Chhapter 99

Noah Harel 

Last night I had gotten the message pretty clearly and with the glare I had just gotten from Kyle, I was not going to even get close to Penelope onward relating to what Stell told me had happened to her, I loved my life too much. I went to where my class was. When I walked in, I found my students in the class already. 

"Goodmorning everyone, my name is Noah Harel, I will be your professor hence forth. But you can all call professor Harel. Now could all of you introduce yourselves." I said. 

They all introduced themselves. But I noticed something the total number of students was twenty-seven instead of thirty like there normally would be as I remembered from my time here. 

"Why is the class less three students I ?" I asked. 

"One of them is unable to progress because of a stunt she pulled." Calvin, one of the white dragon students said. 

"And what about the others?" I asked. 

"The other is a core disciple of the school, Darvin." Marcus said. But before I could ask about Aldin Matilda spoke up. 

"And the other is a demon, no matter what the principal said I think she got what she deserved." Matilda said and I got an idea of the situation. 

"Why don't you go say that Infront of Aldin." Marcus said and Matilda immediately shook in fear. 

'Well, he can't take all of us. Can he?" Matilda said. At once I was able to understand the whole situation. 

Before they could continue, I intervened. 

"Who agrees with Matilda?" I asked. Some were unhappy with the question I had asked but still they were some who did agree with her and their faces were grinning, and they raised their hands. 

"Could you move to this side please." I said pointing to my left and they did leave a few still in the middle. Marcus and Calvin were among those who had remained. 

"Why do you think mages of the darkness attribute are demons?" I said, taking a leaf from Penelope's book. 

"Because that is how it has always been, nothing else can be said about that." Oen of them said. 

"Anybody else have anything to say?" I asked and they said words that made me want to end them just there. 

"Then as the principal said, you are all foolish mages, and a s such you should get the rightful punishment for your actions." I said. The color fading from their faces was satisfying that I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. 

"Marcus, take care of the class for me, I have something to deal with right now, you lot follow me." I said. 

Just as I got out, I met Kyle and Penelope in hunting gear, a dark thought came to mind. 

"Professor Kyle!" I called out not wanting to call Penelope for the sake of my life. 

"What is it?" He said somewhat annoyed. 

"Well, I have the students that harrowed their classmate right here, I am not sure what to do with them." Isaid. 

"Well, what a perfect opportunity this is." Penelope said. "We were going hunting for material, and we don't have anybody to carry them for us, now I have some fools to help with. Leave them to me." 

"Good riddance." I said and patting Matilda's shoulder I left. 

When I got back, I found them already practicing their runes, now that I got rid of the shitty students in my class, it was time it got work. They stopped when they saw me. 

"Today we will work on understanding our runes and then weaponize them." I said to the five students who were left. 

"But before I that I would like to know, since Aldin isn't a third year, which year was he before becoming a disciple. 

"He actually joined this year and invented the title himself." Marcus said 

"What? How?" I asked. 

"it's actually a very interesting story if you have the time, we can tell you?" Marcus said. 

"Tell me all you know." I said 


I got to my class and found Darvin taking them through combat. He was having them spar with each other. They all seemed to be doing well. 

"I can see you are doing some good work here." I said, Darvin had not heard me get in, so he jumped in surprise. It took him a few seconds to calm down. 

"Thank you." He said." What should we do next." 

"From what I can see, they are used to these situations, maybe making it a bit difficult for them, then they will be able to learn from it. Like having them fight in battle of two against one." I said. 

"But wouldn't that be stretching their limits far." Darvin asked. 

"That's the whole point to take them beyond their limits, only then will they improve." I said. 

"Okay, then let's get to it." Darvin said. He stopped all the battles, surprisingly they all obeyed him. 

"Our new professor would like to take over, so I will be leaving the rest to him." Darvin said. 

'This is not what we talked about.' I thought to myself, although he was technically right. I was the class's new professor. 

"You are all doing well, but we need to raise the bar higher. Group yourselves in groups of three." I said. They did as I had instructed. 

"Now from within the group you will one among you who the remaining will fight against." I said. The mood immediately went sour, it sems they had all grouped together with friendship in mind. 

"You had the freedom of choosing, the choices you all made are now what you will move on with, so pick in the next minute then get ready to battle." I said and turned back, Darvin was standing watching the students, but his mind seemed not to be there. 

"Is there anything wrong?" I asked. He seemed a bit down. 

"I did something wrong, and Aldin is angry with me." Darvin said.