Chapter 121

"What is so important about them?" Opius said in a rather angry voice, she was tire of getting ignored.

"I think he should tell you," Alastor said causing Xander to pout.

"Why did you have to invite her," Xander said.

"I didn't want to get any less than you did, and I can't invite because it would be the three of us fighting for one thing." Alastor said.

"Well, if it's that way then you can pick from the rest, I m still going to keep Aldin." Xander said and moved closer o Aldin to put more emphasis on it.

"Why don't you let him choose then?" Alastor said and all three adult tower masters looked at Aldin for an answer.

"I just want somewhere Darvin, Isabella and I can practice magic in peace." Aldin said. Again the three adults went into a full blown argument, Xander and Alastor fighting for Aldin . Aldin, Leon, Isabella and Darvin went out of the room and left them to their battle of words.

"Who are those two other people?" Darvin asked when they got to the dining area for their midday meal.

"Those are tower master." Leon said, Isabella and Darvin were astounded by this. Powerful people who were on the same level as the king had been with them in the same room as them.

"And was the woman darkness attributed?" Aldin asked.

"yes she was, a very powerful one at that." Leon said.

Aldin looked over at Isabella who looked back at him.

"I won't go with any of them, you agreed you would take care of me, so don't back down." Isabella said.

"And so am I, if they can't agree, I will fight to follow you." Darvin added.

The room went silent and an awkward silence floated in the air. Everyone took their meal in utter silence before each went their own way. Darvin back to his class. Isabella to her lesson with max and Aldin, went to resume his tutorage of the fourth year students.


I had just recovered from the most terrifying moment of my life. The nurse release me to go to class, the others still needed a little bit more time to recover from the injuries they had sustained from Aldin. I went back to my room to get some rest before going back my normal school routine. I met with a few of my classmates for lunch. I narrated to them the horrors we had undergone on the fateful day. Aldin had played around with us and tossed us like rag dolls. I went back to class with them, to my surprise, Aldin who had stopped attending our lessons had come back, if not for my experience with him, I would have been happy to have him as my teacher.

"Welcome class, I believe professor Celine has been helping you, I know this is a combat class but I would like us all to try something new." Aldin said and all the students became alert instantly.

"In a battle you do not necessarily have to be exchanging direct blows, they might have attacks hidden waiting for when you are not expecting them." Aldin continued and pointed up at the sky, ice spikes were floating high above them. If he had dropped them I was almost sure they would land on us. After a few second, they all dissipated.

"And we have, Vincent and his team members for helping me realize that," Aldin said and immediately everyone turned their eyes to me. I could tell they were all envious of me but I doubt if they knew exactly how everything that had happened it would wipe of their smirks.

"And thus I will form groups of two among you and you will all try this out to build experience in it." Aldin said and began counting everyone.

"Why are guys short of four students?" Aldin asked. I desperately wanted to tell him it was all because of the torturous punishment he had given them but he did not want a second serving.

"They are still recovering from their time with you." Barrin said, loud enough for all to hear what he had said. Aldin looked down, he stood that way for a few seconds before standing straight again. His cheeks thought were slightly flushed and he refuse to look at Barrin, who was standing next to me, in the eye.

"Then lets proceed," Aldin said.

The groups were sorted out and they began their battles. Time went fast and many of them lost in the first minutes because they would be to concentrated on trying to find the hidden attack than to fight. Very few of the remaining sudents learnt from this.

The battles went smoothly and in an hour all groups had gone against each others.

"We want to take you on," a group of students said, they were the classmates of mine whom I had told about the incident when my team went against Aldin.


After Vincent told them about the incident when he and his team faced Aldin, they found it unbelievable that somebody just one tier above them had been able to beat five second tiered mages and assumed that Vincent's group was just weak. But they had failed to consider that due to his three attributes he had the mana worth three mages which equaled his power to that of three mages combined.

"Are you sure of this?" Aldin asked them, worried that they had no idea what they were getting into.

"Yes we are." One of them said and the others nodded with uncertainty, clearly evident as daylight, on their faces.

'I hope you all learn from this.' Aldin thought to himself.

"Everybody clear the field!" Aldin shouted to everyone and the all went to the side and Aldin used Earth magic to rasie them up in order to protect them from the attacks.

"From what you saw that day, do you think they have a chance?" Barrin who was next to Vincent asked.

I remembered the fight, and how it ended in a couple of minutes and I knew the answer to his question immediately.

"I highly doubt it." Vincent said.

"Why do you say that?" Barrin asked curiously.

"Becauase even on that day he was still messing with us." Vincent said.

"Sounds just like him." Barrin said.

"I hooe they at least escape rhe experience better than we did." Vincent said.

The eight students surrounded Aldin, from their expressions one could tell that they were tensed.

"Attack!" one among them shouted. Dust rose in the air instantly, and it wasn't one of Aldin's attacks but he put the trick at the back of his mind to remember it. Attack spells were fired from all side to the inside, a huge blast occurred in the dust cloud, most of the students on the stands were worried that something might have happened to Aldin but Barrin, Vincent, Terias and Celine knew better. When the dust was blown away the all so Aldin floating in the air on a floating light construct board.

The students were all to stunned to notice the giant orbs of water floating in the air. The orbs all fell on them and before they could even act, the water froze on their skin. It was a thin layer of ice so they ahd no diffivulty breaking free.

"You were right, he could have defeated them if he wanted in the first few seconds but chose not to, they are in for it now." Terias said from behind Vincent. He had no idea when she got behind him but it spooked him big time that he almsot fell to the ground from the stands but Barrin rescued just before I did.

"When did you get behind me?" Vincent asked Terias as Vi looked back at her.

"I was here from before the battle began."Terias said.

Barrin was not concentrating on their conversation anymore but struggling to form a barrier to prevent anybody else falling from the edges but it just wasn't budging. He even added the amount of mana he was applying but nothing happened still. The struggle became too much for him to bare and his head began to ache a lot. He became dizzy and fell from the edge, when he fell it was too late before those on the stands noticed. He was almost to the ground when Aldin appered. Next to him. The students who were fighting against Aldin saw this as a golden opportunity and didn't wait a second before firing their attacks at him.

Aldin rose a giant wall to protect himself and Barrin from the attacks and then covered himself with an orb of light construct around him and using lightning as his stead went to the infirmary and left Barrin at he door before knocking and going back to the training area using Xander's extremely mana expensive spell. He got their in a couple of seconds and stood high in the sky looking down at everybody.