Tournament Part 2

"And how do you know this," Ivy asked.

"Because I looked into the firing a bit more, because I have to say, they had it coming. The Professor your student dearly favours had been harassing Darvon since he joined but had it bad when Aldin joined, they got taken down," Alastor said while glaring at Alice.

"You mean that the kid was able to take down Professor Earl," Alice said out of turn.

"Well you should know, after all, he did beat you," Alastor said still looking at Alice and then turned to Ivy.

"You seriously thought I would not find out that your disciple got beat by a first year, pathetic," Alastor said to Ivy.

"What did you say!?" Ivy said filled with anger, after all her pathetic disciple had just been exposed for being beaten by a first year.

"Quite down, we want to watch the tournament," Xander said forcing Ivy to quit, much to Alstor's pleasure. 

The matches continued, the battles were very intense, the skills they had learnt from Aldin were all being applied, and all the spectators were in awe.

"I wonder who taught them, their skills are great," Edna asked, she had just seen a variety of advanced skills being displayed.

"We would have to wait for the principal to get back. All this time Aldin had constantly been observing the battles he would praise them for their efforts and the improvements they had made, and finally it was time for the heavy hitters to come on stage.

"Comming on stage are Barrin and Terias," Leon said and from each side, Barrin and Terias walked in fully armoured with weapons in hand, Terias had a sword and Barrin a rod.

The crowd went wild, this would be the most epic battle and also the last battle before Aldin and Darvin would come forward to show their abilities.

Barrin stood on one side and Terias on the other they had eyes on each other ready to make a move.

Immediately Dave signalled the commencement of the battle Aldin fired several earth spikes at Terias, they were fast approaching and would have punctured her instantly so using her fire magic flew up in the sky causing the spikes to miss her.

Barrin was not going to let this opportunity escape his grasp and redirected them at her Terias flew even higher in the sky and aligned herself between the midday sun and Barrin's vision making his sight poor the spikes were still headed to her and using fire magic made a heat zone breaking apart the stones and turning them to dust, it would take to much mana to turn the dust back to stone so Barrin had to leave it to fall to the ground.

From above Terias had the perfect view to strike Barrin and using it, she fired fireballs as big as a grown man's head. They hit like cannon balls and Barrin did his best to dodge them to the best of his ability.

After getting tired of being hit by Terias, Barrin decided to raise himself to the same level as her using a pillar.

Just when they were on the same level Terias used a heat wave slash to cut down the pillar, this forced Barrin to fix it and lose concentration on Terrias thus giving her the opening to attack him.

With her fist covered in flames, she hit him straight in the jaw and sent him flying down to the ground. Terias then began heating her sword with the flames on her fist.

She descended fast ready to finish off the battle.

Meanwhile using earth magic, Barrin had been able to soften his landing, he looked up to see Terias coming down towards him and made sufficient preparations for it. 

 When Terias was about to land Barrin fired earth projectiles at her and with a wave of her sword a wave of heat was released, cutting down the projectiles that were aimed at her and proceeded to kick at Barrin before going up in the air once again,

Barrin was pushed back and fell to the ground. \

"Time to get serious," Barrin said to himself and plunged the rod in his hand into the ground. When he lifted it into the air, a huge amount of the earth had stuck to it and imitated a hammer. Barrin raised it high before bringing it down at once and turning it to dust it spread out into the arne, covering their view of the ground, Terias had been covered by the dust and was unable to see anything through it, the dust began to accumulate on her armour making it extremely heavy. Once it was heavy enough for her not to be able to fly away, rocks that had accumulated around her began to aim and fire at her, going back and doing the same, Terias bore the pain that came with it for a while, 

Using all the heat she could control on her armour without cooking herself, Terias let out a strong wave of heat which was accompanied by explosions from around her before she flew away, as she tried to rocks were still being fired at her but the dust could not accumulate on her and she continued flying up, the dust followed right behind her clinging on her to the best of its ability, she used the best of her ability to fly up farther away from the dust but it also rose with her, when it was all up in the air Barrin was nowhere to be seen.

The cloud of dust had split into tendrils of mana and tried to encloseTerias within itself.

The tendrils were almost catching her but she would use an explosion to free herself. They were engaged in a heated battle.

"Stop, that is enough," A voice said from the stands that drew everyone's attention. It was Aldin and Professor Dale who were beside him who had helped to amplify it.

After they had started going all out Aldin called Dale to help him stop them.

"That's enough," Aldin added at the end.

The dust immediately settled and the explosions ended.

Terias and Barrin came down after the dust settled and knelt with one knee to Aldin. This caught everyone by surprise including Aldin himself.

"We apologise for losing control, please forgive us, master!" they both said at the top of their lungs shocking everyone further.

"So Aldin is the one who trained them," Edna said in thought.

"You lost it big time Ivy," Alastor said, to mock her. All she could do was grind her teeth.

The rest of the tower masters remained silent each in their own thoughts.

Meanwhile, Leon had gone down to where Terias and Barrin were," So who is going to be the winner?" he asked.

"Let's call it a tie, I am greatly impressed at your display," Aldin said." BArrin you have learnt to use your head in the fight and Terias, great improvement in packing your punches,"

The two were deeply touched by this.

"Thank you, master, we are greatly honoured by your grace upon us, and we also have a request, now on both their knees," They said.

"What is it?" Aldin asked, intrigued.

"Let us follow you wherever you go?" They both said.

"I'm sorry but I can not agree to that, you need to follow your own paths," Aldin said hoping it was enough to stop them from requesting again.

"You are our path, when we are with you we continuously improve, your insight is great," Barrin said.

"And it is not only us," Terias said and all the fourth years came out and knelt before Aldin.

" We humbly beg you to allow us to follow you," they said in unison.

" My answer is still the same, go out there and choose your own paths, if you only rely on me you will only ever be what I can see, view the world in your own eyes, I may help you but it hinders the growth you need," before waking up and leaving.

 They all stood up saddened and looked over to Darvin for help but he could not bear it and left, they soon left with saddened expressions, they had hoped that if they begged him he would agree to it, but he did not.

"We will take a short break and be back for the rest of the tournament," Leon said.

A few minutes prior to this Ivy had made a request to the guards,

After calling a guard over," Go summon the principal and tell him to come urgently." Ivy said to the guard.

The guard ran over to Leon and informed him of the Tower master's request.

He announced a short break before leaving, when he got to where the tower masters were, he was met by a stern-faced Edna and Ivy.

"We would like an explanation," Ivy said with her aura on the verge of bursting out.