Chapter 88

Aldin Randell 

In my hand right now was a clear pill which was a result of my experimental recipe I had just tried, and I had no idea what I had just made nor what it was capable of. I had intended for it to have mana boosting features but after taking it I did not feel any improvement or increased mana in myself. 

An hour ago, I had gone around picking the ingredients in correspond to the effects it had. I picked red flame plums which made mana use easier. Next, I picked phoenix feathers that were great for mana recovery, then fairy grass that had had healing abilities and finally water lizard sales that were good for recovery. I poured the phoenix feathers and lizard skin in first and used them to form the cores then added red flame plums, according to the number of pill cores I had made and finally the fairy grass. I now had my clear pill which I had no idea of its capabilities. So, I packed them into a pill bottle and kept them on the side. 

I took one expecting to experience a rise in mana, but nothing happened even after waiting for an entire minute. 

"Guess it's ineffective." I said. 

"Better luck next time." Master said. 

"I'll try something else tomorrow, I want to get some rest." I said to master pointing out the window, it was evening already. We left and immediately I went back to the mansion, I passed out of exhaustion. 


After finishing off our lesson I left the mansion and went back directly to my room, I forgot to use invisibility and as I walked everyone could see me. I could hear their words but for the first time in a very long time I could not even care the slightest about what they were saying, I just wanted to get back to my room and rest a bit, an hour and a half of magic practice was definitely exhausting. When I got to my room I immediately jumped onto my bed for the sleep of a lifetime. I woke up in the evening not fully rested but only under the influence of hunger, and I couldn't help but miss the cooking at Aldin's place, I wished to have more of it. 

I made my way to the cafeteria. I had my meal in silence, nobody ever wanted to sit next to me, that was until, one of my classmates came to sit next to me. 

"HI." He said. 

"Hi." I answered back a bit confused and for the next few minutes we both ate in silence, but I had to know. 

"Why did you come sit next to me?" I asked. He stopped eating and just sat there blank for a few minutes. 

"Because I thought since nobody ever cares about us maybe we could at least have each other as friends." He said. 

"Is that all." I said coldly and left since I was already done with my meal and went away. 

'Nobody, not even my fellow discriminated students would aver come up to me, I don't care if they have changed, that so not enough for me.' I thought as I left the cafeteria. 

I went straight to my room, locked it and began proacting all which Aldin had taught me. With my legs cross-legged I formed a plate made of darkness. I recalled the feeling I had when I was with Aldin, now without the spell he had been providing, it felt extremely difficult to fully bring it out, the mana in the air was hard to absorb using my darkness. I put in more effort in it, an hour passed, and I was still at it despite the tiredness I felt, half an hour later I was done on the floor with my body full of sweat but a huge grin on my face. 

'I did it' I thought to myself. 

I had finally managed to use darkness to actually absorb mana from the air, it still needed working on, but I was proud of my achievement. Now I would just have to work on it myself, but first I needed to get some sleep. I slowly began to crawl up to it but I was unable to fully get there and so I ended up sleeping on the floor, I woke up a few hours after midnight with an aching body. 

'That's what I get for sleeping on the floor.' I thought to myself. 

O stood up and went to look out through the window since I could not sleep from my aching body. The night sky looked beautiful, the stars in the distance were dazzling and I couldn't help but admire them. In the darkness they still shone bright. After resting for a while, I went back to bed. 


The previous day as I was training with Marlow, I kept on feeling some discomfort in my body, the reason, I didn't know. The feeling stuck to me and even after getting back to my room and resting it was still there. 

I got out in the evening after Zack was done with his lesson. We had a game of chess, even after he thrashed me at the game, I continued to play it with him despite that since it was fun doing it with him. 

"Are you alright?" He asked, a bit worried. 

"Yes, I am. Just a bit under the weather." I said. 

"You should go see a doctor then." He said. 

"I will, tomorrow though. Now let's continue the game." I said. 

"Okay." HE said. And we resumed our game, despite acting as if he was pitting me, he continued to thrash me without mercy. 

When dinner came in, we all ate, and I put him to bed. I also went to bed. When I got in between the sheets I got the compulsion comforting me to take my rest. I fell comfortably asleep, a bit more than I normally would.