Chapter 131- Setting things straight.

Leon Corvus

I took Aldin to the infirmary, Ivy had not made any move nor had she tried to stop me.

'Seems she won't dare go against the agreement.' I thought.

From the letter I got from Xander, all seven of them had agreed not to get involved before the day of the tournament. Ivy had made an attempt but that was not enough to get her banned from being a possible beneficiary of Aldin, but it had destroyed all her chances with Aldin whom she assumed was Darvin, nor was I willing to correct her on that and also the same time Darvin who deploy cared about Aldin's opinion.

When we got into the infirmary Aldin was placed in one of the rooms, it only took a few minutes before he woke up, after all, he had learnt how to use will.

When he woke up he seemed frightened.

"I am sorry for stirring problems," Aldin said once he was fully awake.

"You did a good job beating them up," I said, words I never thought I would ever say in my right mind. " And good job on not showing them anything important."

"I know they won't stop there, so I will wait until they try it a second time to show them something more," Aldin said. I was dumbfounded, whenever I saw Aldin, I saw an innocent kid who had a licking for mischief but he was showing me sides of him I never thought existed, he was behaving a bit more cynical and cunning rather than mischievous.

"And what made you unconscious, I thought you figured out how to use will?" I asked.

"I do know how to and that is what helped me, I rectified my will and let her affect me causing me to lose consciousness," Aldin said in a casual tone.

This time my jaw dropped, i now had reason to believe that everything mischievous Aldin had done was intentional and shocked that in a day he had learnt how to properly use his will. For the next few minutes, I was speechless. I could not wrap my head around that I failed to notice Aldin leave. At one point I even began to think that everything about him was just a lie, the more I thought about it the more conspiracy theories piled up in my brain. I eventually left and headed to my place to cool off.

Aldin Randell.

After leaving the infirmary I went to the mansion too and immediately I got within the censoring range Darvin came rushing out, his face was panicked. I planned on telling him what had happened outside the academy gates but I did not have the heart to cause my best friend any more pain.

"How did it go?" Darvin asked while checking whether had any arrows on my back or any missing limbs.

"Yes I am," I said with my face heating up flustered by the attention he was giving me and the care accompanying it.

"Everything is solved, though I have to tell you a few things as I eat breakfast," I said grabbing his arm and we headed into the mansion and then the dining area.

I narrated to him everything from the moment we left the academy with Master until when I was in the infirmary. Of course, I did skip out the details about what those three people had said.

"That is an interesting way to use will. And I think I still have the best option in choosing Xander, according to your description he seems the safest option since he is the most sane of all tower masters I have met." Darvin said.

"Now what we have to do is work hard to increase our strength before the tournament, although they do not know our exact strengths we must be prepared for all their trick, especially Ivy," I said.

"I don't think a few weeks is going to be enough'" Darvin said.

"No need to worry, I have a plan for that, I have some materials I can use to make a powerful mana pill and we should also work on improving our armour and weapons'" I said.

"You have a point, especially with the new knowledge I've gotten in the past few months," Darvin said.

"Now all that is left is to cancel our classes, we should go inform them personally," I said, we needed to have time to practice and we could not do that with our classes still on.

"I'll go first, they are probably in class, you can have your breakfast before heading out," Daivin said and stood up and left. Leaving me to have my breakfast.

Darvin Talor.

I left the mansion leaving Aldin to enjoy his breakfast and headed to the second training area. When I walked in I could see the excited faces of my students, though not all of them.

They all came around me when I got in, and I would not be able to continue teaching them.

"I have some information to share," I said and they all seemed keen to listen.

"I will no longer be your instructor," immediately several grains could be heard but one of them was feeling the opposite.

"I told you all that Professor Earl was going to come back," Justin said with a huge grin on his face, he seemed truly happy.

"Glady too professor Earl will also not be joining us," I said, the light on Justin's expression instantly disappeared, and the other students in the class burst out in laughter, he was completely humiliated and I let the laughter continue not sopping them hoping the kid would learn to read the room and once the laughter died down I continued what I wanted to say.

"The reason behind this is because I have to practice, Aldin and I will be graduating this year and we have to get ready for the tournament.

Immediately the whole class burst into a series of congratulatory praises but one question struck me.

"What tower do you and Aldin plan to join," one of the students asked and the whole class went dead silent and they all looked at me waiting for an answer.

"Aldin and I both intend to join the third tower," I said. They all jumped into discussion giving me the chance to slip away. When I got to the mansion Aldin had already left.

Aldin Randell

After taking my breakfast I left for training area four. When I got there I remembered how I had escaped Terias the previous day. Before I could even leave she was in front of me.

"Good to see you," Terias said sarcastically. "Kow do you wish to explain to me what you did the other day."

I had no good excuse nor could I reveal anything about will but help arrived on its own.

"Wait till you get to the third tier, for now just wait." Professor Celine said walking towards us and asked Terias to go back to training.

"What are you going to teach them today," Celine asked. She also seemed eager to see me since I was rarely present.

"About that," I started.

"Sadly I am not here to teach but rather to bid them farewell. I will be taking part in this year's tournament and I need to get ready for it," I said.

"Ohh," Professor Celine said. Her expression changed to one of sadness.

"Then tell them yourself," Celine said.

"Everybody come here," she said and called everyone to come round us.

"Aldin has an announcement to make to you all." Professor Celine said thus causing all eyes to fall towards me. They all looked at me eagerly waiting for me to speak. The pressure from their gazes made me slightly lightheaded but I made it through.

"I will be taking part in this year's tournament with all of you," I said. Horrid gasps could be heard from the crowd.

"Don't worry I will not be fighting you all but representatives from the towers. And they all sighed simultaneously.

"And sadly I will not be teaching you any more." I said and they all seemed sad but that only lasted for a couple of seconds before they began bombarding me with 'the' question, which tower I wanted to join.

I knew the answer already so it was not hard for me to tell them.

"The third tower," I said.

"Is it because you are already his student," one of them froze knowing what would happen if anybody else found out, I had to solve this issue as it was and the lighting flashing in the sky was the sign.


One of the skills Aldin had learned was fear. It was a subversion take over but it required more mental effort to be executed.

Above all of them, lightning flashed and clouds darkened. This only occurred slightly above training area four.

When the students looked up at Aldin they could see his face was deadly serious. The shadow cast by the clouds made him look terrifying and their memories of his lessons made it even worse.

They all began trembling.