Chapter 86

Aldin Randell 

"What are you doing out of class right now?" I asked since normally students were not allowed out of class during lessons. 

"The teacher said there was no need for e to work on it, so she had allowed me to be out of class for the semester." She said. 

"Then that's great, are you free right now." I said. 

"How is that a god thing?" She asked. 

"Because now I can help you get stronger." I said. 

"Ohh!" She exclaimed. "And where are we going to do that from." 

"They revoked my access to the arena so the mansion." I said. 

"Are you sure about that?" She asked. 

"Yes." I said. "let's go." I said and grabbed her arm and took her towards the mansion when we got there, there were cleaning ladies still there, so I used floating light constructs to walk above their work and head over to the higher floor. 

"What do you think can help me grow stronger." She asked. 

"First you need to improve the level of your mana core so that you can have more shadow to work with. And to do that I have a special method for that, it's called condensation." I said and handed over a pill bottle, one I had carried which had my first batch of mana pills, to her. 

"What you need to do is swallow one pill, no more or you'll end up like the girl who I had to stop during the third years' tournament. After taking it, you will close your eyes and concentrate on keeping it in you man core, keep it there until it merges with your core." I continued. 

"And why have we never been taught this?" She asked. 

"Because I came up with it, nobody would want to try it since it is very painful and tiresome." I said. 

"So that's your secret." She said and she had a huge smile on as she said so. 

"Yes." I said. But truth be told I just came up with it as we were coming here, and it was a merge of normal accumulation and master's body hardening technique. 

"But you must not tell anyone of this, you are the first person I've told it to. I wouldn't want this kind of thing leaking out." I said. 

"I will not." She said. 

"Good." I said with a sigh. 

"But what do we do now?" She asked. 

"Right now, we will be weaponizing your attribute." I said with a smile. 

"Frow what you told me, your darkness had the ability to leach out mana from all things, we are going to be working on how to power that up to a max." 

"But how?" She asked. 

"Close your eyes and listen to what I am going to tell you." I said. She did. 

"Now with your eyes still closed I want you to form a plate of darkness in your hands." I said and she did. In my hand I formed a small sphere of light and brough it to the plate and it began to disappear as it did, I would continue to fill in more mana. 

"I'm going to be feeding my spell to yours, so I want you to focus on that feeling." 


Aldin had just told me that he was feeding a spell to mine, and I could feel the mana being taken in. It took me quite some time to fully concentrate on the feeling. It was a new sense I had never had, it felt as if just as it would when taking in mana, though in an indirect mana. We continued this for an hour until I was forced to stand up from the pain of sitting down for so long. 

"How does it feel?" He asked. 

"Good, though it will take me some time to be able to bring it out on my own." 

"Just keep on working on it." He said. 

"And thank you for helping me out, I never thought this was possible." I said. 

'Everybody I have met has always been disgusted at me for being darkness attributed. He has been the one the few not to do so, some of the professors have not even looked at me twice once they heard I was darkness attributed. But he, after just meeting me once, has helped me out more than most of the professors. Even going as far as to give me his secret technique, I am beyond joyed by his actions.' 

"A promise is a promise." He said. 

'You helped me just because of a simple promise.' I thought to myself, shocked by the simple cause for his kindness. 

Just then a man came up. 

"Master, your lunch has arrived he said. 

'The school had even allowed him a servant, what household is he from? Maybe he's one of the princes' I thought. But it quickly crossed out since he had already announced that he was of common birth. 

"Let's go down, if you want you can take lunch with us." Aldin said. 

"Who else is coming?' I asked since masters did not eat with their servants. 

"Darvin will be joining us once he's done with his class." He said. 

We walked down and in the dining area were servings of food laid on the table. After serving I took a bite of the food, I had to hold in my reaction, it was not like what we ate at the cafeteria. I looked over at Aldin and wondered how he had not grown fat at all, he even had double the food on my plate. 

A couple of minutes later Aldin walked in. This was the former third years' star. HE had always been kind to everyone but not much of a talker. When he walked in, he just passed a glance at me and proceeded to sit down. Throughout the meal he and Aldin talked more than he had in a day while we were in the same year. 

Once we finished our meal I headed up together with Aldin.