Chapter 50


Early on the day of the third year match, all third years had been gathered and were all assigned their position. Calvin had gotten number 15. The battles took longer than those of the first year since third years had more experience in actual combat. For the first seven matches, there were combatants that stood out. One of them being Gissel, her battle took less time than one would have expected. And finally it was Calvin's turn; he got in the arena with his opponent who was a water user.

When the battle was commenced, the water use immediately fired an ice shard at Calvin but moving to side he was able to dodge and caused a slight quake as he ran over to his, the quake had caused him to tumble a bit and when Calvin was finally in front of him punched at him but the attack was blocked and by the ice user who had a frozen fist. Calvin moved back and dodged the fist from his opponent. The water user got up and with a pole of ice in his hand ready to hit Calvin. As he moved closer, Calvin used lift to raise him up and as he was trying to regain his balance Calvin shot a piece of the ground at his back and caused him to fall over and Calvin declared winner of the battle.

Calvin walked out of the arena boldly as guards came to pick his opponent.

"That's the kid I told you about." Darvin said.

"He seems quite promising, I hope he wins." Aldin commented.

But other third years were shocked at this since they never thought that Calvin had ever been that good at combat since he was always deep in books. An unexpected variable had just appeared.

And so the first round ended and unlike the day prior they had to go for lunch after the first round waiting for the next round.

During lunch at the white dragon table, they were enjoying their meal with their new member, Ivan. Marcus was extremely happy at this. But Ivan and Natalie were not as pleased, this was all because of the empty seat on the table.

"Who do you guys think will win?" Olivia asked.

"In my opinion I think it would be Gissel." Terias said.

"You're wrong on that." Marcus said.

"Why do you say that, from what I saw she was able to finish her fight quite fast." Barrin asked.

"The opponent she faced wasn't that strong, the one I think is most likely to win is Calvin, the one who fought it the eighth battle, changed a lot and his opponent was ranked in the classes top five, and his had quite the drastic change. And I also don't like Gissel, I hope she losses." Marcus said.

The group continued to offer their opinions on the battles, the main topic being Calvin and Gissel and then later went to watch the continuation of the battle.

Gissel was the first one up. Her opponent was a fire user. The fire user fired a fireball at her but Gissel splashed water at the flame and put it out, with the fire user open Gissel fired a water ball at him causing him to fall. Using this opportunity she fired an ice shard at her fallen team, luckily he got up in time and was able to dodge it immediately surrendering.

Among those who were watching the match it seemed planed but one among them wasn't quite sure and felt weary of her.

'Why am I just getting small fries?' Gissel thought to herself as she walked away. This was coincidentally true, all the strong combatants had been matched up with the rear positions and those were the people who Calvin would be facing, due to a certain earth attribute professor's suggestion.

After the next five battles, it was finally Calvin's turn. This time his opponent was a wind user. She started by firing wound blades at him, to protect himself from harm he used earth to cover him and shield him from the invisible attacks. Calvin was unable to move since the attacks were slowly tearing down his defense, before he could even cause the ground to quake, his opponent flew into the sky, remembering what Darvin had told him the other day, he prepared earth projectile and when she was within its range he fired and some hit her and she came crashing to the ground and Calvin had just won his battle and would be moving to the next round. The battle ended in the afternoon and so the remaining three rounds had been pushed to the following day. Darvin and Aldin had been able to sneak around and meet with Calvin.

"You did great out there." Darvin said and introduced the two to each other.

"Nice to meet you." Aldin said "And great use of earth attribute, but I there a trick I would like to show you." Aldin continued and shocked Darvin.

'I never thought Aldin would be one to give others unfair advantages.' Darin thought to him, Aldin told him the trick and they soon left to meet the Principal.

"Why did you tell him that trick?" Darvin asked.

"Because I'm worried something might happen." Aldin said. "If not I wouldn't have."

"And what is there to be worried about, the professors will be able to rescue them in case there is any type of danger."

"But what if they are not close enough to stop an attack, one of the contestants is what I am worried about."

"Well whatever you say." Darvin said.

When they got to their destination Darvin was surprised because it wasn't where they would usually go and it was much further from the academy than he was used to and near a large lake.

"Why did we come here?" Darvin asked.

"Because this is the perfect spot for my fourth rune." Aldin said and began walking to the water before activating it.