Chapter 48


After Aldin got into the arena together with principal all eyes were on him, not because he had come with the principal but because due to his advancement he had come out looking much more handsome and to make matters worse he was wearing a uniform of one of the male professors.

"I don't think I've ever seen that professor before."

'May be he's new."

"Then I hope he is our professor."

"He looks way too young to be a professor."

"And he seems to look like a noble."

Noble were distinguished by their looks and their last name since the noble community was so close to each other and so if one was not known by the community they would be assumed to be of common birth and that was why they assumed Aldin was actually a noble despite not ever seeing him in the compared to when he first arrived at the academy, cute but rough looking with a pure composure, common dressing and calluses.

The whispers became more and rampant and desires were drawn out that made the boys among them feel like puking. But the principle silenced them.

"Let the battle begin." He said.

Bela came out and her opponent was one of the girls who had bullied her.

'I can finally get some vengeance for what they did to me.' Bela thought to herself and clenched her fists. When the referee announce the commence of the fight, Bela immediately pounced on her opponent and fired a water ball at her and when she fell down Bela was on her with frozen fists punching into her face like crazy, the others who witnessed this were shocked at the violence she portrayed. And soon after the referee declare her the winner but Bela had to be pulled off.

After Bela was pulled off she went to the waiting stall, and before Ivan went out for his battle he went up to her placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"It has nothing to do with you." She said as she shrugged of his hand from her shoulder.

Ivan went into his battle, but he was hurt by Bela's words and after a few minutes he was back.

As people were resting Natalie went to check up in Bela.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"IT doesn't concern you." Bela answered

"But you were too violent in the battle there." Natalie said

"And so what it's not as if I went too far."

"But she had to go to the nurse's office.'

"She deserved it. Her and her friends would beat me up until Aldin rescued me."

"But do you think Aldin would be happy with what you did." Natalie said since she hadn't recognized Aldin.

"He did the same thing."

"No he didn't, he only beat up those who he caught abusing their power just like you are now."

"You say that because you have never known how it feels to be weak, you're just some noble who came about power and can never understand how I feel."

Natalie was hurt by what Bela had said." I'm disappointed in you." She said as she left.

After getting some rest, Bela and Ivan went up for their fight.

When the referee announced the compensation of the battle, Bela jumped quick to attack but Ivan dodged it.

"Why were you so meaning to me, I thought we were friends?" Ivan asked midst dodging.

"Me, friends with you, I would never be friends with someone like you." She said trying to land in an attack.

"Why though, what's wrong with me." He asked

"You're a noble, and nobles disgust me." She said.

"If that's your reason, then I won't hold back since our friendship doesn't matter to you." Ivan said.

As Bela was almost landing a hit Ivan dodged and went behind her and with a kick hit her in the back causing her to fall and when she turned to face him with a flame in his hands brought it close to her face casing the referee to immediately declare Ivan the winner. The principal walked up to the podium.

"Ivan Eddy come forward." He said and Ivan walked to the podium stooping a foot away from it.

"You have done well in this battle, showing us the true benefits of devotion, when you first came here you made a mistake and from the lesson you learnt on that day. Congratulations." He said and suddenly giant bursts of light were seen high in the sky, illuminating the dark.

"Now I welcome the former holder of the year one top seat to award you your badge and after hearing that people were animatedly searching for Aldin and almost failed to notice him getting up from where he was. Giant gasps could be heard from the students but the professors almost showed no reactions except the female professors who blushed and the male professors who seemed to be sighing.

"Congratulations on your achievement." Aldin said and handed him a badge of the white dragon dorm.

The entire school left shortly after each going to their own destination but the topic was all the same, Aldin's great change. The white dorm members went to prepare their welcome for their new member who was getting an explanation on the benefits he would receive as a member of the dorm. Meanwhile Bela went to see professor Bloom.

'Get it." Professor Bloom said after Bela knocked at her door.

"What do you think you did out there?" Professor Bloom said in a low tone not wanting to shout.

"What do you mean?" Bela asked honestly confused.

"You continued to hit that girl even after the match was over."

"She was one of the girls who had been bullying me; I was so angry at her and wanted to teach her a lesson."

"But what you did just makes you as bad as her or even worse. And if you can't even see your mistake then you are not worth being my student so get out of my office."