Chapter 76


When Aldin got to where he had been assigned to, the fourth year training area, the professor who was there, Celine, seemed not to even acknowledge Aldin but Barrin undid that. The lesson was mid-way and after giving out instruction she had asked everyone to get themselves a partner and went to sit at the side and watch them but Barrin came up to her.

"Professor Aldin would like to battle against him." Barrin said pointing at Aldin.

"Sure if that is what you want." She said with and it looked as if she was angry.

"Do you accept my request?" Barrin asked.

"Of course." Aldin said with a slight smirk on his face. 

When everyone heard this they all went to the sides to watch the match.

Barrin took the opportunity to land his hit first. He used earth magic to boost him to where Aldin was. Aldin moved to the side and dodged the attack. Barrin went behind him and fired up earth spikes to hit him but Aldin jumped up and that missed to. Barrin use boost to jump up to Aldin but he dodged that too by using a light construct under his feet, he was able to dodge by jumping away then falling back down.

"Can you at least take me seriously?" Barrin said and this would go on to be his worst mistake.

Aldin immediately used boost to move toward him which was way faster than Barrin's. He was lucky enough to dodge it. When Aldin landed he caused the ground to quake. Barrin fell on his butt and Aldin used a boost on him and he went up in the sky, he began descending but Aldin was not done, he used boost to jump in the air as well and punched Barrin in the face.

Barrin fell down and yielded.

"Next time make sure you're well prepared. One would expect the students not to even think of fighting him but the next student they all wanted to give it a try. The thing that was on their mind was, 'one grows strong when they are pushed to their limits.' With Celine's lesson they would only ever battle each other and now they had the opportunity to improve themselves. But before anyone could get the chance to do so, Terias came and took the next opportunity to do so. 

Everyone stood aside to watch the match. Terias began by using fire magic as an explosion at her feet to fire herself at Aldin. She came close but Aldin dodged her. She turned to head to Aldin but he was not where she had left him, the next moment he had fell from above her. HE had jumped using boost and aimed to fall close to her. 

Terias dodged the attack and moved back. When Aldin landed she used this opportunity and fired a flame at him, using earth magic he moved back and dodged it. But now Terias was open to attacks. Aldin took this chance and boosting himself to her punched her in the guts, luckily for her she had used her hands to block it the punch was very strong and she was pushed back. As she was down she opened fire and a huge bat of fire formed in front of her and went on. As the flame went down she had plasmas floating next to her. She fired them but Aldin was dodging them, she made them quick but Aldin continued dodging them. When it took too long Aldin simply made ice orbs and they collided with the plasmas and now Terias was defenseless.

"I yield." Terias shouted.

"How could I think that I even stood a chance?" Terias said to herself but Aldin was close enough to hear what she had said.

Before she could walk away Aldin was in front of her.

"Don't beat yourself up, you did the best you could and it was great." Aldin said.

Terias was not confident in what Aldin had told her as she continued walking away.

The students then continued coming to battle him but he would beat them all. It was starting to get boring too boring for him.

"How about you fight me in groups of three." Aldin said and after giving it a thought they agreed and formed them.

When the first group, formed my Marco, Amy and Vincent, came up, they all positioned themselves around Aldin. Marco was a fire user, Amy was a wind user and Vincent was a water user.

When the battle began Marco fired a fire ball at Aldin and Amy used her wind to cause a sudden gale of wind to push him forward. Aldin dodged the fire ball by jumping up. As Aldin was in the air, Vincent fired three ice shards at him they almost hit but using a light construct he was able to block the attacks. And then the air began to pull him down. He went down and Marco fired more fire balls he had made when Aldin was still in the air. Aldin extinguished them using water then suddenly a bolts of lightning was fired at him from behind him but they were not able to hit as Aldin he erected a wall instantly.

Gasps were heard as they thought that Aldin might have fallen to that attack. When the smokes from extinguishing the fire were gone Aldin was still standing and a wall had been erected on the path that the lightening had been passing through.

"How did he do that so fast." Someone said from the crowd.

"Is that even possible." Another said.

"Are you able to do that Barrin?" Terias asked.

"Yes but it takes a lot of will power to forcibly do that." Barrin said, impressed by what he had seen.

"If you make such a bold attack, you should also be willing to take it back. " Aldin said and small lightning bolt began to form in his hand, he fired it at Vincent who immediately went cold.