Chapter 98

Leon Corvus 

The next morning after arriving with the new teachers I asked the guards to call all the students for a morning meeting. The remaining professors were all on the left side of me, except for Penelope and Kyle, and the new professors, Aldin and Darvin on one side. Isabella was not present as I wanted her to rest for today. 

"Thank you all for gathering here today. I would like to inform you all that five professors among us will not be present. Others have joined us today. The cause of all this is the foolishness of those five mages. A superstitious belief they carried around, I am ashamed for having let them stay that long. Darkness attributed mages are not demons, they are mages just like us, if any of you choose to carry this belief beyond today then you are not worthy of the title mage. Isabella, a talented student, was harassed by those who have left us and even some among you. If not for Aldin, you would have torn her down. II will now welcome or new professors." I said and went back to my position. 

The first five introduced themselves and finally it was MAx's turn. 

"I am Max, a new professor to the academy but fortunately I will not be teaching any of you." HE said and most of the female students seemed bummed, but everyone went silent when he finished his introduction. "And I am darkness attributed." HE finished and came back to his position. 

"You can all now go for your lessons." I said and they began dispersing. AS they were leaving, I could see Kyle and Penelope approaching. 

"Where were the both of you?" I asked and suddenly some of the new professors and other remaining professors let out muffled laughter. I was confused by this but had no way of asking since I didn't want to intrude on their privacy. 

"Just show them around and assign duties to them" I said and went back to the office. 


When the principal left Celine approached Penelope. 

"Are you alright right now?" Celine asked. 

'What do you mean?" Penelope asked, feigning ignorance. 

"I'm talking about last night, the both of you really put some effort." Celine said. 

"I don't think you heard wrong." Penelope said and suddenly the air around all of them got chilly, but they were all sweating at the same time. They all looked in the direction of Penelope, the source of it all. 

"You're probably right." Celine said and began walking away. 

"You should take it down a notch." Kyle said, placing his hand on Penelope's shoulder while looking at some of the new professors. 

"I didn't notice." Penelope said, placing her hand on Kyle's which was on her shoulder and looking over at Stella. 

'It was her, I almost died then.' stella thought to herself. 

"Then shall we get going.' Penelope said with a smile, the cold aura disappeared, Kyle took down his arm and Penlope put on a smile. 

"Yes." They said six new professors. 

"Good." Penelope said. As they were walking away, they all had one thought in mind. 

'Scary.' they all thought to themselves. 

Penelope and Kyle showed them all around and explained each section of the academy, at the end they arrived at the office building. 

"You will have your own office here. You will be assigned on." Penelope said. 

"And for me to assign you any tasks I need to know your specialization. So, if you could tell me then I will know where to place all of you." Penelope continued. 

"I am specialized in forging." Liam said. 

"I focus on alchemy." Elena said. 

"Mine is rune smithing and magical combat." Jake said. 

"I am specialized in array mastery and rune smithing." Noah said. 

"I am specialized in forging and alchemy." Stella said. 

"And I am specialized in magical combat." Max said. 

"Good, at least you can all be put to work, Max you will still be in charge of Isabella's education, though you will have to work with Aldin, she is currently his student. Noah, you will take over the third years, they are currently in training area three. Jake you will head over training area two and will have to work with Dravin since he is currently training them. The rest of you can follow us, I will take you to your new workstations." Penelope said. The three went off to their new workplaces while the other three followed Penelope and Kyle. 

"Aside from educating future mages we also create weapons for sale, alchemy weapons and medicine and even help out where needed. Liam and Stella will deal with forging." Penelope said and they were directed to a warehouse, there they found other professors also at work. 

"Elena, you will help out in making alchemy creations." Penelope said and took her to another warehouse. 

"Now we have some free time in our hands, what should we do?" Kyle said as he placed his hands on Penelope's waist from the back. 

"Something less tiring." Penelope said. Kyle began to groan from behind her. 

"Like what?" Kyle asked, bummed by what Penelope had just said. 

"We need a lot of resources since we a have a new work force, we could go on a hunt." Penelope said. 

"Okay, if that is what you want." Kyle said. 

"And who knows, we might have some fun while doing that." Penelope said looking back at Kyle with a mischievous grin on her face. 

"If you put it that way, then I think that is what we ought to do.' Kyle said replying with a mischievous smile of his own. 

"The we best go get ready quick." Penelope said. The two went off to get ready that instant. Thirty minutes later the two were getting out of the academy and were off to the woods. 

Meanwhile Jake had arrived at his new class. The students had all introduced themselves, but he realized his class was less three students.