Chapter 132 Command


As Aldin's mana was seeping into their bodies except for Celine.

All the students in the class were all second tiered and Celine was a third-tiered mage but still did not have any advancements in will.

What Aldin was using was take over but with a little twist of his own, instead of just simply taking over the will they had he was also planting his own within them.

As Aldin's will continued to take them over he began speaking.

"I know that you look up to means that is why I need you all to talk nothing about me on the day of the tournaments, nor Darvin, avoid that topic at all times," Aldin said, as he talked they could all hear him, almost as if he was in their heads. 

Immediately after saying words Aldin went unconscious and fell to the ground.His influence and will faded away as well accompanied by the huge storm clouds. He fell to the ground and everyone else apart from Celine was standing with a blank look on their faces.

Celine immediately rushed to pick him up and take him to the infirmary and the others were left standing.

They fell out of their trance to find their professor and Aldin not there. 

They were all confused by what had just happened, in their minds, Aldin and Their professor had been there just a moment ago and now they had vanished into thin air. Instead of worrying, they continued practising, after all, they would be performing in front of the seven tower masters hoping to get chosen by one of them. In, a couple of minutes Aldin had been released from the infirmary and was headed back to the mansion, but he had something on his mind.

Aldin Randell

When I fainted in the training area after using too much will, I found myself in a dark space with a humanoid person with me.

'What did you do this time to get you in here.?' he asked. I explained everything to him in detail, his face lit up.

'I never thought would be used like that,' he said 'What gave you the idea to do that?'' 

'I just thought that if will could take over why not add mine to others' in place of their wills.' I said

'That is good but what do you think the effect will be?' he asked.

'I can't be sure, we will have to wait and see the outcome, but one thing I noticed was that it integrated into theirs and I have no way of checking it since it is now part of their will,' I said.

There was a minute of silence before I asked something that had been bothering me for some time.

"Who are you?' the humanoid man became silent, almost as if he was frozen in time.

'It is not the right time for me to tell you everything but I can tell you this, you and I are very alike, i know this is not a lot but it is the best for our safety, when the time is ready I will tell you everything, please be patient with me.' he said. The darkness began to fade and the last thing I could see was his sad expression but it also displayed a lot, there was anger and pain, I don't know how I could tell but I knew I was right.

When I woke and found myself in the infirmary I felt a deep sense of pain deep in me, it was awful, it was mixed in with a lot of anger and guilt. it took some time to push it to the back of my mind. In the end, it all faded away on its own but the feeling was deeply engrained into my memory.

I left the infirmary and went to the mansion to get my thoughts straight.

On my I bumped into Bela, she seemed to be walking to the library, which was surprising considering what had happened to her there.

"Hey, Bela!" I shouted to draw her attention and ran to catch up to her. She turned to face me, she had a huge smile on her face.

"How have you been?" I asked her.

"I'm doing fine just been very busy with my studies." She said.

"Good to hear," I said happily. She had put the pain behind her and was moving forward with her life. I Was about to leave but she grabbed me by the arm, and not softly, she had a firm grip.

"I was asking if you could help me with something I don't understand about ice magic?" She said,

"Sure why not, let's go to my mansion I can show you," I said and Bela went beet red, I knew what she was thinking, and played it dumb not to bring any attention to her obscene thoughts.

We headed to the mansion and when we got there we headed to the upper floor to the training area. when I walked in I found Isabella floating on a darkness tile construct, she was working on her flight spell.

Since she was high in the sky the wind was blowing her raven black hair leaving flawless skin uncovered.

When she looked to see us she lost concentration and the darkness-floating tile construct broke apart causing her to fall. My body reacted to this instinctively and it just moved and used a flight spell of my own to get in the air and catch her before she hit the ground but she saved herself using another darkness construct. 

I was floating on my light construct and she was on her darkness construct floating next to me, it was awkward.

"Are you alright?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I just lost concentration for a while," she said. There was an awkward silence in the air forward until Max called me.

"Hey come here for a second," Max said. 

I went over to where he was.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I wanted you to give me your opinion on my darkness mist," he said and raised his palm formed timer mist, it was made of a cloud-like substance that was made out of shadows. I made an orb of light closer to it, and when I placed it within the cloud, the mana in it vanished but not instantly, it took a couple of seconds before it fully disappeared. But I got an idea of how to improve it. When the mana from my spell was getting absorbed by the attribute of his darkness I could feel the fight of both our wills, since I was not fighting back I was able to notice the whole event. This meant that will was the key to making the devouring abilities of darkness stronger.

"Are you in the third tier yet?" I asked.

"Yes I am," He said.

"And have you gotten any attainments on will?" I asked as well.

"Yes but my mastery is that good," He said.

"Good, though not that good," I said which I realised only after saying its harshness. "What I meant is that you can improve the strength of the absorption abilities of darkness but your low attainments in will hinder you from getting the best out of it,"

His face lit up.

"But how does will affect the strength of my adsorption abilities?" He asked.

"What do you define will as?" I asked him.

"As the control of mana," he said.

"Well think of it this way, if will is the control mana then that control can be used to take over other mana," I said.

"But how does it work on other attributes?" He asked.

"Because control is simply control," I said. For the next few minutes, his forehead was frowned as he thought about it. His face suddenly lit up.

"Take over on teaching Isabella," he said before running off.

Isabella came down once Max had left. Bela coughed from the side reminding me that she was still there.

"When are we going to start," Bela asked.

"I'll teach both of you at the same time," I said and she smiled as she nodded. I would have missed the twitching of her eyes if I had not gained improved eyesight.

Isabella after getting back to the ground walked up to us, she stood next to me but did not talk and Bela was staring at me.

"Isabella, this is Bela, I saved her from some bullies, and Bela, this is Isabella, my student," I said introducing them to each other.

They were both still silent towards each other.

"Well, let's get to work," I said. "Isabella I want you to absorb this mana," I continued and formed a huge orb of water that I had created purely out of mana, it was highly concentrated mana since I wanted her to learn how to handle large amounts of man continuously.

"And do it continuously with only one source of darkness." i said

"Bela, come to the side with me, i want to see how far you are at." I continued.