Chapter 118

"Of course not, silly! But I wish you all the best." Xander said with a devilish smile pasted on his face. "You still need the motivation not to regress to your old ways."

The student proceeded to faint as the reply hit her like a punch to the guts.

"And now the day is officially over," Xander said. "The guards will escort you all to your destinations."

Xander proceeded to jump off the podium landing effortlessly next to Aldin and Leon who looked at him intently waiting for an explanation.

"Why did you have to do that?" Aldin asked.

Despite having been pleased by the day's event he still wanted to know the reason Xander had done what he had.

"Because some of those noble spawns learnt nothing from the ordeal, they needed something to draw them together and fear. You were just what they needed, so make a good example of them when you're done," Xander said and walked away.

As Rael Miller sat in the stands, his eyes fixed on the trio below, he couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity. Despite not being able to hear their conversation, he could tell from their body language that they were quite close. Elliot Miller's father was left to ponder the nature of their relationship, wounderstanding what kind of bond Xander had forged with the principal and the tower master to be able to talk so casually to each other.

As the gathering of nobles progressed, a buzz of conversation began to surround Aldin and Darvin. People were intrigued by the two figures and their apparent significance, and some tried to approach them. However, they were met with resistance and prevented from getting too close. The air was thick with curiosity and speculation as the other nobles pondered the mystery of Aldin and Darvin.

'It's intriguing to imagine what will unfold next, now that news of their association has started to circulate. It's bound to be an exciting spectacle.' Xander thought to himself and a smile unintentionally grew on his face and various outcomes began to play on his head.

Mary and the new tower master found themselves in a dimly lit alleyway, the scent of old garbage and damp bricks filled the air. Suddenly, they were surrounded by a group of individuals who were dressed entirely in black – from their hoods to their boots. Their faces were concealed behind black masks, making it impossible to identify any of them.

"I don't understand what you want from us, but we don't want to fight," Mark said.

The alley way was eerily quiet, and everyone was still, almost frozen in place. Mark's senses were heightened as he kept a watchful eye on his surroundings, anticipating any danger that might come his way. However, in an instant, he felt an excruciating pain in his back, and he could feel his consciousness slipping away. As his vision blurred, he collapsed onto the floor, completely unconscious.

A man clad in black walked from the darkness. He had extremely pale skin and his long black hair hung long and free.

"Well done." He said to Mary who now had clawed hands. Another person walked next to him, he was a young-looking boy with brown hair.

"Joe, you're next up." The man said and Joe crouched to the floor and using a small blade cut the man's finger and droplets of blood bled and using his finger smeared some on it and licked it. His body morphed as it changed into a blue fluid and the next moment he now looked like the new mages' association head.

"Report to me regularly, I want to know anything worth it, and be careful," The man in charge said before turning back and leaving.

'I've waited a long time for this, I can finally get my revenge.' The man thought to himself.

Mary and Joe left for headquarters. Joe, who now looked like Mark carried Mark's body since he was still in use of it.

Bach at the academy the nobles who had been summoned had finally left and each were on their way to their respective residences. The students had all been taken back to the academy.

As they journeyed towards their respective territories, each member of the group contemplated deeply on the events that had transpired. They mulled over the gravity of what they had witnessed, and the implications it would have on their respective noble factions. They were determined to report every detail of that fateful day to their superiors, with utmost honesty and accuracy.

In the forthcoming days, everyone will make an effort to uncover any information they can about Aldin and Darvin. It remains to be seen whether or not they will be successful in their pursuit.

Following the hunt, the losing teams were summoned to one of the training areas where they were lined up on one side, and Aldin, stern-faced, stood on the other end, looking at them. The atmosphere was thick with fear and tension, as the participants were all aware of the consequences that awaited them. Sweat dripped down their foreheads, and they struggled to meet Aldin's gaze. Their hearts were pounding with anxiety, wondering what fate lay in store for them.

"As a man of my word, I stand by yesterday's agreement. You will have a rough time, and I want to make it clear that status is no longer a barrier that can hold power over, anyone." Aldin said sternly."I will battle each of you to show you your weakness, it will be painful though. And I'll start with the fourth-year students."

Before him stood the group of five fourth-year individuals, among them was Vincent, who appeared to be in a sombre state. It was evident that the recent failure had taken a heavy toll on him.

"Your placement in the hunt does not define your worth," Aldin said, his voice gentle yet firm. "I see potential in you, and I know that you have what it takes to succeed. All you need to do is work on improving all your capabilities. and for that, I need your cooperation. I need you to believe in yourself, to trust in your abilities, and to commit to the process of growth and development."

He paused for a moment, meeting your gaze with empathy and respect. "I know it's not easy to come in last place. It can be discouraging, and it can make you doubt your skills and your value. But I want you to know that failure is not the end. It's just a step on the path to success. And with the right mindset and the right support, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals."

He leaned forward, his eyes shining with earnestness. "So, are you with me? Will you take this challenge and turn it into an opportunity? Will you rise above your doubts and fears, and embrace your full potential? I believe in you, and I'm here to help you every step of the way. Let's do this together all I need is your cooperation, are you going to give it to me?" Aldin asked.

It took them all a moment to answer because they all remembered how much they had all improved with a few of his lessons.

"Yes, we are!" They shouted at the top of their lungs.

Out of instinct," Louder!" Aldin shouted. And again with an even louder voice, "Yes we are!" they shouted.

"Now let's get to work," Aldin said with a smile on is face.

"All of you come at me." Aldin said.

They were all a bit hesitant but what he had just told them still rang I their heads. With determination they all pounced at him with everything they had.

They were inches away from him when a flash of light blinded them and they ended hitting each other.

"Use all the tricks you have in a fight, no matter how underhanded it may seem," Aldin said from above them. And using water magic showered them with it.

One of them who was an earth magic user jumped up at Aldi with earth-coated fists ready to strike. Aldin dodged the attacks and moved back.

A whizzing sound alerted him of an earth projectile that was approaching him from the back and he was able to dodge it. He looked up at the student who had fired at him after distracting him.

"You are a quick learner," Aldin said with a smile on his face.

Suddenly a flash of light appeared above him, he was not ready for it and ended up blinded.

'Using my trick against you, cheeky.' Aldin thought to himself.

From the above as well a huge block of ice fell on him, they had just used Giselle's trick during the tournament.

It hit Aldin sending him to the ground but before he could even reach the ground he had coated himself with plasma and melted all the ice around him.

He was not wet and seemed perfectly fine.