Chapter 45


Darvin got down, and after sending Calvin an angry glare, Darvin left and went to his dorm. Calvin also left a sometime later; he had a lot to think about.

'I can't believe I was so stupid to think only spells would help me.' Calvin thought to himself.

'From now I'm going to work on what I've got and use that.'

On the next day, Calvin went to Professor Kyle.

"Professor, I was asking if I could find someplace to practice." Calvin asked. This statement shocked professor Kyle a lot, form his experience with Calvin, he was a student who always focused on learning new spells, his sudden change of heart shocked him a lot that he just had to ask.

"What has brought about this sudden change?" professor Kyle asked.

"Well, I had an encounter with someone who changed my perspective a lot." Calvin said.

"Okay I'll ask if you can use the arena." Professor Kyle said.

"Don't Aldin and Darvin use it?" Calvin asked.

"If anyone of them uses it, I'll have to rebuild it again several times over." This shocked Calvin though there was a major misinterpretation. The two did not have power to break down the arena but the runes they had were capable of doing so, so in the meantime as they were practicing there runes, they were to stay away from the arena.

"They're that strong."

"You bet. And since your ahead of the class on all the theory work, why don't you go there right now, ill cover for you." Professor Kyle said.

This was technically true since, Calvin had always done his best to get ahead of the teacher and would always grasp concepts quicker. After getting hid note book, Calvin headed to the arena, he found Professor Kyle there.

"This is the student who is going to be using the arena in the meantime. He is in your care." Professor Kyle said.

Calvin got in the arena and begun practicing from the beginning of what we had learnt of the earth attribute. Remembering what Darvin had told him, right now he wanted to see if he could possibly use it in large scale,

The first thing he practiced was lift, it was a technique of raising the ground and as he used it he remembered what Aldin had done to the Ivan. It was the same technique but only on a larger scale, when they had learnt it he thought of it as just a simple spell that he never really bothered using it and now he was regretting it deeply.

'If this is what it can do I wonder what the potential of the other spells is.' He thought to himself and so he began practicing al the uses of earth magic he had ever learnt. He did so and only went out for lunch; instead of heading back directly to the arena he passed by the library. Despite the vast amount of knowledge in the library rarely did any of the students ever visit it. And he went to the section where even those who went to the library never did visit, combat arts, and this was all due to the dangerous belief that being a mage was all about having great spells and magic power on par with it.

Calvin found a book on the combat arts for earth magic users and checked it out by the counter after which he went to the arena. As he read the book he was able to find out the various uses of the spells he had. As he was animatedly reading the book, one of the guards, Marlow walked in after not hearing a sound from the room for an entire hour.

"What are you reading?" He asked after seeing Calvin in one of the benches reading his book.

"I was just checking out some techniques of how I could possibly use earth magic." Calvin said.

"Knowing the skills is good, but why don't you try it practically." He said. Many are times that Marlow had been urging to asked Aldin and Darvin to spar with him but they were always with one of the professors or extremely exhausted but now he wanted to check whether his skills were still rusty.

"Well sure, but won't it be an over kill for you." Calvin said.

"I'll hold back." Marlow said.

"Well, okay." Calvin said and got into a stance.

Taking the first move, Calvin lifted Marlow using lift and as ready to dive in with a punch but Marlow got hold of it easily.

"Wrong move, you should have fired another spell instead of going in for a physical confrontation. Start over." Marlow said.

Calvin took in the advice and after lifting Marlow enough for him to loose balance, he fired out a rock from the ground that almost hit Marlow but he moved to the side and avoided it.

"You don't stop there, fire another one if the first one doesn't land." Marlow said. And so they continued practicing until it was finally time for Marlow to leave since his shift was over.

"We'll continue this until you, that is if you are alright with it."

"I am more than happy to." Calvin said and after they parted ways, Marlow went to Professor Kyle's office.

"How good is his talent?" Kyle asked.

"Fair at best, but he has the devotion to much for the talent. Marlow said.

"Then you'll keep on training with him until he's ready." Kyle said and so the two would train for the days to follow.

Darvin Talor

Early the next morning after I had met with Calvin the principal and I went out to the forest for rune magic training. After several draining Attempts I was able to control the output of my runes, which I was only able to achieve in the evening, an output of half the potential.

"At this rate you'll be able to use your runes instead of your spell in prolonged battles." The principal said.

"What do you mean prolonged battles?" I asked.