Chapter 115


"What do you mean?" The nurse taking care of Elliot asked.

"Haven't you heard the news, it is believed that if anything big happens it has to do with Aldin," The nurse's workmate said.

"I wonder what's going to happen next."

"Be assured big changes are going to happen. Iris might even get fired, his masters aren't here to back him up."

"I hope that it does. Though he might die if he messes around."

"What do you mean by that."

"If he does get found out then you'll find out."

Aldon who had already left the infirmary went back to his mansion to take a bite and then he went up staupstairs Isabella and Max were. When the two saw him they froze and stopped whatever they were doing. And greeted Aldin.

"Sorry for disturbing you all but I wanted to borrow Isabella for a while," Aldin said.

"No problem," Max said. Isabella followed behind Aldin who was heading back downstairs. They found Leon and the others there waiting for him.

"I was just about to come see you all. Isabella here is going to she me some of the third years, and I only need my new master to follow me, the rest of you can go deal with those corrupt guards," Aldin said. The others became tense after hearing this, trouble was in the air.

Aldin ignored their surprised faces and walked out followed by Isabella, the Xander had no choice but to follow him out as he left. They made their way to training area three. When they got there they found Professor Noah helping a few students who were practising their runes. Everyone stood still when they saw Aldin and fear crept into their hearts. Noah who saw Xander immediately walked over.

"How may I help you all?" Noah asked.

"No need, Isabella please point out Elliot's minions. Aldin said which shocked Noah since it wasn't the tower master who spoke, Noah looked over to see Xander silent.

From the crowd three boys were sending glares at Isabell, she saw this but simply smiled.

'You fools have no idea what is awaiting you,' Isabella thought to herself.

Isabella walked over directly to them and pointed out the three boys.

"And also point out the nobles who have abused their titles," Aldin said from where he was. Isabella proceeded to point them out one by one and glares was added in each time.

"Now point out all the nobles who have never been abusive to other students," Aldin said and again Isabella did.

"Thank you," Aldin said and Isabella walked back to where she had been while Aldin walked to the group of three. Lighting formed in his hand and he was ready to fire it at the th

"Don't touch me," Ian said as he moved back in fear.

"Stand up you wimp, he can't take us on all together," Robert said.

"Good luck with that." Somebody among the other students said.

Aldin looked at the student who was saying this and also laughed. His anger rose with disgust at the student. He stopped his advance and looked at all of the students he was to deal with and an idea came to mind.

The earth suddenly became softer and they began to sink into the ground. Some tried to jump out, and others ls who could use the earth element did their best to harden the ground, Aldin though was stronger than them and the will imbued in it unknowingly helped a lot. Those who tried to jump away and were dragged back in.

They had soon sunk into the ground and had only their heads out.

"This is just the beginning, all of you will be summoned and receive punishment, so make yourselves comfortable., Aldin said before walking away.

'You sure have a knack for being sCary, I can't wait to see what kind of mage you become.' Xander thought to himself as Isabella and he left the training area.

Noah was left behind bewildered by what he had just seen. Nothing could have ever prepared him for the day he would see Xander follow anybody, but right now he had just been behind Aldin.

The other students noticed their professor in a daze.

"is everything alright sir?" Marcus asked.

"Yes, everything is alright," Noah said. "Let's continue with what we were doing."

The rest of the class got back to practicing their runes. Once In a while thought they would send some stray glances to heads, to giggle or pity.

Meanwhile Leon, Penelope and Kyle had made a visit to Iris one of the head guards at the academy.

"How may I be off help to you today sir." Iris said with a huge smile on his face.

"I wanted to get to know your relationship with professor Lyla." Professor Kyle said.

"I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean," Iris said with a look of confusion.

"We are talking about how you and professor Layla allied to ignore nobles attacking other students.

"What?" Iris said. 'How did they find out.'

"if you don't want to say anything then we'll have to find out ourselves," Leon said and nodded at Kyle.

'If we want to get things done, we'll have to take matters into our own hands.' Leon.

Kyle walked over to Iris. Luke was a few inches taller than Iris. Without uttering anything he grabbed Iris by the head and lifted him off the ground. Thunder rose from the ground and hit him on his butt chick.

Iris who was confused by what was happening let out a yelp of pain.

"Are now willing to play along," Leon said. The guards around the area were all shocked by what was happening but could not act against their superiors.

"What do you want from me?" iris asked shocking.

"The truth. What was your relationship with professor Layla." Leon said again.

Iris began to narrate various tasks he had been asked to do by professor Layla and Kyle put him down.

"she forced me to do all that." Iris said.

"but from what I heard, you seemed to enjoy it, especially when it had something to do with the female students. How do you explain that?" Penelope asked him. Iris went pale. With a smile Penelope placed her hands on his shoulder and electricity began to flow through him. Penelope let go only after he blacked out.

"You didn't have to go that far, how are we going to find the rest of them?" Leon asked.

"Easy, while we were questioning him some of the other guards were smiling while the rest went pale as ghosts," Penelope said as she walked over to one of the female guards.

"You smiled the most, why?" Penelope asked

"Because he deserved it." The guard said.

"How do you know?" Penelope asked with a kind smile that scared the guard to the core. She went silent for a couple of seconds.

"Because I worked for Eva," she said. Penelope was shocked a bit but instead of frying her.

"Tell me more." Penelope said.

The guard went on to narrate how Eva had forced her to work him and all she had been forced to do. At the end of it she pointed out some of those who were near by. Together with the three professors they went put pick out all the guards who had been working to aide Layla and her colleagues.

The guards who were taken in held some pretty key positions explaining why there was not much action the nobles within the academy. The guards who were not part of the group were all happy at the end of the day.

Aldin had rounded up his fair share of his students. He finished early and went to the library since he had research to do on runes. He picked the necessary books he needed and went to his mansion to study and Xander was there to help him and give him pointers.

Leon, Penelope and Kyle came to visit him. They gave him a brief of everything they had found out.

"I never thought they would be so skilful in hiding their dirty deeds," Leon said.

"I'm shocked that a noble had something funded it all," Xander said.

"And what are we going to do to them?" Kyle said. They all found themselves looking up at Aldin.

"Do you think I have an idea?" Aldin asked.

"Well, you are the one who started it all," Xander said.

"You are not wrong though, I do have an idea, would you all like to hear it?" Aldin asked them. From the way Aldin had said it, they knew what was going to happen next would be rough on them but at this point, they all felt excited by this.

"Let's hear it," Xander said and even went as far as sitting at the edge of his chair to get closer. The others also found themselves Iinthe same position he was.

Meanwhile, at the mages' association, the new head had gotten reports on the arrests requested by the third tower master but he was not happy with what he got.