Chapter 68

Darvin Talor

When we got back to the warehouse I went immediately to work on my sword. I picked up a bone and used it to form a handle and then made some vein like extensions for the swords outline. I added iron on top of it for the blade I thinned it out at the edges and condensed it for it to be tougher but it ended up razor thin. I added more iron until it was finally firm enough. I added skin to its handle then painted it.

Using some skin and scales I made myself a scarab with a belt buckle for the sword. I was exhausted so I went to rest before forging the other sword.

Aldin Randell

I forged my other harmer and now I had two large hammer s my height. After a lot of thing I made straps for my back. Now was time for my hunting gear.

I picked the skin to forge but when I tried it my whole body gave in and I found myself on the floor. That was when I realized the exhaustion in my body, I had done so much and didn't rest all that while. My mana core was not depleted but I was extremely tired, my conscious slipped away and net I woke up in my room. My head ached a lot but I still stood up. It was nighttime and nobody was awake. I went to check up on Darvin and found him asleep Mars too was a sleep.

I went back to bed.

Darvin Talor

I was still resting when I had a sudden thud. Aldin had fallen down his newly forged hammer set was next to him. When I saw them I immediately knew the issue. Aldin never really new how to take a break and now he was unconscious on the floor. I picked him up and carried him to the mansion. Since it was after noon, classes were still taking place so not many were able to notice us. When I arrived at the door with him, Mars came over, and although he looked extremely tired took him up and placed him on his bed. I also went to bed, I would continue my work tomorrow.

Leon Corvus

In the afternoon I was informed by a guard that Darvin had been seen carrying an unconscious Aldin. I went to the warehouse to check on the progress they had made. The armor they had looked splendid and they had even made their sets uniform. They had done great work, their armor was well balanced and even very firm. They had even forged themselves weapons.

'They have some strong minds to be capable of doing this, they must have gone through a lot.' I thought to myself.

I stationed guards to keep an eye on their weapons to keep it safe for them.

Aldin Randell

I woke up early in the morning and went to the warehouse to continue on what I was doing found Darvin there he was forging his sword. Since I had finished making my armor and hammers it was now time for me to make my hunting wear. I wanted a long sleeved shirt and some nice pants. I used the skin and some scales to forge a shirt then dyed it white, it was soft on the inside but had a scaly feel on the outside. I dyed it white. I then forged my pants, they had the same feel as the shirt but were black. I now had my set of hunting gear ready. I went behind the curtains to change into them and altered them where needed until they fit like a glove. I took them off and put them away. Darvin had just finished forging his last sword when I got out.

"Learn to take a rest." Darvin said and suddenly smacked the back of my head. When I looked up I saw his face, it was full of worry.

"I am sorry for worrying you." I said. I had worried him when I suddenly went unconscious and I didn't want to do that again.

"I'll take it easy." I continued.

"You better." He said and walked away and picked the materials he needs to make his hunting wear. He ended up making dark blue pants after mixing in some of my black dye and a white shirt with wave like patterns.

"What do we do with the remaining materials?" I asked.

"How about some bags, carrying around light contrast is quite the way to draw attention, don't you think." Darvin said.

"True, but even after that we will remain with a lot of material." And that was when an idea came into my head.

"How about I forge some for Mars." I said.

"Good idea, he will need some, if we want to keep him around us." Darvin said.

"Then let's get to work." I said and we immediately got to work, we worked up till late in the night, and in between we would take some breaks. We had finished the basic armor and a hunting wear and had some more material for a weapon.

We headed back to the mansion with all of the armor pieces, weapon, bags and extra materials. Mars was awake when we walked in, he was tired form the look in his eyes but patiently waited.

"Mars go wait upstairs." I told him and he did so.

"Darvin and I left our baggages in our rooms and carried the rest upstairs. Mars was waiting there standing on one side.

"I'll do the first one." I said and walked a head.

"I have something for you." I said and bought one of the boxes close to him, I burst out the light construct and his left gauntlet appeared. "Why don't you try it on for size?"

With a giant smile on his face he put it on, although it didn't fit he was still smiling from ear to ear. I placed my hand on the gauntlet and altered it until it finally fit.