Chapter 67

During lunch Darvin brought up some concerns.

"We are almost through with forging and we haven't even used half of the materials." He said.

"Well that's because the beast was huge." I said.

"That is true, but what do we use the remainder."

"How about we forge some clothing, when I used to be an adventurer it was awful how quickly my clothes would turn to tatters. If I were to get some hunting clothes from this, it would be worth it since wearing armor all the time would be tiresome."

"That's a good idea."

"And especially since we have a lot of the beast's skin left."

Just then Mars came in tired and sweaty.

'Training must be tough for him.' I thought to myself.

He didn't even take any notice at us and went to the back for his meal.

"He sure has changed a lot." Darvin said.

"He sure has." I said and we continued our meal. Later we left and went back to forging.

For my boots, I used iron for the sole and connected it to the boons which were to go up to my knees and some skin for the inner and outer of the boots, the outer skin though had a scale outline that I pigmented black then the edges white. When I put them on I altered them to fit me well. They were indeed comfortable.

Darvin had done his with the same design as his other equipment making a matching set.

"Now we are done with the armor, what should we do with the remaining materials?" Darvin asked.

"We are going to use the skin for the hunting clothes but I'm not so sure about the bones, teeth and iron."

"How about weapons?"

"Great idea."

"I would like to get a pair of double edged sword, it matches my martial art."

"I'll take a pair of hammers, it suits mine as well."

"Though we have to wait until tomorrow to do it." Darvin said pointing out the window.

It was already night so we had to retire to bed.


On the second day of training it was tiresome.

"You seem to have rested well." Marlow said the when we met."

"Indeed I did."

"Well you're going to need it for today."

"What will we be doing for today?" I asked.

"Today we will be battling, one of the best ways to improve one's fighting ability is through sparring. You will attack first and we will battle from there, you are to use all the skills you have learnt until now." He said and without waiting a second later I jumped forward ready to punch him and the next thing I remember is looking up at the sky, I had been taken down in one attack and I don't even remember how it happened.

"Again." He said and so I got up instead of rushing in, I chose to use earth magic, I fired a piece of earth at him, he swiped at it and it went flying then I was down again, but this time I knew why, the ground beneath me shifted very fast and I ended up falling down because of that.

"Again." He said and I got up.

'I think he wants me to use magic more.' I thought to myself. 'Then that is what you are going to get.'

Once I was up I fired a shot at him and jumped to the side then began running to him, the ground under me shook at some point as well but I jumped to the side again and then suddenly from my back I was hit by a rock and found myself down again. And so in that manner we practiced until noon when we stopped, I went back and found my master having lunch but had no strength to react together with an aching body.

Aldin Randell

When we got to the mansion we each took baths and came back to the waiting area.

"But we have no idea what a good weapon should have." Darvin said.

"Then who should we go ask?" I said.

"Professor Kyle, he is good at combat and I've seen him with lots of weapons, he must have some experience." Darvin suggested.

"Good idea." The next morning we went to see Professor Kyle what was in his office.

"What brings you two here?" He asked with a smile.

"Well, we wanted to forge some armor but we don't know what exactly to they should have."

"It depends. Which weapons do you want?"

"Well, I wanted a pair of hammers."

"And I wanted a pair of double edged swords."

"Well those are pretty god weapons and with your attributes they suit you very much. For hammers, weight should be most on the top for a greater force and the handle must be firm and have a grip so that it doesn't' go flying unintended. For sword you should condense it at the edges for it to be sharper and strong enough to break through without taking any damage. Is that enough information for you guys?"

"Yes it is. Thank you for your help."

We went to the work area we were at and got to work.

I took a bone and formed the outline of my hammer's pole using it and filled it with iron, I condensed the iron as much as I could to make it firmer. On one end of the pole I added a block of iron, I condensed it and still added more, harder it became with each time I added iron till the point no more could be added. The harmer looked way to plain for me though. I took some scales and added them one by one, replacing each of their inner areas with iron and then finally I added black pigment for the base and a white outline for the scales. Picking some skin I added a grip in the hammer and at it's bottom there was a spike.