Chapter 105

Elliot took back his arm and walked away. The other three followed him.

"Why did you turn back, you heard what Professor Eva said, that boy can't touch us." One of the boys, Sila said.

"It's not that, I have other plans for her." Elliot said, and true to his word disgusting ideas were brewing in his head.

Back at the dorm, Orphen, the guard who had been sent to call Darvin and was now assigned to keep an eye on him got in after noticing that Darvin had not left for his meal.

He knocked at the door several times and Darvin ignored them until he finally got tired of hearing the knocking, he stood up from his bed to see who was knocking.

"What is it?" Darvin asked after opening the door.

"I wanted to check up on you." Orphen said.

"Why would you?" Darvin asked confused.

"Because I know what happens to those who are called there." Orphen said. Darvin's face went sour that instant.

"Then could you leave I wouldn't want you to be dragged into my problems as well." Darvin said and began closing the door but Orphen placed her food in the door's path.

"I also wanted to give you some advice. Don't listen to those stuck-up nobles, they can't do anything to you. And you also don't have to go to their summons, they can't force you." Orphen said.

"And why are you telling me this?" Darvin asked.

"So that you can break the system, you have talent," Orphen said.

"Thank you for the advice," Darvin said and proceeded to close the door.

'She's right Aldin would have wanted me.' Darvin thought to himself Darvin went to have dinner. He walked out of his dorm and went straight to the cafeteria. He wanted to sit by himself still bearing scars from his recent encounter with Eva. he sat down at a vacant table and soon Marcus joined him as well.

"What is it?" Darvin asked.

"I just wanted to know you more." Marcus said

"Why would you do that?" Darvin said

"So that I can be as strong as you." Marcus said

"Not stronger?" Darvin said

"If I were I would be a monster." Marcus said.

"But aren't you the same person who tried to force me to take loose?" Darvin said

"Well, I changed my mind when I saw the power gap. And as my father always says, ' I would rather swallow my pride than retain it and prove myself a fool and weak.'' Marcus said

"Well, you're the first noble I've seen make sense of reality." Darvin said

"What makes you say that?" Marcus said

Darvin proceeded to tell Marcus what had happened with Eliot and what happened after with Professor Eva. Marcus was baffled at his, he was also shocked by the professor's actions.

"Why don't you go to another professor?" Marcus asked.

"Well, that's the problem I don't know who is in on it as well," Darvin said.

"And what are you going to do now I don't think I can handle seeing them abuse power like that." Marcus said.

"Simple. ignore their summons, they can't force me. "Darvin said

"Good idea," Marcus said.

and so Aldin and Darvin continued chatting as they ate their meals joyful to the disgust of the noble in the room. without a care in the world, they continued to hang out together.

The next day the first year were attending their first lesson. Professor Layla Balastor introduced herself to her new students. Darvin and Marcus of course caught her attention. She looked down to where they were seated in disgust.

After his first class, she called over one of the noble classes in her class.

"Dear Matilda, please talk to Marcus your fellow noble and ask him to reduce his contact with such filth, it will only serve to stain his nobility." Layla told her purple-haired student.

"I sure will." Matilda said. It took some time for people to exit, and thus Darvin and Marcus stood down to wait for everyone to get out. They got out once the whole class was empty. Outside the class, Matilda was waiting for Marcus.

"Do you mind if we have a small talk?" Matilda said to Marcus the moment he got out. Marcus? was hesitant to this request as he was currently walking to the cafeteria with Darvin.

"Can't you just say it in front of Darvin?" Marcus said to which Matilda looked at Aldin with a frown on her face.

"Don't mind me, I'll wait for you ahead," Darin said after seeing the kind of expression Matilda was wearing. And Marcus responded with a nod.

"What did you want to say?" Marcus asked after Darvin left.

"On behalf of other nobles, I would like to kindly ask you to stop wasting your grace on such filthy creatures of low birth and join us instead. please do heed my advice before you sink your family name in the mud furthermore." Matilda said. Marcus took some time to look at Matilda.

"Are you serious right now, I can believe that noble means as foolish and prideful as you still exist. I pity the woman who birthed a fool as big as you. And what your words meant to do to me, nobles this day just go around spouting threats. I would rather be with him, than a fool like you who goes around spouting threats." Marcus said and left Matilda flustered.

"What did she want to say to you that I was not to hear?" Darvin asked.

"Just her being a noble and telling me to hang out with others of my kind as if I want to hang out with egotistical maniacs like her," Marcus said and they both went for their lunch.

Back in the classroom, Matilda was narrating what Marcus had just told her to Professor Layla. During the whole time, Matilda was still flustered. After hearing all that Matilda had said she asked her to leave.

If only he wasn't a Wein this would have been easier to deal with.' Layla thought to herself.