Chapter 94


When Leon left his office, he went back to the warehouse and picked one of Aldin's mana pills then left the academy he walked out of the city gates and immediately he got out he got on a light construct sword and covered his body with a protective light construct. He got lifted from the ground using a light construct and flew off fast 

 He was flying at a shocking speed. He still followed the road though and did not get into the forest's encroachment. HE travelled for an hour and a half until he finally got to his destination. HE had arrived at a giant tower. The tower stood huge and tall with nothing close to hit miles around it except the woods which had some fauna. It was the Lorne kingdom's third of seven mage towers. 

When he was close to the tower's grounds he got down and began walking towards it, before he even got there a knight approached. 

"What business do you have here today?" The guard asked. 

"I wish to see tower master Xander." Leon said. 

"DO you have an appointment." The knight asked. 

"No." Leon said. 

"Then I am sorry by I cannot allow you to get in." The knight said. 

"Inform him, that it is Leon Corvus and I have something of great importance to discuss with him." Leon said. 

"One moment then." Thye knight said and walked away. Leon just stood there admiring the tower for several minutes before the knight came back. 

"Right this way." The knight said. 

The knight walked Leon into the tower, and he was directed to the topmost part of the tower. The knight was only able to direct him up to the door but could not enter. 

"You can get in." The knight said before walking away. Leon opened the door and walked in. 

The room he went into was huge and the only thing it had was a desk in the middle, doors on the sides and a huge window that showed the view outside the tower. 

"What brings you here?" The short mana in the desk asked. 

"Something has happened, and I would like some help." Leon said, with some confidence behind it. 

"And why would I help you with 'your' problem." Leon said. 

"Because in this way you will gain favor from Aldin." Leon said. 

"Tell me more." Xander said looking up. 

"Five teachers have been fired from the academy for harrowing a student, this particular student is very close to Aldin. Aldin thinks it is his fault for this but if you were to swoop in some help he would appreciate it a whole lot." 

"I still don't see why I should." Xander said. 

"Then I hope this can convince you." Leon said as he took out a pill from the pill bottle, he had carried. 

Xander took it. HE felt mana rise within him, it was a high-grade pill to him. 

"And how is this pill going to help your case." 

"Aldin is the one who made that pill." Leon said. Xander immediately lit up a huge grin on his face. 

"And his student is darkness attributed." Leon added and the grin turned into shock. 

Xander looked up at Leon with a huge smile on his face. 

"You have a deal." Xander said. "And in fact, I am going to send in some of my disciples with you. 

Leon was shocked by this. 

'I just hoped he would give me some students, but he gave me his disciples, I wonder how this is going to turn out.' Leon thought to himself. 

"But after the hunting period I am going to have to come and check his process." Xander." You can wait here as I go arrange for everything." Xander continued. 

Leon sat down on the desk when Xander left. 

Xander came back with six individuals behind him and a chest in his hands. Xander handed over the chest. 

"This is only for the eyes of Aldin." Xander said to Leon then turned back to the individuals behind him. 

"Your items will come over by tomorrow. I need you all to follow this mana, he will direct you to the Lorne Academy, you will be working under him. Max, there is a student of the darkness attribute that I would like you to teach, and her situation is quite peculiar so be careful with her." Leon said and one of the men int the group smiled in excitement. 

"The rest of you will be normal professors. Good luck." Xander said. 

Leon began to leave, and they followed, bit before they could get out, "And pay respects to the school's disciple when you get there." Xander said. 

"How are we going to travel." Stella, one among the group said. 

"I am going to transport you all." Leon said and a light construct board formed. They all got on it and Leon covered them with a protective layer. They rose up in the sky and began their journey to the academy. Although they were all in the same space, they all had their thoughts so far away. 

'I can't wait to see Penelope again, it's been years and the only way we could talk was by letters., Stella thought. 

'I have rarely seen a darkness attribute mage, I wonder how she survived the stereotypes. And what did the master say when he said she was in a peculiar situation.' Max thought to himself. 

'Who is this disciple that master talked about?' Elena, one of the other four, thought to herself but Liam voiced it out seconds later. 

"Who is the disciple our master mentioned?" Liam asked. 

"A very peculiar student, you will all like him when you see him." Leon answered. 

"What is so peculiar about him?" Jake, another of the four, said. 

"That's for me to know and for you to find out yourselves, but what I can tell you for now is, do not provoke him, he tends to be radical at times." Leon said. 

Anticipation built up in space and they all couldn't wait to get to their destination.