Chapter 120

Out of worry Opius cancelled her mist of fear and moved closer to see if she could do anything but at the very moment, Xander landed next to the two of them. He saw Aldin on the ground with a pained expression.

"What did you do?" Xander shouted and lighting in the sky reverberated to his shout. The whole sky began to fill with lighting and ice spears in a fraction of a second displaying the strong power Xander had and could be seen from all around the capital and beyond.

Without waiting to hear anything Xander moved in fast ready to strangle Opius. Opius now did not have the advantage of surprise and that was a great disadvantage to her. She used a black tile to jump up. Lightning in the sky aimed at her and she had to move quickly to descend but Xander was ready for her. She was met by shards of ice, using a shield of darkness she was able to defend it.

The bolts of lightning caught up with her and she took some damage but her shield bore some of it for her. She was on the ground, hurt and tired Xander descended towards her ready to attack but he was open giving Opius the chance to fire a poison needle at him.

It landed a direct hit on his thigh. Xander pulled it out immediately but the poison was already in his system. His body began to stiffen. Normally Opius would use this to make her opponents still during the torture but she had nothing else to use at the moment.

Xander fell like a rock to the ground. Opius was ready to pounce on him and knock him out but before she could Xander cast a mist around them. He could now tell where she was. Lightning from the sky began dropping from the ground aimed at her. She was only able to dodge most of them. Those that would miss would land on her forcing her to begin using her mana expensive shields.

Meanwhile, Aldins situation had calmed down and he was now free of the strain. He got up to find Leon and the other two next to him.

"What happened?" Aldin asked.

"Two tower masters are battling," Leon said.

They all went to the side of the rooftop to look down at the ground and watch the fight. Aldin thought took some time because of. the pain he had just felt lingering in his body. When he got to the edge he was in awe of their exchange, fast and strong.

'I want to have that one day.' Aldin thought to himself.

When Xander cast his mist Aldin was caught in it and he could immediately tell. He continued his battle with Opius he tried to knock her out with one of his attacks but she was using her shield to protect herself. The exchange continued for a while but it became equal-sided. He let his concentration on the exchange wane a bit and Opius took this chance to draw nearer and try to end it all but all the bolts merged in hit her in the face and her shield was broken landing the whole spell on her and knocking her unconscious.

The three after this rushed down to go help the tower master but Aldin who was straining to walk had to stay back. Using lice he had attached to his limbs he was able to finally move and immediately went up to the rooftop.

'Are you alright Xander wrote in the air using water magic to form the ice characters that floated in the air.

"I am now, though I do feel some discomfort," Aldin said.

'Can you describe it more.' Xander wrote in the air.

"it feels like the skin on me is not my own. It felt as if something was taking over and forcefully like the time I was practising body hardening." Aldin.

Xander was shocked. It was an exercise that had been shed off long ago due to the extreme pain it would cause but Aldin knew about it and that only meant one thing, Leon had something to do with it.

Leon who had just arrived at the doors of the mansion was suddenly pulled up by ice shackles on his arm.

'Why did you teach Aldin body hardening.' Xander wrote. Leon immediately looked at Aldin with an expression that was both angry and scared at the same time. Aldin remembered the promise he had made to Leon.

"It wasn't in a bad way, it helped me a lot., Aldin said trying to save Leon.

'So you mean he did not force you to do it for his curiosity?' Xander wrote while sending Leon a death glare.

"Yes, yes, he did not," Aldin answered.

Xander let go of Leon who fell to the ground but saved himself using a board light construct.

He landed next to Max and Isabella who were shocked.

Xander who was back at the rooftop with Aldin proceeded to examine him, he had no effect of mana poisoning, surge or any other mana-related problems but he was still inpoan for an unknown reason.

He and Aldjn went inside to wait for the pain and the immobility to disappear. Opius was brought in by the others and given a recovery pill. Xander's numbness ended in roughly an hour. And Aldins pain had ended in a few minutes after they went to the study area, Isabella and Leon were also there with them.

Opius woke up a few hours later. She felt refreshed but the pain of the blots of lightning was still fresh in her mind. When she looked at Xander rage took over but she did not want to ruin her chances of winning Aldin.

"Why did you immediately try to kill me when you arrived? Opius asked.

"Because you hurt my disciple," Xander said. Marking his territory clearly. Opius heard the words clearly but she had no idea why the third tower master had chosen the kid.

"I did not hurt him," Opius said.

"Then what did you do, because when I got here he was on the ground in pain," Xander said and lighting began to form in the sky again.

"I just use my mist of fear, but it was moderate," Opus said in her defence.

"What, you used that to scare my disciple!" Xander said in a low voice but it could be felt through the air since it instinctively carried his individuality with it and his will only attacked Opius. Opius trembled as the words were spoken but she used her will to shield herself from it. Opius was an assassin-type mage but nonetheless, a mage as they were. She was able to stand her ground and repelled Xander's attack.

"I did not know now he was your disciple. What makes him so special that you had to stay here all that long? I had to. hide for days before you finally left." Opius said. Leon gulped knowing something bad was bound to happen. Xander on the other hand smirked ready to flex to her of his great achievement but his anger at her got the best of him.

"It's nothing you should bother yourself with,' Xander said and pouted.

'Something is definitely up, I have to find out.

"And why did you send me that letter if you wanted to meet him secretly," Xander said, it had been something he was curious about.

"She did not, I did." A voice said from the door. Suddenly a golden-haired man who looked to be in his late forties walked in. He was dressed in red robes with a golden outline.

You thought you could keep those three gems to yourself.

"What did you mean?" Xander said trying to feign ignorance.

"Then you have no problem if I try luck." Alastor Blank, the second tower master said and looked over to Aldin and Isabella with a huge smile.

"I got here first so mind your own business," Xander said while still in his chair, but if he stood up he would clearly show the huge height difference which he never liked being mentioned.

"It would be so if it was your territory but right now we are on neutral land.

The tower master had their own assigned tasks and territory and rights were on neutral land.

Too bad, I got here first and they all agreed to come to my tower with me. at the end of the year.

'Now I am sure there is something I do not know.' Opius thought to herself.

"Then you should. not. have come here earlier than the date agreed upon, or do you. want is to call the other tower master here to solve all this.

"What are you guys talking about?" Opiius asked frustrated not knowing anything.

At that very moment,, Darvin arrived from his class to find three Adults having an argument like kids and Aldin, Isabella, Max and the principal watching them.