Chapter 69

Aldin Randell 

It was wonderful seeing him so happy, Darvin walked forward and did the same, for each piece we did and now he was in a full set of armor, hunting wear and a cape. For his we had split the design, when the full armor was on it would look like a diagonal cut from the right to the left had separated two sets of armor and put them together. The right was my white and black scale pattern, and the left was Darvin's water wave pattern. It looked great. 

"Thank you very much." he said. 

"You're welcome, we just had a lot of left over material that we chose to make you a set." Darvin said. 

"Where did you even get the material for this." Mars asked. 

"It's from that beast Aldin killed when we first met you." Darvin said and Mars' expression immediately changed. It was one of great sorrow, although it was for an instant, I could clearly see, he went back to one of joy, but his eyes showed otherwise. We soon left and went down to have diner, Mars went into his room and didn't come out for the rest of the night. We both went to bed shortly after, the day had been long. 


I had been gifted an armor, I was ecstatic at that but when I learned of the material it had been made of it reminded me of the fateful day. After Aldin 'took me in'. I had gotten a new look at life, I now regretted many of me of my past decision, if I had acted decisively, maybe, just maybe things would be much different. 

 The next morning, I woke up earlier than I usually would, Marlow and I met for practice, throughout the day during practice I kept on thinking of my actions on that day, I ended up on my butt more than once. 

"Are you alright?" He asked, clearly worried. 

"I'm fine." I said, faking a smile. 

"Are you sure.?" He asked again. 

"Yes, I am. Let's just continue." I said, trying to change the subject. 

"If that's what you want." he said, and for the day, he was extremely hard on me, and I almost forgot about what was bothering me, trying to block all his attacks. 

Aldin Randell 

We woke up late the next day after getting back late. Today, Darvin and I would be having for Array mastery lessons together. We went to a new area. It was a large area with nothing special about it except it's a large area. Master was waiting there for us. 

"Welcome Aldin." He said. 

"Thank you." I said with a bow. 

"Darvin has yet to complete the first stage and so we will continue it together. You are probably a step ahead of him." 

"What do you mean?" I asked perplexed. 

"The first stage is bringing out pure mana and I am struggling with that." Darvin said causing a painful memory creep into my mind. 

"Oh." I said, trying to hide my reaction from memory. 

"Then get to work." He said. 

I took out mana from my core and placed it on palms. As it was out in the air, I could feel something odd. It felt as if I was fighting in a tug of war. As I kept on practicing the feeling became more evident. 


When Aldin came back in the evening, I had to tell him. 

"I wanted to go out to the capital, tomorrow." I said. 

"Okay, come back when you are done." he said. 

"Thank you." I said with a bow and left for my room. 

On the next day I went out but without my work clothes, rather some normal clothes I had gotten from the academy. 

'Will she really?" be able to forgive me. ' Aldin said he had given me a second chance, but would the others be as lenient.' I thought to myself. 

Ever since Darvin told me the material used for the armor it brought memories of the day, I had almost killed Lily. It had been weighing on my mind all the while. I now saw a new light in life and if I was to move on, I need to make amends for my past wrongs. 

First, I went to Daniel, I knew his house, so I directly went there. The door was not locked so I walked in and there were several bottles on the floor. I found him lying on his bed. 

"Hey, wake up." I said and he woke up with a start. He took a few moments to get himself a bit sober.\ 

"What happened then and who was that kid." He asked. 

"That doesn't matter. What happened to you?" I asked. 

"What do you mean, I saw you leaving and when I tried to stop that kid I got shot down." 

"You have nothing to worry, but I'm worried about you, you need to get yourself together." I said. 

"Are you alright there?" he asked. 

"Yes, he is very good to me, and has been for the first day." I said. 

"Then what are you doing here, shouldn.t you be there." He said. 

"I asked for permission to come here." I said. 

"Then he must be as good as you say." He said. 

"I wanted to ask though, do you know where Lily is?" I asked. 

"Yeah, ever since you guys came from that hunt she's been at her place." HE answered, 

"Thank you." I said and left immediately. On my way I kept on tensing, she was definitely going to be mad at me. I had thought of turning back but I moved every step. 

I got to Lily's place and leaving from her house was Samantha. 

"What are you doing here?' Were the words that came from her mouth. "Are you here to finish what you started." She asked. I could see the anger in her eyes. What I had done had affected more than one person.