Chapter 119

The scene was tense as Aldin stood in front of a group of students and mocked them, he said, "Come on, you guys can do better than that. I thought I taught you all enough, or do you think you can beat me with this?"

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew from behind Aldin, pushing him forward. As he turned to see what was happening, one of the students threw a ball of fire at him. The flames flew towards him, lighting up the air with a bright, fiery glow. The blast was so massive that it rocked the area, and panic spread among the students.

While some were worried about Aldin's safety, Vincent had a different perspective. He remembered the last time he had faced Aldin and believed that his opponent was not an easy target. Without wasting any time, Vincent hurled ice shards into the smoke, hoping to hit Aldin and end the threat before it was too late.

However, one of the other students was worried that they may have hurt Aldin. "Hey, stop it, he might have gotten hurt," they said. But Aldin's voice could be heard from inside the smoke, saying, "That's no fun. Try a bit harder."

One of the other students blew away the smoke using a gale of wind, and as the smoke cleared, Aldin was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, Aldin's voice could be heard from above them, saying, "Up here."

The students looked up to see water orbs in the air, which Aldin fired at each one of them. They tried to dodge it, but one of them, who was the earth user, was not able to dodge fast enough and got hit square in the chest. The impact was so strong that he fell unconscious.

Aldin then mockingly stood in the air, and the student below him took this oppression to give him all he had. A mini tornado appeared, wrapping around Aldin. Vincent fired bolts of lightning inside and ice shards to accompany it. He put everything he had, casting spells until he could no longer cast any more spells from the mana depletion and fainted.

The other students worked hard to add to the attack, and from behind them, Aldin walked up to them. They were all shocked, and the spells immediately fell apart, revealing that nothing was inside. Turns out, Aldin had escaped when the tornado was cast and found nothing in its eye. The students were left awestruck at Aldin's skills, and they knew they had a long way to go to become as powerful as he was. That could only be achieved if they were able to overcome the limit of their current tier and jump to the next. They fell to their knees from exhaustion from failing to defeat Aldin.

"You all did well, but we're not done yet, tomorrow we'll do it again," Aldin said with a smile on his face.

The remaining three fell from the exhaustion they had. Just from thinking about what would happen to them the following day.

The guards picked up the injured students and moved them to the side so that the third-year students could take their turn in the arena. This brutal treatment was repeated for the four other groups as well. By noon, all of the battered students had left for the infirmary. The onlookers noticed that the students being carried away were the ones who had finished last in the earlier hunt. Gradually, the severity of the training motivated the students to take their studies more seriously. They hoped to experience the same humbling treatment, which would strip away the nobles' pride and make them realize they were all equal, moving in the same direction

Aldin headed back to his mansion where he found Xander waiting for him. They continued their studies. Xander had yet to leave the academy since he still had to go through the remaining part of Aldin's education with Aldin, showing him the trick he had yet to know. For the remaining part of the week, they continued to do so and finally, Xanser had to leave on Saturday since he and Aldin had finished all they had to do.

Xander Storm.

'I wish I could stay a little bit longer, but I still have to do my job as a tower master.'

When I got to the tower, everything was running as normal. I walked up to my office and sat behind my desk. Two letters on top of my desk.

'From mages association head to the third tower master.' The first one addressed.

'To the third tower master. The requested dismissal of the former mag3s association has been and I, Mark Lastor, have taken over the mage's association. The arts of. The fiv3 mages is still underway but a complication has occurred. Two of the mages, mage Earl and Mage Layla are nowhere to be found. No traces are left of them are left despite all efforts to find them. The other three have been arrested and will be sent over after their trial and liquidation of assets has taken place.' The letter read.

It was frustrating to know that I was unable to fully accomplish Aldin's request but nothing could be done.

It took me some time to clear my mind of what had happened. Then I took out the second letter. The moment I looked at it I could tell from the dark paper wrapping it who had sent it.

'I hope this gets to you well dear Xander. I am thankful for your thoughtful gift, I am referring to the description of their crimes, it made it worthwhile punishing them and when you get this letter you will need back to your tower and I will finally be able to meet that student of yours.' The first paragraph read. I did not bother to read the next parts. The letter in his hand got burnt instantly as the lightning flashing around me burnt it. The next second I was flying on lighting and on. My way to the academy.

'I can't let her take Aldin away from me.'


Some few minutes after Xander left the shadow at the gates of the academy suddenly rose a tall woman with black flowing hair that reached her feet and a black attire from the shadow. As she walked through the gates darkness began to creep in the air and great weakness flooded the whole academy. Leon who in his office, doing some of his pent up work due to the prolonged stay of Xander and humming happily suddenly felt the sudden wave of fatigue he had a guess about who it could possibly be. He rushed out to the academy gates.

When he got there his worst fear came true. Opius was walking into the academy, all Leon could do was simply was kneel. Among many other names she was called plague of death, everywhere she went those who would be deserving of death would receive it int.he slowest and the most painful ways. She walked over to where Leon was and bent next to him.

"Please stand up." Opius said in a slow manner. Sending pulses of darkness mana that acted to frighten Leon. Leon stood up straight like a pole.

"How may I help you today?" Leon said in a coo manner hoping for all of it to pass.

'What the fuck I do to attract this much trouble?' Leon thought to himself.

"I wanted you to introduce me to the kid that Xander was interested in." Opius said with a kind smile that served only to frighten Leon even more.

"Yes I will." Leon said.

'Why does it always have something to dodge with Aldin?' Leon thought to himself.

Turned and began making their way to the mansion. Meanwhile Aldin and Isabella were practicing magic.

Isabella was doing her best to control the mist of darkness in her hands. Aldin and made several orbs of light and Isabella controlled the mist to devour all of Aldin's spell.

She strained a lot to control it well. Max was on the side watching everything that took place with excitement at every single step that took place noting any possible adjustments that could be made. Suddenly everything began to darken. Aldin was a bit surprised by all of this. The dark mana began to seep into them. Isabella began to fell dear but Aldin felt a strange feeling take control over his mana.

'What is this feeling, it feels familiar.' Aldin thought to himself as he could feel the battle taking place inside him. The new man tried to take over but his mana was constantly battling it. Intense pain began to stir in his core. Aldin fell on his knees panting struggling to negate the pain. Leon and Opius appeared just then to find Aldin on his knees panting profusely and sweating buckets. Leon immediately got nearer him to check what was happening to him. Worried something bad might have happened to him.