Chapter 77


A few moments before Vincent fired his bolt of lightning.

'All our attacks are being dodged." Vincent thought to himself.

After continuous attempts to win he had gained nothing. Then finally an idea came to him.

'He's string enough, he'll just survive it and concentrating for a few seconds he had been able to form a spell and fired it at Aldin. Aldin blocked it and seconds later shot a mini bolt of lightning that hit Vincent and forced him unconscious.

"This is just practice, nobody should use any lethal attacks." Aldin said in anger and the lightning was dancing all over him as a result.

"That is true but winning is still winning." Celine said from behind Aldin.

Aldin looked back and with a plain expression went to the back of the area. 

"He's right but why did the professor react that way." One of the whispered from the back.

"I would have said the same thing, but he was so calm."

"Vincent really shouldn't have."

Meanwhile Aldin was still at the back. After sometime they all went to for their lunch. Vincent had also woken up by that time but everyone glared at him.

'That little brat, what does he think he is, what I say goes after all I'm the professor not him. And why did the principal assign him to my class, am I not enough."

Meanwhile at his office, the principal had gotten the report form one of the guards he had placed to observe what would happen since Aldin would never talk until he snapped and if he snapped he did not want to have him get injured, since after all righteousness could do nothing in front of death.

When they got back from lunch Vincent went up to Aldin.

I'm sorry for the spell I used. I was too foolish." Vincent said.

"No problem, the important thing is that you learnt from it." Aldin said to him.

And when other students came to ask for a match from him.

"I'm tired from all the fighting I did throughout the day, I would like to rest but can go around giving you pointers." Aldin said. Throughout the period Aldin walked around and gave the students some advice on areas they did wrong and soon the students began making a contrast of Aldin against their teacher. Just a few minutes before the lesson end, Celine walked over to Aldin.

"So you think just because you get an early graduation, you're a great mage, it takes time and devotion."

"And how can you decide that?" Aldin asked.

"Well because I said so." She said and after hearing the answer decided to walk away.

"Were do you think you are going to, I'm not done talking." Celine said.

"I'm sorry but what you just said made me realize what kind of person you are." Aldin said.

"And what kind am I?" Celine asked

"The kind that is fully grown but still acts like a spoiled child, ever self-absorbent." Aldin said.

Everyone immediately went silent, although some of them had also noticed it none of them had ever mentioned it. One of them let their laughter slip in a scoff. The entire class also joined in and a frenzy of laughter filled the classroom. Celine was getting angry at this and red at the same time. She had just been humiliated by a first year student. She then lifted her hand up and lowered it fast, it was aimed at sacking Aldin but he moved back. This angered Celine even more and she moved to him fast ready to punch him in the guts, he was able to block the attack.

"Just because you're hot stuff doesn't cut it." She said but Aldin ignored her and continued to dodge gher and the guard who was on watch immediately ran to the principal's office.

Celine had gotten tired of Aldin dodging, she stood and then formed fire ball by her side, they were fast and Aldin did all he could to dodge them, when he tried to counter them, he missed a move and it landed on his arm, the hit was clean, Celine then immediately got a cleared head, she had just harmed one of the academy's disciples. She wanted to rush in and make amends to this but it was too late, Aldin had already remembered his first time almost getting murdered.

Fury was on his eyes and he wasn't thinking straight, lighting began descending to the ground, Celine dodged it. They were not big which surprised everyone. Despite being blinded by rage, Aldin did not aim at killing the professor but immobilize her. One of them hit her straight on her arm but instead of simply falling off, it went limb. Seeing how serious this had just gotten she used an explosion to push Aldin away. It succeeded, Aldin was pushed back in fast. Celine moved in fast to see whether he was okay.

"Are you all right?" She asked as she got closer.

'I think I'm going to get fired today.' Celine thought to herself.

Aldin walked out of the dust.

"You should not attack like that." Aldin said. When Celine had called out worried he had realized that Celine's head was now clear and there was no need to continue the fight but he was angered still.

Celine tried to help Aldin walk when he was finally out but he ignored her hand and walked away.

"I am sorry for my mistake, I was blinded by arrogance." Celine said, truly apologetic for what she had just done. 

"Just because you are apologetic doesn't mean I should accept it." Aldin said And after picking up his uniform cloak he went off to the infirmary. Moments later the principal arrived and from the look in his eyes, he was furious.

"Follow me to my office." The principal said. "Class dismissed." He continued and the students immediately left. Cline also followed behind of Leon as they went to his office.