Chapter 47


The sky suddenly became cloudy and dark and thunder could be hard and rain begun to follow, next was quaking of the earth, although no buildings were damaged, the whole academy felt it. The clouds began to create an opening and light fell from the sky and light came through it and landed on a mansion within the academy and it soon began to calm and that was when great man fell from the sky and went to Aldin's room and disappeared shortly after. Darvin who was already in the mansion went to the door of Aldin's room but could not enter and was joined by the professors and principal at the door.

"Shouldn't we get in?" Dave asked.

"No, he was still in the middle of his enlightenment; if we barge in and he wasn't done we could probably disrupt his meditation."

"Then how are we going to know if he's alright?" Dave asked again.

"Then if he isn't out in ten minutes I'll have to look in." The principal said.

But just then Aldin opened the door but he looked different.

Aldin Randell.

When I woke up the room was filled with great amount of mana, it took me some time to get used to moving my body as I got up. I heard people at my door and went to answer but I was so stiff that I had to stretch first. After getting full control of my body but when I answered it, they were all silent and some of them even seemed shorter. After a few seconds the female teacher begun to blush and the next thing Darvin closed the door.

"Look in the mirror!" he shouted from behind the door, I went to my mirror and was shocked at what I saw.

When I had gone into the long period, meditation I had only a shirt and a short on, and surprisingly after the meditation my body seemed to have grown greatly, the clothes I had on seemed not to fit me and were exposing too much skin which included my ads. Accompanying that change was hair as long as my father's which got to my back but instead of my normal black hair it had a few white strands in it, and although I liked my hair short, I preferred it this way now.

'But why did they react that way, isn't that just some skin, let me just get changed.' I thought to myself.

I went to my wardrobe and picked out my uniform but it dint fit that well.

"None of my clothes fit me!" I shouted from behind my door.

Half an hour later I had a new set of clothes that were at my door but they were not the uniform I would usually wear, but I still wore them and went out to find only my master and Darvin there.

"Let's head to the table, I have something to tell you." My master said.

"I know you must be confused by the sudden change but I have an explanation for all that. You began practicing the body training method while you were still in the second tier, when you started the body hardening technique I told you stop not because the process was enough but because your body had adapted to the technique and I dint expect it to be enough to cause and advancement and I'm even surprised you can walk." He said.

"What advancement?' I asked.

"Did you not feel it, when we arrived at your door it was just after your advancement?"

"I'm sorry but when I woke up you guys were already at my door."

"Then that only means one thing, you underwent your advancement while still in your enlightenment." My master said.

'So that was what he meant when he said my body was ready.' I thought to myself.

"So I'm now in the third tier?" I asked.

"Yes." My master said.

"Congratulations." Darvin said with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you." I said.

"And Darvin, you have to prepare because when you advance next time, it is going to be painful, luckily for Aldin he was still in a comatose state and could not feel the pain." Master said.

"Does that mean I'll also feel the pain next time?" I asked.

"Yes you will and more than Darvin because your body is already on a high level right now." Master said.

"And how do I use my rune?" I asked excitedly but the next moment my stomach rumbled loudly.

"I'm going to teach you that later but for now, we need to get you something to eat." Master said and after a few minutes, a maid had arrived with food.

I had no idea how hungry I had been, I devoured all the food they had brought over and even got more.

As we took our meals, Darvin would tell me about what had happened while I was still getting my enlightenment, I had been in meditation for three months, he had learnt how to use his runes and now he was able to perfectly use them.

"And how many runes did you get?" Darvin asked.

"I got five." I said and immediately the table went silent.

"Is there anything with that?" I asked.

"No, there isn't, all you just did is get five times the normal number of runes people usually get.' The professor said and I too went silent. After the meal they stood up to leave.

"Where are you guys headed to?" I asked as they almost left without me.

'"OH, we forgot to tell you, there's a battle to decide the student among the first years is going to go into the golden griffon dorm."

"Then I'm coming." I said. And followed the professor into the arena, as the disciples of the academy we were allowed to seat next to the principal during the events. As we sat down the whole arena began to fill with whispers.