outside world a bit?" He said and I began to narrate all the most recent events but at some point it changed from that to more about me, but still I could not reject it, we actually had a lot of fun doing that but at some point he stopped me.

"Our time is up, your body is ready to wake up." He said and at that moment the space began to shatter. As I was leaving I could catch a glimpse of his face and he seemed quite sad.

Leon Corvus

After making his request, nightmare's dwarf finally left. I could feel a few headaches coming my way, but the idea he had was quite sensible, hopefully I would not get in trouble because of this.


Earlier during lunch hour, a group of 8 had met; the remaining white dragon dorm members and Bela and Ivan.

"Did all of you see that huge storm at the arena?" Mark asked to which everyone in the room nodded.

"And from the looks of it that was definitely Darvin, the wind is the giveaway." Olivia said.

"That's probably rune magic." Barrin said.

"He's gotten their already!" Marcus shouted out of shock, which got everyone's attention.

"Seems he was a dragon stuck in a pond." Terias said.

"Who would have thought he was just a monster as Aldin." Ivan said.

"But that doesn't mean we can't at least be under their shadow, giving up will only pull us back, we each have to work hard to be able to catch up to them." Terias added.

Shortly after, everyone begun to leave and the only one left was Marcus.

'I have to catch up.' He thought to himself before eventually leaving, when he got to class there was a special announcement for them.

"The following month, there will be a competition to fill the other space of the white dragon dorm, so prepare adequately it will be at the end of the semester. All that you have gained from the academy will be tested on that day." The professor in class said.

At that moment all the students begun to fantasize about the possibility of them join the white dragon dorm.

In the evening when Darvin woke up, he felt well rested but was bored, he headed to the library but sat at the edge after picking a book from the shelves. It was one of the novels Aldin had suggested to him.

In the middle of his reading somebody else came and sat next to him, the person had no idea he was sitting next to Darvin because he was currently wearing his former uniform with his hood up.

"I have to get the spot." The boy, Clark said to himself which intrigued Darvin.

"What do you mean?" Darvin ended up asking.

"You don't know, there's going to be a competition for one to fill the empty white dorm spot." He said. "I have to get in." He continued subconsciously.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Well, apart from classes we get, I have nowhere else to get any spells, I wish I could get the spells Aldin and Darvin use, if I had at least one of those then I would definitely wipe the floor with everyone in the class."

"How sure are you that they have some secret spells?"

"Well how else do you explain him taking down everyone who fights him in seconds?"

"Probably because they practice a lot."

"Oh please, everyone knows that the spells they use are different from the ones we all know."

"I'm pretty sure you guys use the same spells as they do."

"And how would you know?" He said and at that moment Darvin took down his hood and they boy found himself speechless.

"Follow me and I'll prove to you that it's all a matter of practice." Darvin said raising his hood again and begun to walk to the arena, they had met a guard at the entrance but after showing his face they were allowed to get in, these were such privileges the school's disciples had and Clark was impressed by that. The damages had already been fixed and there were torches there for lighting

"I assume you're in third year." Darvin said, while he was still a normal student, he had never given much of a care who his classmates were but he recognized the boy who he brought with him due to the fact he was the most studious student in his class but Darvin had never bothered to get his name.

"Yes, I'm Clark." He said a little pissed that Darvin had never given a care of who he was while they were still students.

"And what attribute do you have?" Darvin asked.

"I am earth attributed." Clark said.

"Then attack me." Darvin said and got into the air using wind magic.

"I can, your far away my spell won't be able to get to you, earth." Clark said.

"Wrong, you can, in the first year you were taught how to shoot rocks from the ground, you have the ability to use it, but undermine the ability of you spells, the spell you see are all based on the simple principals you were taught, you're not worthy to use the spells we have if that is the mentality you have." Darvin said with anger in his voice.

"Focus on what you have and use it, don't blame others for being better at you." Darvin said.