Chapter 49


Instead of heading back to the mansion, Aldin and Darvin had followed the principal.

"Where are we headed out to?" Aldin asked.

"A little evening stroll." The principal said. And they arrived at the academy's gate where there was a carriage waiting for them.

"What are we going to do there?" Aldin asked.

"I wanted to see the runes you got." The principal said.

"And how am I going to be able to activate them?" Aldin asked.

"I'm going to tell you when we get there." The principal said.

After sometime they arrived at clearing within the woods where Darvin had been practicing. The terrain was rugged, the ground had several lighting spots and the trees had several cuts and some were even cut in half.

"What happened here?" Aldin asked.

"This is where Darvin has been practicing runes." The professor said.

"Then how do I activate them?" Aldin asked.

"Just like any other spell.' The principal said and formed a platform and together with Aldin rose up in the night sky.

"Why did you give him a shallow explanation?" Darvin asked while still in the air.

"Because he works best with limited information." The principal said which reminded Aldin of how Magic always came natural to Aldin that it would not be wrong to say he has blessed by mana.

Back on the ground Aldin had final figured out how to activate his runes and even more.

'The first one I'm going to try is subzero.' Aldin thought to himself.

And when he activated the rune the whole area became freezing and the water in the air dropped as ice. The flow of mana was too much that Aldin felt discomfort enough to stop it after a few seconds.

The principal who was up came down to where Aldin.

"Why did you stop it?" The principal asked.

"The mana flow was getting too out of hand to a point it became uncomfortable." Aldin said and the principal internally smiled.

'Seems I wasn't wrong, you really are something else.' The principal thought to himself.

"Well that is because your mind instinctively draws out the mana to supply your rune.

"And how do I change that?"

"You don't, you just need to control its output. But you'll do that later right now just show us your runes."


After going up Aldin activated the second one, thunder god, from the understanding he had gotten this was different form lightning, it required energy from the earth attribute. As soon as it activated giant bolts appeared next to him and disappeared the next second as Aldin's mana was draining quickly.

"Are you alright?" The principal shouted from a top the platform he was on.

A little drained." Aldin replied and used his other rune. Void, the mana in the air began to immediately drain and pieces of the principals platform began vanish. On seeing this, the principal immediately jumped to where Aldin was.

"What was that!" the principal shouted.

"It was my third rune." Aldin said a bit scared.

"Never tell this to anyone." The principal said.

"I won't but why." Aldin asked

"Listen both of you, runes can be obtained from one, the method is not easy nor is it ethical and if anyone sees this you might turn into a geany pig and I don't have the power to save you from their clutches, so don't use it, for your own safety." The principal said.

'If it were anyone else, you'd have already been taken into a lab.' The professor thought to himself.

"Now how about you show us the other ones." The professor said.

"If I did they would be way too large. They are meant for mass destruction." Aldin said.

"Then how about we continue to do that after the third years matches." The principal said.

And so the three of them went back into the carriage and went back to the academy.

"That was cool." Darvin said to Aldin with his face glowing." I wish I had something like that."

"Yeah it was." Aldin said slightly sad because he was unable to use it.

'It'd be nice if I could use it in a way that would get me in trouble.'

"Do you have anyone you're supporting in the battle tomorrow?" Aldin asked.

"As a matter of fact, yes. There this one kid that seemed to be devoted to passing.'

"Then les hope he get that opportunity.

Meanwhile in a dark corner a girl had been dragged by a conspicuous man who had his face hidden under a cloak.

"Stop fidgeting." The man said to her." I have something that can make you stronger. I'm sure you want to get back at all those who made fun of you, blood for blood." After saying this the girl finally calmed down.

"What is it?" The girl asked calmer than she had been seconds ago.

"Slow your horses." He said as he took out a crystal substance rom his pocket.

"I want something in return." He said.

"What is it?" the girl asked.

"You'll know when the time is right but for now, loyalty." He said.

"And how do I know what you're giving me will help." The girl asked doubtfully.

"Take it now and you'll see it for yourself." He said and after taking it, the strength in her body grew suddenly.

"I'll contact you when I need you." He said and began to melt into the shadow.

At the same time on top of a tower the man appeared and next to him were a few other people and all of them in hoodies.

"Let the game begin." The one in the middle said and soon after they disappeared.

Before going to sleep, Aldin was curious about one of his runes, water lord. After activating it, he was amazed by it and the best part of it was that it had a low mana consumption rate and plenty of uses. And that would be what would help him sooner than he knew.