Chapter 61


According to Zack, Mars had always been harsh to him, he would beat him up a lot when he would make a mistake. Mars was also always rue to him, threatening him with a beating almost every day. Zack was also poorly feed, due to the low supplies they had, this was mainly due to the drinking habit that Mars had developed. Hearing this story made Aldin feel pity for the poor kid and great anger at Mars.

"But despite all that he never dumped me." Zack finished by saying.

Soon after he had to go to sleep because he cried a lot.

"I'm sorry for causing him to remember all that pain. I'll take my leave." Aldin said as he got up.

"No need to be sorry. This was always bound to happen, it is better for him to get it of his chest for him to move on." Ariel said.

"And do you need any directions to the academy."

"I'll juts fly there." Aldin said.

"Do you want to get shot down?"

"What is wrong with that, you guys got there yesterday by flight."

"Because we took off out of the city, if you do that within the city, the knights will have you down in an instant." Ariel said. "Come on I'll take you there myself. Ariel took Aldin to the academy and afterwards went back to the others.

"Well that was unexpected, I didn't think Mars would ever be that tame." Samantha said.

"What do you mean tame, he looked scared to me." Arthur said.

"You should see what happened to Daniel and his group." Ariel said.

"What did they do?" Sebastian asked.

"He tried to jump the kid so that he could ask Mars why he had disappeared and the guild master did nothing as the got shocked unconscious." Samantha answered and the two brothers, Arthur and Sebastian, were shocked.

"What, I warned them all yesterday." Ariel said.

"That kid is a walking disaster." Arthur said.

"I second that." Ariel said." From what my friends in the academy say, that kid pack's quite the punch and he's only a first year."

"What?!" the brothers said in shock.

"What about the other kid with him."

"I have no idea, before this year he was not that active, he seemed to have laid down low for some unknown reason." Ariel said.

"Oh." Samantha said.

Back at the academy Mars had gone to his room. When Aldin arrived he went to where Darvin was.

"What happened?" Darvin asked to which Aldin narrated the whole thing.

"Then he's lucky I didn't hear that with him present." Darvin said.

"But if you look at it from his side the world made him the way he is." Aldin said.

"So what are we going to do to him?" Darvin asked.

"The only thing we can do, give him a chance to redeem himself, but right now I don't have the strength to talk to him calmly maybe tomorrow." Aldin said.

"So how about we head to the library, I am satisfied with the practice we had." Darvin suggested.

"Sure but how about some board games, I've read enough books to predict the plot." Aldin.

"Great idea, we haven't played any in ages."

"I think our old roommates have one, we never asked for one when we moved in."

Aldin and Darvin went to the white dragon dorm but in disguises. Nobody was on the upper floor, they went down to the training are to find the others sparring but without using any magic.

Aldin and Darvin slowly crept behind them until they were next to them. It was only after those in the ring finished sparring did they notice Aldin and Darvin in the room. They jumped out of shock.

"You guys almost scared us to death." Natalie said.

"Why didn't you say anything." Olivia said.

"Because we didn't want to disrupt the match." Darvin said

"And why are guys here by the way?" Terias asked.

"We wanted to borrow a board game from you guys." Aldin said.

"Then you have to earn it." Barrin said.

"How?" Aldin asked.

"By sparing me without using magic." Barrin said.

"Are you sure about this?" Darvin asked.

"Yes, and not with you, only that kid, I want to see how much of a monster you are?" Natalie.

"Everyone place your bets now!" Natalie said aloud for everyone to hear. And they all gathered around her apart from Aldin, Barrin and Darvin who stood at the side.

After they all made their bets. They sat at the sides and Darvin got into the ring together with Barrin.

"Are you ready?" Natalie said and they both nodded before signaling the comencing of the match.

Barrin immediately moved it with his fists aiming for Aldin's head.

Aldin dodged it and moved to the side, Barrin almost fell over as his punch missed. He turned quickly and almost fell over but again missed. He moved back to stabilize and rushed in again firing a fury of fists but Aldin just swiped them away like he would swatting a fly.

"Anybody think Aldin is messing with Barrin a bit?" Natalie whispered to the rest.

"As sure as anything possible." Terias said coldly ad they continued to watch.

Slowly Barrin began to sway side to side due to exhaustion.

"Why aren't you taking me serious, at least make a move so that this won't be a total waste of time." Barrin said on between heavy gasps.

"If you say so." Aldin said and moved in fast an punched him in the stomach, while holding back his strength not to form hole through his stomach, and then after grabbing his right arm turned to his left abruptly and fell him to the ground hard.

"Is that enough?" Aldin asked to which he replied with a nod.

He slowly got up and faced Aldin.

"Thank you for the match." Barrin said and turned to his dorm mates.

"Sorry for disappointing you guys." He said.

"Who said we bet on you?" Terias said.