Chapter 89

Aldin Randell 

After dinner we all went to bed, but something happened sometime after everyone had left. I was just about to call a day after going through what I would do the following day when a huge amount of mana began to accumulate within the manor. I went down immediately, Darvin was also out when I got out, we followed it to Mars room, when we opened I t we found Mars who was comfortably sleeping on his bed. The mana was still accumulating. A small quake occurred while they were there. 

"HE's undergoing am advancement. It should be alright if we leave him" Darvin said. 

"Yeah." I said and we walked away. 

The next morning when we woke up, everything was alright. 

"How do you feel?" I asked Mars when breakfast was over. 

"Good." he said. 

"Do you recall what happened last night?" I asked. 

"What happened last night?" He asked with a face full of worry. 

"You advanced to the second tier," I said but he was still puzzled to which I explained everything to him. He was joyed when he understood what I meant. 

"What do I do to advance again?" HE asked full of joy. 

"Just continue accumulating mana and it will build up and when it reaches the limit of its current tier it will push itself forward. He walked away with a full on grin, considering it was his first advancement I could understand but now that awoke a question in me, but I had to wait till I had the opportunity to ask it. 

I made my way to the warehouse. But today eyes were on me more than usual and the looks on their face were full of disgust for some reason. As usual I ignored their glares and kept walking. I met the principal at the front door. I opened the door, and we got in. 

"I believe we are now done with alchemy or is there anything else you forgot to mention. 

"Well, you have already learnt all major groups, but there is an extra trick in effects." 

"What is it." 

"It is actually very complicated; it involves rune magic and the material used must be based on the attribute of the rune." 

"And how does this process go about?" I asked. 

"What you need to do is using the skin of an attributed magic beast, imbue your rune onto the material." he said. 

"And how do I imbue a rune on a material?" I asked. 

"Well, we'll learn that when we have time." He said. 

"We have time now. We can push forward the rest." I said ready to learn it. 

"Then we need you go hunt first." He said. 

We left the warehouse and locked it. We got out of the academy by walking and when we were out of the city's gates, we both activate dour flight spells. I flew the fastest I could, but my master was constantly next tom me. We went deep into the forest but not too dep. We found a pack of thunder wolves headed by a magic beast. We only killed the pack leader and ignored the others. We took it and went for the next one. For the water attribute we found water lizards. 

We looked around for a long time until we found light attributed deers. The group was led by three others that were magical beasts. We picked the strongest. We made our way back to the academy. And handed it over to the school butcher for us. 

"I have a question professor." I said. 

"What is it?" 

"Yesterday I witnessed Mars having a breakthrough, it seemed different, not as strong as mine and Darvin's. Why is that?" I asked. 

"Actually, I have a very simple answer for that. You two are the abnormal ones. Normal people usually just cause a minor effect, but you two are able to even summon lightning. And the reason is probably because of your attributes. You have more attributes, and your core needs to advance itself in order to still support your mana use. And even right now, your mana core needs a lot of mana since it supplies your tri attributed core." He said. 

"Okay, I understand." I said. The ingredients from the beasts came back. We carried them and went back to the warehouse. 

"Now please educate me of how to use my runes for effect." I said. 

"Then the first thing you need to do is learn how to manifest it in the physical world without activating it, this step is simple, you just need to bring out pure mana and apply will to your mana." he said. 

I followed his instructions and brought out pure mana. I was able to apply will, making it easier to bring it out. Above my hands was an orb of white energy that had a purple glow. 

"Now next you need to insert the rune, to do that recall your understanding of the rune and will it to manifest itself, the rune and its symbol will manifest itself. I closed my eyes and recalled the thunder lord rune. My understanding of it was the forceful bashing of earth particles. When I opened my eyes I could see the brown rune with a yellow glow above my palms, when I looked at it, all I was reminded of was the thunderstorms it was capable of causing. 

"Now all you need to do is mix it with a piece of the skin, which one is this?" HE asked. 

"Pick some skin of the thunder wolves." I said. He cut a piece the size of my palm and gave it to me, I placed the rune on the skin, and it was immediately printed on it. 

"This is what we call a rune scroll. The name is not what matters." He said, the skin looked nothing like a scroll. And before I could say anything my stomach began to rumble. 

"Seems we have to break a bit.' I said, embarrassed by the loud rumble caused by my stomach.