Chapter 93


Professor Penelope had finally arrived at her destination, in front of Professor Layla's house. She got in and found her leisurely packing her things. Penelope walked in and looked at the scene, she got angry by the second as she looked at Layla. She picked up the things Layla was lazily packing and threw them out. 

"What are you doing?" Layla asked confused. 

"Leave this place quick or I will get you out of here with force included." Penelope said with her voice raised. "You better not be here in the next two hours." 

Penelope went to each of the four other professors who had been fired and told them to hurry up and went back to her office. They all ignored her words and went on at their pace. An hour later Penelope came back. 

She first got to Laya's place, she walked in to find Layla resting on one of the couches, with a bolt in hand she fired it at Layla, Layla instinctively tried to dodge, successfully dodging. 

"Why are you doing this?" Layla asked confused. 

"I warned you, and now with the power vested in me, I am going to forcefully kick you out." Penelope said. 

This time Penelope had several mini bolts of lightning in her hands. She fried them all at once, hitting Layla's limbs making her numb. She proceeded to grab Layla by her hair and drag her out forcefully. Guards were waiting outside the building and got in after Layla had been taken out by Penelope. 

Layla was laid with a tree supporting her back. Layla watched as her things were roughly taken out. 

"Handle that with care, you lowly mutt." Layla said to one of the guards. Penelope saw this and with a devious smile walked to the guard and hit the item out of his hands and sent it crashing to the ground and breaking into thousands of pieces. Penelope looked at Layla who seemed to be horror struck and giggled. 

Layla looked up to see Penelope looking down at her with a huge grin on her face. 

"Why the fuck are you doing this to me?" Layla asked with a scream. 

"Because you dumbly chose to deter an innocent student's education, I didn't know we even had a darkness attributed student in this school." Penelope said. 

"So, what you mean is that you're doing this because of that damned demon?" Layla asked. 

"Indeed." Penelope said with a now full-on grin. 

"You are all idiots, you and that senile old man." Layla said in a fit of rage. 

Kyle, who had come from adding Isabella's room, came over after being brought out by Layla's screaming. 

"What is happening here?" Kyle asked. 

"Ooh. Hello honey." Penelope said as Kyle came next to her before locking his arm with hers. 

"What is happening here?" Kyle asked in a calm tone, not shaking off Penelope's arm. 

"Well, Layla here was officially fired today and has been asked to move out immediately, and she had the audacity to take her time." Penelope said. 

"But why so rough?" Kyle asked in a gentle tone again. 

"You'll love this but not in a good way. Apparently, the academy actually had a darkness attributed student and Layla here and her associates have been harrowing her for all three years she has been in this Institiute. And only recently has it come out, and still, she refers to the student as a demon. I was just teaching her a lesson, am I in the wrong here?" Penelope asked. 

"Not at all, how about we go and check on her companions, they might also need some help getting their things out." Kyle said. 

"Sure thing, I am feeling very charitable today." Penelope said. 

The next house was Eva's. She had just finished packing her things and placing them outside, from afar she could see Penelope and Kyle coming over, she was very tense. They were still arm in arm walking towards her. She noticed this but did not point it out. As they passed, they glared at her, and Eva felt as if a hole was drilling through her head. Immediately after they left, she ran to ask one of the carts to help her carry her things away. 

Penelope and Kyle had gotten to Earl's house. HE was comfortably seated on his porch. Enjoying the sunset. 

"I believe I told you to be done in two hours, what are you still doing here?" Penelope said in a calm tone. 

"Calm down, I am still going to leave, don't hurry me." Earl said. 

"Well, that is great, we can have some fun, can't we?" Kyle asked and he let go of Penelope's arm. Penelope walked forward and when she was finally Near Earl, mini bolts of lightning appeared in her hand and instantly she fired them at Earl, he went numb all over. Kyle walked up to him and picked him up and dragged him to the ground outside. 

Kyle walked in and began throwing out all of the remaining stuff that was in the house. Earl too watched in horror as his property was thrown out like trash. HE proceeded to scream and wail but nothing happened, the two kept on until everything was out. They went on to the next two but they had luckily finished removing their items. 

Guards had proceeded to carry Layla's belongings into a cart and then Earl's since they both need assistance. They were carried out of the academy and dumped at the city Square. All eyes were on them. Unable to move, all they could do was watch as valuables among their property were taken and all they could do was scream at their robbers, they could not dare attack anyone or the city officers would leave them behind bars. Eva and the others ignored them, and all went their own way. After getting fired because of following her they now wanted nothing to do with her. All they wanted was peace. It got to night really soon and the effects of Penelope's bolts had begun to wear out. They could now make some basic movements again.