Chaoter 90


After waking up, I went to the cafeteria for breakfast. It was calm and quiet for me as it had always been, and I enjoyed it like I always did. That was until I was approached. It was Matilda, one of my classmates. 

"What do you want?" I asked him when she sat there. 

"I just wanted to talk." She said. 

"About what?" I asked. 

"It's about Aldin, stay away from him. Don't drag him down with you." She said. 

"And what if I don't." I said. 

"Well, we'll just find out." She said and woke up and left. 

I went back to my room after having breakfast. I sat down to meditate and recall the feeling of absorbing mana. It was familiar to me but what I wanted to do was improve it. Absorbing man had now become easier and was still improving. Something I noted was that the man would be added onto mine rather than only mine being spent. 

'This is great news, it means I can use it for a long time without exhausting my mana. 

I still kept on improving on it and at noon, I got out and went to the cafeteria for lunch. Again, there was complete solitude on my lone table. I got out after finishing my meal, which was quite some time before others would get out from their meals. I went back to my dorm but on the way, I met with Matilda, she was not alone, Infront of her was Professor Layla. 

"Matilda here tells me you have been a disturbance to her." Professor Layla said. 

"No, I was not, I just refused to listen to the nonsense she was spouting." I said. 

"And what did she say?" Professor Layla asked in a polite which was uncharacteristic of her, she was always annoyed around me. 

"She wanted me to stay away from a friend of mine." I said with joy in my heart for Aldin's presence in my life. 

"And by any chance is that friend you speak of Aldin Randall?" She asked. 

"Yes, it is." I said confused by how she knew this. 

"Then if I tell you not to go near him, will you listen to him." She said. It took me some time to take this in. 

"I am sorry, but I still would not agree with our opinion." I said. After thinking it through. 

"Then that means you are disobeying your teacher." She said. 

"But I don't get what you mean by that, whomever I talk to is none of..." I was saying when she slapped me. It was strong enough for me to find myself on the floor. I looked up to see, Matilda's grin. 

"The next time you are seen next to him, I will ensure things will be worse. Understood." She said, I looked up at her and I could see the disgust in her face as I said that it pained me a lot of that she was doing this to me. 

'Why do you all hate me, I have never done anything wrong to you, yet you are all disgusted by me, and now you want me to let go of the only person who has ever treated me human.' I thought to myself as I got up. I looked her straight in her eyes. And before those very eyes, I turned invisible. 

'I am not giving up on the best thing that has happened to me in all the years of my life.' I thought as I ran fast headed out the door. 


"shouldn't we chase after her?" Matilda asked Professor Layla. 

"No need, I made plans in case of this. You don't have to worry.' Professor Layla said as she began walking out. 

Meanwhile, Isabella had made it out and was headed to Aldin's mansion. She took a turn at a corner and bumped into somebody, it was Aldin and next to him was the principal. Warily she took down her invisibility. 

"What were you doing running invisible?" The principal asked. With anger in his voice. 

"That doesn't matter, what happened to your cheek?" Aldin asked as he brought his hand to her face and could see the hand mark on it. Isabella was dazed for a moment before answering. 

"I was slapped by Professor Layla." Isabella said. 

"Why would she do that?" Aldin asked, Fuming. 

"I don't think she would do that, are you sure that was what happened?" The principal asked. Isabella went slightly pale at those words. 

'He doesn't believe me.' Isabella thought. 

It was highly unbelievable to Leon that any of his professors would ever do such a thing. 

"She has no reason to lie." Aldin said. "I think she is telling the truth." 

"Then do you mind if we head to my office and deal with this from there." Leon said, after seeing Aldin angry at him for the first time, he did not want to see it again, and not only Aldin but also his backers, when they found out, they would back him up and try to draw him in. 

"But first I have to get something." Aldin said and rushed back to the warehouse, he came back with pill bottle, Leon had no idea what mana pills would help with. 

Aldin took a pill out and it was clear. 

"One of the pills also had a healing property, so it might be a healing pill." Aldin said to Leon as he gave it to Isabella. And despite hearing that it was an experimental pill, Isabella took it with confidence. Normally healing pill would take some time to kick in an some more to actually heal, but immediately the swelling on Isabella's face was healed. 

"Wow, I feel great." Isabella said as they headed to the principal's office. 

Leon was deep in thought all the way. 

"He just made a healing pill with an amazing effect without even intending to do so, I don't know whether he is just lucky or that good," Leon thought to himself 

When Leon got to his office, he immediately sent a guard with a note summoning Professor Layla to his office. She arrived a few minutes later. When she walked in, she saw the principal seated on his chair and Aldin, who was staring at her with a frown on his head, and Isabella who was standing next to him. 

'You never learn do you, I'll make you regret it.' Layla thought to herself. 

"Why did you summon me here?" Layla asked. 

"I received that you hit the student, Isabella." Leon said. 

"Yes, I did.' Layla confessed to everyone's surprise. 

"And why did you do that?" Aldin asked to which she ignored completely. 

"Please answer the question." Leon said. 

"Because she is a nuisance to my class, the rest of the students are disturbed by her presence there." Layla said. 

"And why is that?" Leon asked. 

"Obviously because of her attribute.' Layla said. 

"So that is why Layla barely knows anything about darkness magic." Aldin said. 

"Shut it kid, you should be quite when your elders." Layla said. 

"I would if you were." Aldin said. This angered Layla greatly. 

"Please explain." Leon said. 

"Well, I looked around and I found some books on darkness magic and from my observation of Layla she is not aware of even the most basic arts of darkness magic." Aldin said. 

"Is that true." Leon asked looking straight at Layla in the eye. 

"Yes, I could never bring myself to teach such a demon anything." Layla said proving how superstitious she was. 

"Please take back your words." Leon said. "If actual mages were to hear you utter such word, you would be put down like a dog." 

"And what if I don't." Layla said. 

"Then I will have to take matters into my own hands." Leon said. 

"So, you are going to fire me, is that right?" She asked. 

"If you do not take your words back, I might have to." Leon said. 

"Then are you willing to bear the consequences of your actions. I had a chat with some of my fellow professors and they agree with me that such filth should not be I the academy." Layla said pointing at Isabella. 

"And what did you al decide." Leon asked. 

"Well, I'll just have them say it for themselves." Layla said and the next minute the doors were opened, and some professors of the academy walked in. 

"What is the meaning of this." Leon asked in a calm voice. 

"We do not want her to remain in the institution." One of them said. 

"She satins our reputation as mages." Another said. 

"And if not, we will all resign immediately." Another said. 

'Let us see how you will deal with this. All these professor quitting will not be an easy blow for you to take, you will have to agree to our demands.' Layla thought to herself. 

'And is that what you have all agreed on?" Leon asked calmly as he looked at all of them in the eye.