Chapter 87

Aldin Randell 

After having lunch, we, Isabella and I, went back up to the training area. 

"We are going to continue what we were doing, this is so that you can be able to do it on your own." I said and she got back to sitting on the floor. After two hours she stood up, she had gotten used to the feeling. 

"Once your confident in that ability, come to the mansion, inform Mars and I'll make time for you." I said. 

"Thank you for everything you've done for me." She said before leaving. 

And so did I, I had to get back to the warehouse. When I got there, I found the principal waiting for me at the door. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Calmer than the day I had realized his lies. 

"I want to make amends to my actions and after clearing my schedule I am now free to tutor you for as long as you want." 

"Will you make any more hidden skips?" I asked glaring at him, still a bit bitter for his actions. 

"No, I will not." he said clearly embarrassed. 

"Then let's get to work." I said and opened the door for both of us to get in. 

"How far have you gotten?" He asked. 

"I finished perfecting my mana pills." I said. 

"Mind if I have a look at them." I said. 

"Sure, they are on the table." I said and pointed at the pill bottles on the table. 

He picked them up as I went to pick items I needed for the fire rock: phoenix feathers, fire wolf hides, fire lizard bones and fire rose. 

"You have some skill for these refined pills." HE said with a little bit of disappointment. I came over the next moment I arrived with my ingredients and looked over at the items he had on his desk. 

"Oh no, that is my second batch. My last one is on the other end I said. He picked them up and immediately let out a gasp the next second. 

"I don't know why I still get surprised at all." HE said. "You made great pills, these pills are more than above normal standards." 

"Okay, let's move on to the next thing." I said totally killing his short moment of joy. 

"What were you going to do next?" He asked. 

"I was going to make weaponized alchemy since I am already done with mastering pill making. And right now, I am ready for making a fire burst." I said. 

"Sure, and if you want it to come out better fil it with mana after making it." He said. 

I added the ingredients into the cauldron. Once they were ready, they began to mix in, it was easy to make it compared to pills. Probably because it was all attributed to fire. When I took it out it was an almost spherical crystal which had some dark veins in it. 

"Where do we test it out?" I asked. 

He took a few minutes and looked back and forth from me and the sphere in my hand. 

"Somewhere far away, this is a perfect burst, if we used it in the arena, it could wipe out the arena and even part of the school and also leave a huge crater in the school." He said. "Maybe this weekend when we go out." He said. 

"We?" I asked slightly confused. 

"After what the two of you did last weekend, I have to." He said. 

"We just had a short spar. We didn't use any runes and only one element each. 

"It's not about your spar, you two caused a mass hysteria and I received several complaints because of that, unless you want that privilege provoked, I will have to go with you." He said. 

"Okay." I ended up saying. 

"What are you going to be doing next." 

"I was going to make a blizzard's eye next." I said. 

"Then get to work." he said. Our roles had changed so fast, now I was not able to use my anger as leverage. 

"I will." I said and went to pick out the ingredients. They were; frost bite grass, ice lilies, freezing bamboo, water lizard blood and stormy willow leaves. 

I came back with them. 

"How have you been mixing them?" HE asked when I got back. 

"I just merge them all together." I said. 

"Then we are going to have to improve that. You have great results, but we can make them better." He said. "For the results to improve you need to merge them in a specific order, first you add the reactors, the ingredients that have the attribute needed and in this case is stormy willow leaves and freezing bamboo. The after the two have formed the core add in the other to give more to the item." 

"I will." I said and immediately got to work. It was easy to mix the first two. When I added the others, it was as if I was adding extensions to the initial core and also giving it more power, it merged well and when I took it out it was aa white gem int the middle and a frosty pattern on top and something opaque in the middle. It also had a cool blue glow around it. 

"Marvelous." He said with great joy. "Now let's move on." 

"I want to rest for a while, it is tiring to make those weapons." I said as I slumped on a chair. 

"Then I can explain the theory of creating your own recipes." HE said and once again, this reignited my anger but this time instead of showing it directly I just smiled and," Please explain." I said. 

"There are two major guidelines to do this, they do not necessarily have to be of the same, but they must have a physical effect such as how freezing bamboo has the ability to cause freezing. With those you just need to use the right ingredients to have great effects. Give it a try at making one.