Chapter 62


"What?" Barrin said.

"You heard us right, we had more confidence in Aldin and don't you remember Aldin's fight the third year he found in the library." Terias said.

"If it were any other student we would bet on you but this is Aldin we are talking about." Mark said.

"I conceit defeat, a deal is a deal I'll get you one of our chess boards." Barrin said as he got off the stage.

"Aldin how about we go for a round." Darvin said.

'We practiced those martial art I wonder how they face off.' Darvin thought to himself.

"Sure." Aldin said.

"And we are going all out." Aldin said with a smile on his face.

"Definitely." Darvin answered and seconds later Natalie signaled the comence of the battle.

Aldin jumped over at an unimaginable speed with his palm aimed at Darvin's chest but Darvin caught his arm and redirected it. Aldin was ready with his other hand and this time aimed at Darvin's side. He almost hit but Darvin blocked it and held it in place a second before redirecting it away, they continued this exchange which made it seem as if they had actually practiced it. The others saw them moving very fast and in an unpredictable pattern that eventually Natalie had to call it off.

"Where are you two from?" Natalie asked in a shocked expression what the others were thinking.

"Did we go too fast?" Aldin asked Darvin.

"We definitely went too fast." Darvin said.

"Here's your chess board." Barrin said handing it to Darvin.

They left after a short chat with them.

"Was Darvin always that ahead of me?" Marcus Asked the others when Aldin and Darvin had left.

"We can never tell after all he never went that serious with us." Terias said

"So that means he might have always been this strong and he hid it from us, but why?" Marcus asked aloud.

"Well, no need to cry over spilt milk right now." Calvin said.

"Yeah right, now get in there, it's time for our match." Marcus said placing a hand on Calvin and taking him towards the ring.


After Aldin arrived he did not even bother looking at me, I went into my new room, it had basic items in there; a bed, a desk and even a shower which was actually a luxury. I tried my best to read the books I had gotten with Aldin's help.

Although I was only able to do some basic reading I did my best. After struggling a lot I almost gave up. At that time Aldin and Darvin came back. I sat back in the chair and my thoughts drifted away. I went back to when my parnets had left us.

Life was great then because all I had to focus on was being a kid but after they left us I was forced to grow up. I had bills to pay and food to buy together with other resources. Every time I saw the little brat I was left with I would remember my parents who had abandoned me. I grew some hate towards him, looking back was I no different from my parents.

'How did I turn to this?' I thought to myself since after getting 'enslaved' every moment was a step away from death and each time my life would flash before me which got me thinking a lot.

Still on the chair I drifted to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night with an aching neck and back. I crept onto my bed.

The next morning when I woke up I went and stood at the dining area to wait for my master to wake up.

When he woke up he sat for breakfast and didn't even look at me.

"Mars come closer." He finally said. "Take a seat."

I sat down next to him.

"I talked to your brother yesterday." He said and from that statement I was sure he was likely to end me the next second and so I did the only thing possible I got off the seat and went down on my knees.

"I am sorry for my crimes, please don't kill me." I said out of fear.

"That is not what I want to do. Get up." He said.

"Yes master." I said as I got up as slow as possible so that if he changed mid-way my head would come off clean and I wouldn't suffer a lot.

"I know it must have been tough after you parents abandoned you." He said. "I hate what you did to Zack but still understand your position. From now own I am giving you a chance to redeem yourself, use it well." He said and for the first time I was happy he enslaved me.

"How were the books I gave you?" he asked.

"I was unable to do much since I'm slightly illiterate, I never got to learn how to." I said.

"I'll pay a tutor for you." He said and went on with his breakfast.

"Thank you master." I said.

Soon the other kid also came for his breakfast after which they both left. During the day other school workers came by to work, out of the joy I had gotten from my masters words I helped them do the chores around the house. If he was giving me a chance to start over then I was going to take it. I had fun with the others and when he came for lunch he had good news for me.

"Tomorrow a tutor will arrive for you and one of the guards will also train you in combat." He said.

After awakening I just copied what I saw other adventurers do, I never got any actual training and now I had the chance to get official training, I was ecstatic.

"Thank you master." I said.

The next day a tutor arrived and she was one from a good school in the city, and according to her we would be learning basic reading writing and some math on top of it.