Chapter 109

When the third years who were in the woods arrived at the school, they were allowed to go to their dormitories except Matilda and Elliot's minions who were taken to the dungeons.

"I heard quite a lot when I got there, but I have to ask what was your plan with Professor Layla, what were you going to do to Isabella," Penelope asked.

Matilda was silent, not intending to say anything. Penelope got tired after a minute and fired small bolts of lightning strong enough to cause her pain but weak enough not to numb her.

"Now, speak," Penelope said again. Matilda was still silent.

"If you don't want to talk, then I'll have to call Aldin, then he can deal with you for messing with Isabella and I can tell him what I heard." Isabella was immediately horrified.

'on the way I realized, you all fear Aldin more than us. Probably because he is a student like all of you, unlike us professors who are bound by law not to harm a student.

"I'll speak," Matilda said. She proceeded to narrate all the things Professor Layla had done and all she had planned.

"Good, now all we need is to lock you up until your parents get here." Professor Penelope said and a guard came over to take her.

"But I told you what you wanted to know?" Matilda asked as she was dragged out by the guard.

The boys who were left behind refused to speak since they had done nothing to earn them a visit from Aldin, at least they thought so. Professor Penelope had nothing on them so she had to let them go.

Aldin was in his warehouse when he moved on to the bear corpse, it was earth attribute, when fighting it Aldin found it rather peculiar, it would make the ground muddy but still be able to walk on it, it took some time to think about it and in the end, he decided to use it for making boots to utilize it well. Once he was done they looked like they were carved from the earth but also had some fur lining.

"I have to test them out," Aldin said.

Aldin went out and after putting them on he poured in pure mana. the ground around him became muddy but he was still able to walk properly with them. He tried adding more mana to it. It resulted in it becoming thinner and wider in radius. Even the trees began to sink. Aldin stopped supplying it with mana and he went back for the last one. But he remembered the plans he had.

He put the armour away and went to ensure that everything was ready. it took him an hour to prep everything.


We were having our lesson, although this would be our last lesson together. As she finished the lesson Aldin and Mars walked in with a cake, my tutor was not shocked by this. They were all in on this.

"Congratulations,. you finally finished," Mars said.

"Thank you," I said and ran to hug him. Arthur, Sebastian, Lily, Samantha and Ariel walked in seconds later, I welcomed all of them with hugs. I had left Aldin intentionally, he had helped me and my brother a lot and he gave us what I never expected to ever have. I turned to see him smiling at him. I ran over to him and hugged him as well. When I let go.

"Thank you for everything, if it weren't for you I wouldn't have any of this," I said a bit teary.

"You're welcome, just grow up well," Aldin said. Arthur and Sebastian were happy to see me doing well and we all caught up. Isabella and her new teacher also walked down. Everybody got to know each other except Isabella who kept herself at the corner of the room. Occasionally she would talk to Aldin but then she would shrink out and go back to staying by herself. I couldn't help but want to walk to her. She had just joined us the previous day so I had no idea anything she liked, I went for what I liked in my room. the book Aldin had given Mars and me the first day we arrived. I handed her the novel Mars had read to me.

"What is this for?" Isabella asked.

"I wanted to give it to you since you just joined us," I said.

"Thank you." She said honestly happy. Everyone had fun until they had to leave.


After leaving the academy Leon and Darvin went to the mage association headquarters. When they got there it took them some time before they were allowed to see the head of the mages' association.

"How may I help you?" She asked.

"I wish to request the arrest of mage Earl Warlot," Leon said.

"And what is the basis of this?" She asked

"The basis of this is on the grounds of abuse of power, excessive use of force and discrimination," Leon said. 

"Do you have any more proof?" The lady on the desk asked. Leon handed over the sheets of paper to her. She took some time to look over at them, and then in her hands they began to burn.

"Are you serious, let me guess, that kid is your witness." She said to Leon mockingly. "Unless you have actual proof don't come here again."

"But it's all true," Darvin said.

"And you better shut it when your elders are speaking." She said to Darvin with a look full of spite. "Now leave my office."

"Okay," Leon said and he grabbed Darvin's hands and left. As he left he was not upset at all but rather had a smile on his face.

"Darvin do you think you can testify what you just saw before a noble?" Leon asked looking Darvin in the eye. Darvin was confused by Leon's smile but he still answered.

"Yes, I can," Darvin said.

"We are going to a very good friend of mine." Darvin said