Chapter 51


As Aldin walked into the water no ripple was made, the water was solely under his control. Due to the runes effect it even moved away from him. With a single thought the water begun to rise as tentacles. The number of tentacles continued to rise. This was the power of his rune, total control over water within a certain range and in that range he was the ruler of all.

The view was falling and after giving a sufficient demonstration he went back to the others.

"That was amazing." Darvin said when Aldin got back to where they were.

"It just makes control of the water attributed easier, nothing else." Aldin said.

"Then what about the other one." The principal said, waiting to see what else Aldin had.

"For this one I'm going to need both of you to move back since it had a large area of effect. And a strong shield." Aldin said.

The tow got on a platform and the principal made a very thick light construct.

Aldin activated the last one and this time earth began to form on his body and began to form some spikes on his body except for under his clothes, the earth was extremely condensed and began to fire out wards in every direction, they were fast and had a lot of momentum producing loud noises when they hit their target. They were continuously fired until Aldin stopped it.

"How was that?" Asked when the principal and Darvin came down.

"Good rune, too bad it is meant for the all directions, if you could specify it to a certain point of your body then it would be better." Darvin said and that got Aldin thinking, a lot.

"If there's nothing left, let us leave." The principal said.

On the next day the third round began. Gissel came out for her round and she would be facing a fellow water attributed mage. Once the battle was commenced the water mage fired an arrow at Gissel and began to rub to her. With frozen fists she threw fists at Gissel, some would hit while some wouldn't. Gissel was getting angered at this. Her fury burnt red and suddenly she formed a rod in her hand ready to smack her hard, she did and after which she kicked her away but luckily she was saved by the referee stopping the match and had to walk away with her anger still boiling.

The next battle was uneventful and was just normal, next up was Calvin and Zack, a light user. When the battle began Calvin moved back and this gave Zack the chance to fire attacks at Calvin but he stopped abruptly and the next moment he was right in front of Zack who was now unable to move. Zack was shocked at this and even more when the earth coated punch hit him, the battle had only lasted a few seconds and people were confused at first but cheers soon erupted. He had had the shortest match. When the round ended people were still talking about Calvin's match which only served to anger Gissel.

"I'm going to obliterate you." Gissel said to herself.

The next round began and Gissel and Calvin each won their respective matches.

"Who do you think will win?" Many asked this and there were a variety of points brought out.

"Obviously it's Gissel, she's got the skill to do it, that boy was just lucky and luck won't cut it when he's fighting against Gissel.

"What do you mean, it is going to be Calvin, and he's been practising a lot coming to the dorm full of bruises."

"What do you mean; he hasn't even been attending the classes for advanced magic." One of the third year earth students said, and this was because the professor would tell them to not bother with it but they would still talk about it.

As people were busy discussing who would win a group was currently staring at Aldin with greedy eyes, and when Aldin signalled a thumbs up at Calvin they saw it all. This shocked them. And after hearing that Calvin had not been attending classes they thought that Aldin was linked to Calvin's sudden growth. And this spread like fire around the group. But when the last match began everyone went on silent mode to watch the match.

Gissel immediately fired ice arrows at Calvin, and they were fast.

Alvin had enveloped himself in earth but the attacks were strong and pushing him back, suddenly Gissel stooped and Calvin used this opportunity to fire rock s at her, Gissel dodged all of them, she was moving fats and her expression was full of fury. With a rod of ice she was ready to hit Calvin with it. And above them what they could all not see were giant orbs of ice forming and suddenly Gissel moved back fast leaving Calvin surprised and then he heard something from the above and when he looked up, he could see the orbs of ice, the others were not able to notice this since they were too caught up in the battle but Aldin who could hear the sound looked up to see them falling. He immediately used his rune, water lord, and with his absolute control stooped the falling ice immediately it got within his range. Gissel who was angry and the sudden stop begun to fire ice shards at the cause of all this but the all stopped once they got into his range.

"The students were mesmerised by this but the professors had snapped out of the daze when they saw Aldin stop the attacks but they were not fast enough to stop him from what he did.

From the podium Aldin suddenly burst into a run, within seconds he was in front of her, grabbing her by the throat he lifted her.

"What do you think you are doing?" He said in an angry but low voice. Gissel tried to wiggle her body out but it was of no effect.