Chapter 108

 The fire Natasha had fired at Elliot was so huge that it caught Penelope's and Kyle's eyes. They came rushing over fast and arrived a the scene to find a boy with charred skin and burnt clothes on one side and a girl with burnt skin and injured arms. She fainted shortly after the arrival. Penelope went over to the girl and picked her up. Kyle went over to the boy who was injured. 

"What happened here?" Kyle asked. Elliot was frightened of being exposed so he came up with a lie on the spot.

"We got lost in the woods and she began attacking me," Elliot said and tears poured down his face.

Penelope came over with the girl in her arms.

"Take both of them to the academy to get some treatment, I'll go round up the others," Penelope said as she could find the other kids using the enchantment in the chain collars.

Kyle picked the girl and held her in his hands.

"Get on my back," Kyle said to Elliot. Elliot got on the professor's back.

"Hold tight," Kyle said. And Elliot did. The next moment Kyle had used boost to jump high in the air. Elliot was almost left behind, but he had enough grip. Kyle continued boosting himself in the air and Kyle soon lost consciousness and was left in the sky at one point Kyle had to stop and grab him as he fell from the sky. And he was on his way back to the academy.

Back at the spot where Elliot and Natasha had fought Penelope had activated the effect of her chain and she got some interesting information. Instead of heading in the direction she had come from, she went to where Matilda and Elliot's minions were. When she arrived she did not directly walk in on them but rather stood behind a tree. While there she heard some interesting information from the teens. From what they said it could easily be understood that they had deep connections with Layla and Eva.

After the first set of carcasses came over she decided to come out. The ones carrying the carcasses stood there with grins and Matilda and Elliot's minions faced them confused at the cause of the grins on their faces. Another set of students arrived and the same to those who had arrived before, they wore grins on their faces as well.

"What are you all smiling at?" Matilda asked and Penelope walked forward without making even the slightest sound and tapped the shoulders of Elliot's minions who gasped and Matilda turned coming face to face with Penelope who was smiling.

"You have all the information I need," Penelope said as she grabbed Matilda's head.

Back at the academy Aldin and Darvin headed back to the mansion. As Darvin was writing it down. Aldin was enjoying his meal. Once Aldin was done with his meal, Darvin handed the sheets of paper to him. As Aldin read through it lightning could be heard from the sky. Once he was done reading the list, it all calmed down once Aldin finished reading it.

"I am sure Master will be happy to hear this," Aldin said and they went to the principal's office.

When they got in it was just a few minutes after Professor Liam had left. Aldin's gauntlets were still on the desk. When Aldin and Darvin got into the office, they did not utter a word and simply handed the list over to him. He began to read it through, and as he read it, something strange happened, the black robes he was wearing on that day began to change colour, they became grey then slowly turned white. Aldin and Darvin saw this but kept quiet as they observed it. When he finished reading it, he placed it on the table, after a few deep breaths the eroding stopped and he looked up at both Aldin and Darvin.

"Are you sure about all this?" The principal asked.

"Yes, I am," Darvin said.

"Then follow me." The principal said. The two walked out leaving Aldin. Aldin got out together with his gauntlets and was on his way to the warehouse.

Kyle had also arrived at the academy and taken the two to the nurse's office.

"What happened?" The nurse asked.

"When I got there they were in a fight," Kyle said since he could not easily believe what the boy had said.

"Okay, I'll take care of them." The nurse said and instructed Kyle where to place the two of them.

As he was placing the girl down, he took note of something he hadn't as he was picking her up from Penelope. Her blouse had none of the buttons, he wanted to put two and two together but he had to wait for her to wake up.

Back in the woods where Penelope and the students were. All the students had gathered up together and were on the way back to the academy while still carrying the carcasses, except four students who were exempt from this, but the rest had no issue with this. they were elated by this and the said students were sweating from head to toe.

"Maybe she's one of us just like Professor Layla was." Ian Rolf, one of Elliot's minions said.

"You dumb idiot, don't you remember what she did to Michael," Robert said.

"You sure did it this time, now let's see what will happen to you without all that help from Professor Layla." One of the students from the back said. laughter erupted among them, they had nothing to say to it.

"I wonder what will happen when Aldin finds out, what you did to Darvin when we were first years." Another said. The three minions of Elliot began to tremble, they all knew what Aldin was capable of, Ian even puked along the path, and the others continued to make fun of them, worried began to eat up at the three of them.