Chapter 116

At the mages' association, the new head was pacing in his office. He had been assigned one job by the third tower master but had failed to succeed. He got a headache from all the thinking and was continuously looking for a solution to his problem, Nothing came to mind.

His assistant, Mary, who had been assigned to him by the fifth tower master as his condition for agreeing to the removal of his predecessor, was just watching him pace around.

"Sur, could I offer you a solution to this." She said getting his attention.

"If it can help with my current situation the sure." He said.

"it sure will." She said.

Back at the academy the four had finally heard Aldin's idea but they now looked at him in different eyes.

"any opposition.?" Aldin asked looking them all in the eye. They all knew that Aldin had a way of making them do what he wanted and this was just him being sarcastic.

After a few minutes of silence. Aldin spoke up.

"Since nobody has any opposition then it is all agreed. It would be good if you made plans. It I'll go down the day after tomorrow." Aldin said with a smile that frightened the four adults in front of him.

'How is this kid so….' They echo thoughts to themselves with their own words about him.

"and if you wouldn't mind I'd like to continue studying runes with my master," Aldin said.

The others left to prepare for the evening and the following day, Aldin and Xander studied runes and got into a bit of array mastery.

On the second day after the purge, the entire school left the academy and headed to the woods leaving only a few guards behind to guard the school.

They all headed to the woods at Aldin's clearing. There were raised platforms but not everyone sat on them. A group was left on the ground as the others went up. Soon some other carriages joined them. The occupants of the carriages were all nobles and had been given their area to sit on. Once everyone had arrived not was time for the show was ready to start. Aldin, Leon and Xander walked over to the middle of the area. Aldin raised their platform slightly for themselves.

"Welcome everyone to this ostentatious event. Today will be a day memorable to you all. Many of you may not care to know this." Aldin said facing the nobles. "but whitest in the academy abuse of power in the academy is greatly frowned upon. But a few of them have found themselves unable to adhere to that.

"is that freaking reason you called us here, if you wanted to expel them you should have just sent them to us, why did have to drag us all the way here." One of the nobles said.

"And everyone knows that noble superior to commoners so what's the issue there." Another said.

"I can't believe we had to come here for something non-important as that." Another said and some of them got up to leave. Before they could take a step from the podium purple lighting struck at their feet.

"What is the meaning of this?!" one of the nobles said angry at being threatened. "You just attempted a take noble's life."

The noble continued to run about his rights as a noble, the others thought were quiet. He was a baron so he had he had no idea who had just shot the bolts of lightning. His daughter was acting all smug from where she was. Marquees among them who did not like his wife's pride that their son had taken after and knew who the lightning represented and walked over to him. The poor noble thought that he had come over to stand with him. When he was next to him he slapped him.

"You should be ashamed of what you just said. No noble is supposed to abuse those whom they should protect, you are spoiling the name of nobles and should be ashamed of yourself." He said. The nobles who were actively supporting him a second ago had shamelessly switched sides instantly.

"the rest of you should be ashamed of yourselves." He said to the others.

"sorry for interrupting you." He said to the one on the podium. Aldin simply glanced over and chose to continue.

"The students who have been involved in this will all be punished accordingly." Aldin said and they were brought over one by one, and their crimes were mentioned. Elliot's father the man who had stopped the ranting noble could see his son with scorch marks on his body but he could say nothing.

'although you are my son you deserve what is happening to you now.' Elliot's father thought after hearing his son's crimes.

Once they were all read out. " does anybody opposed the punishment of these students?" Aldin asked.

An almost deafening silence broke out and nobody spoke knowing that al those actions were punishable by law and aiding their children would be viewed as being an accessory to crime. Although some of them wanted to oppose this they chose to keep quiet.

"We did not call you here to just inform you of your children's crimes but for them to pay for their actions." Aldin said. "For their punishment, we will play a little game."

The moment Aldin said this the two behind him began to sweat.

"Because they all decided to treat their fellow students like trash so will it be done to them, for those who have had to endure their abuse will get the wind of flesh they deserve," Aldin said those in the crowd were confused by what he had just said.

Aldin then proceeded to raise all the stands and raise a wall around the students. It all looked as if the punishes were placed In a crate and the others were simply witnesses.

"You are allowed to fight back," Aldin said facing those surrounded by the walls. Their parents were getting worried.

Where the other students were orbs of earth were formed but they were confused by what to do with them.

"Throw them with all your might," Aldin said.

One of the third-year students was the first to throw. It hit one of the students this caused an avalanche effect and many others began doing the same. The parents all stood in horror at what they were seeing but were all afraid of going against the Marquees while the Marquees was afraid of angering the third tower master. Aander had no issue watching everything happen but then knew that the students being punished got too injured and ended up fainting. The other students continued throwing the orbs at them but suddenly all the rocks stood still in the air. Aldin himself walked on the air over to where the student was. He helped him up and fed him a pill, all his wounds healed fast. Most of the spectators were astounded by this. Once he was healed Aldin rose up andd faced the punishes.

"do you now know how it feels to be used like trash, to be harassed and abused. You did this to your fellow students, today you have gotten and indirect taste of the feeling, how does it feel, how do you feel about yourelselves," Aldin siad and rose up again, bot going to the podium.

"Since you have repaid what happened to you how do you feel?" Aldin asked. One of them took this opportunity to get his eye.

"Great." She said proud of what she had just said.

"Then you should be ashamed of yourself, you are no different from them. You had power for a moment but rather than choose to not do what was done unto you, you do it to them," Aldin said and went back to his podium. He looked at all of them. By the second the awkwardness got worse and a great silence ensnared the whole area. After a couple of minutes, Aldin finally spoke up.

"Today was not to bring pain to others but to allow you all to understand the point of view from both sides, those who chose not to learn from this will repeat this as well." Aldin said and brought down the podium, the walls and the benches.

Everyone had something to think k about but the most common one was. 'Who is that kid?'.

Despite it being the same thought the reasons behind it were different. For the boneheaded noble they wanted to get taller own pound of flesh as well. For those who had learned a great deal, they all wanted to know who that student was to recruit him. But the Marques was the only one with something else behind it.

'How is he able to keep the principal and the tower master so silent despite what he was doing?'

All in all the very day had given many something to think about.