Chapter 104


Two years prior. Darvin had just joined the academy. After the assembly of the first years was over, they all got allocated to their dorms. Darvin was allocated to the white dragon dormitory since he was the best first year that year. Marcus joined him since he was the second best despite losing to Darvin. Darvin unpacked his things which weren't much. he got out to take a look around the school. As he walked around he met one of his classmates, Elliot, he was grabbing his classmate's hair

"When I tell you to bark, you bark," Elliot said to her.

"Yes, I will." She said with tears vailing her eyes.

"Stop that," Darvin said as he approached the group. As he walked over whispers were heard. They had all seen him use his power during the test.

"And what will you do?" Elliot asked. The three others behind him were hesitant. They had all seen how strong he was during the assessment.

There are four of us and one of you, you can't possibly defeat us, can you." Elliot said mockingly. Darvin became hesitant since he did not like the odds and it all showed on his face.

"Get out of here before we change our mind," Elliot said. Darvin turned to leave but he heard her squeal in fear. something clicked in him and he stopped in his tracks.

"Did you not hear me well, beat it or we'll beat you up," Eliot said. Darvin turned and this time with his hands frozen. He boosted himself with wind and the net the second he was in front of Elliot, with fists covered in frost he punched Elliot's face. Elliot was pushed back and fell to the ground. He pushed himself up to face Darvin.

"Attack him," Elliot said.

The other three moved in to attack. Sadly for them before attending the academy Darvin had gotten some fighting lessons, and he learned quite a lot.

he moved back a bit and their attacks missed. they took this opportunity to cast spells and fire them at Darvin but he was ready for that. In his hand, he had a pole of ice. he hit the one in the stomach sending them to the ground in pain. the others were so caught by surprise by this action that they lost control of their spells. The mana dispersed and they were left empty-handed. Darvin smacked one in the face with a rod and the one on the side. They were all down on the ground wincing in pain. Darvin walked over to where Elliot, the one who had led them all to gang up on one of the students.

"Don't try this again, this is my warning to you." Darvin said looking down at Elliot who was down on the floor as well, Natasha, the one whom Darvin had saved had run away. Darvin left and went around the school more. he got bored in the end and was headed back to his dorm. at the front door, he was met by a guard who was waiting for him.

"If it is about the boys who I beat up they were harassing another student and I had to beat them down." Darvin said but the guard was silent and he looked sorrowfully at Darvin.

"You are being summoned by Professor Eva to her office." The guard said.

"Okay." Darvin said wondering why the guard was so solemn about him being summoned by a professor to their office, it was probably due to what he had just done.

Darvin turned back and went over to Professor Eva's office. He knew where the offices were and all he had to do was look for the tagged office. He walked in to find a young woman in the office and standing on one side were Elliot and his friends. Elliot had a grin on his face when Darvin walked in. Darvin sent a glare at him and he could almost feel the force of Darvin's hit.

"I am sorry for hitting them but they deserved it." Darvin said but the reaction he got shocked him.

"Shut it you lowly peasant. Know your place." Eva said angrily "I don't know from which pit hole you came from, but the bitch who birthed you should have taught you some sense. in this place we have laws. "

"But the principal said that..." Darvin was saying but he was cut off when Professor Eva got up from her seat. HE kept quiet and watched her walk over to him. When she was right in front of him she slapped him with all the force in her hand. Aldin went back a bit shocked by this.

"Listen here, no matter the score you got when enrolling in this academy you are still below nobles and you better keep it in mind." Eva said. 

"Are we understood?" Eva asked Darvin.

Darvin stood there silent and out of anger Eva formed a fist and landed it on Darvin's head. Darvin felt the pain and stumbled back.

"Are we understood?" Eva asked again.

"Yes we are," Darvin said gritting his teeth and walked out. He had expected the professor to stand up according to what the principal had said.

'I was a fool to think that life here would be any different from the time in Edow.' Darvin thought.

He headed back to the dorm he stayed in. And didn't even want to go for his meal. 

Marcus who was eager to take to Darvin had not found the opportunity to do so since Darvin had locked himself in his room after coming from Professor Eva's office.

'Where could he be?" Marcus asked himself.

Meanwhile, Elliot and his minions came in and they saw Natasha seated on one of the tables and next to her were some friends he had made. Elliot walked over to where she was seated.

"Hey, you follow me." Elliot said. Natasha heard him but simply ignored him.

"I'm talking to you." Elliot said and went to grab her head but Natasha swatted it away. 

"if I were you I would stop it unless you wanted to be dealt with again." Natasha said with confidence.