Tournament Part 3: two secrets.

"What?!"Leon asked both confused and scared.

"He thought everything had come out in the light which was the actual opposite, none of the other tower masters had assumed anything.

"I wanted to know, why the third years knelt to Aldin," Edna asked. Leon almost sighed but he just held it in not to raise any suspicion.

'You should get your priorities checked, good riddance in hell.' Leon thought to himself.

"They were all beaten by Aldin, and not just them but the whole school basically adores Aldin," Leon said nonchalantly, he too would have done the same as well if he were in their position as well.

"What?!"Edna shouted out of shock.

"How did this happen?" Ivy asked shocked and upset, allowing her aura to break free and fill the whole room.

"Stop bothering him, you nincompoop!" Oris said appearing next to her and smacking the back of her head.

Oris had not spoken during the whole session, not because he was afraid, quite the contrary, he was actually on par with Xander if not slightly higher when it came to power but he kept quiet since he had his eyes on Aldin, something about Aldin was very familiar. After hearing what Leon had said something clicked in him.

' if I want Aldin, I have to convince those close to him and use them to get to him.' Oris thought. When Ivy decided to go rampant he felt the urge to stomp her but he held it back not wanting to cause unwanted problems.

Ivy would have picked a fight if it was anyone else who had smacked her but this time she just curled into a ball and turned back and turned to look at him.

He was furious and his eyes were red. His head was flying on its own behind him and his aura was on the verge of breaking free.

"You careless little beast, keep your aura down and don't interrupt my listening," Oris said and the next second he was on the seat next to Leon.

"Continue," Oris said.

The air around Leon was now calm and silent, he felt at ease.

"When Aldin joined the academy he was able to beat a fourth year before he even had any classes, he displayed the students on a large pillar of ice, on the first lesson he overdid the professor and even helped her create a new spell, he also had the insight to help other mages including myself. We ended up putting them into a special program since he was learning too fast, he finished within this year, He also mastered all specialisations, and improved them." Leon said to briefly describe the least of Aldin's achievements. He also had to stop all the tower masters had their jaws dropped, together with Bishop and Alice.

"Is there anything wrong," Leon asked.

"No, we just find this very hard to believe, including how old he is, look at him, he looks to be of age," Ilas said.

"He practised body refining, didn't he?" Oris asked. Leon gulped at this question but he felt so calm that he spit it out.

"Yes," Len said. The other tower masters were silent and were waiting for Oris's response.

"That explains a lot," Xander said.

"Indeed, that shows how good of a seed he is." Oris said." That is why I advise you not to try to pick him, when the time comes take a seat and stay behind."

Oris looked back to face the other and he had a serious expression on his face as he looked at them, his glare was cold and threatening to give them a chill to the bone.

"Why don't we just leave the choice to him, forced watermelon is not sweet. And after all if you are the better option he will choose you," Xander said looking at Oris with a smile.

'It is true, damn I hate it when he's right,' Oris thought which lead to his face twisting into an ugly expression.

"Alright, we will see who takes him," Oris said.

Meanwhile, Aldin and Darvin had left the arena and gone to the cafeteria, still dressed in their armour.

"Sure has been a long time since we got in here," Darvin said.

"Sure is," Darvin said.

"Why didn't you allow them to follow you, you would have gotten your own army and helped Xander," Darvin said.

"Yes, that would have been great, but would it be right, they would follow me only because of power, what if someone stronger than me came around, I would be losing everything. I know they mean well, but I just can't accept it, I can't guarantee that I will have the solution for all their problems." Aldin said borrowed.

"But what if you wanted to say that why did you have to act so cold to them, they showed you their honesty when they knelt down, didn't they," Darvin said.

"that's not enough to settle my worries about them," Aldin said.

"Then test them, they at least can't control how they act," Darvin said.

"Great idea, but I'll have to think about it to come up with a perfect idea," Aldin said. 

For a few minutes they discussed probable ideas but a guard soon came for them.

"The tournament is about to continue," the guard said.

Aldin and Darvin looked at each other and a wicked smile crept onto their faces.

"show the way," Darvon said and they were taken to the waiting area where they would wait for their turns.

At the same time at the other waiting area.

"Don't hold back anything, tear up that kid," Ivy said.

"And what about tower master Oris?" Bishop asked.

"You'll be fighting Darvin not Aldin, he won't care," Ivy said nonchalantly. 

"Okay," Bishop said worried his gut filling was all over the place. 

A guard came towards them, "get ready you are about to go out," the guard said.

Bishop walked to the ready for battle, his armour adorned.

His armour was silver coloured and covered his whole body but had and white crystal lining. And white clothes draped on top.

'We now welcome our next contestants, Darvin and Bishop." Leon shouted, with the assistance of Dale to amplify it, and the whole area went wild with cheers. Even the guards were evidently smiling. 

Simultaneously Bishop who was serious and Darin who had a wicked smile walked out into the arena, ready to face off.

The cheers were louder than ever before.

"ARE YOU READY!" Leon shouted adding to Bishop's worry. 

Darvin nodded and Bishop nodded reluctantly. 

"FIGHT!" Leon loudly announced.

Before Bishope could even make a move a bolt of lightning struck him straight in the chest and was pushed back several meters.

At the waiting bay, Ivy gasped out of shock.

Bishop was still stunned and had to collect his thoughts first but Darvin didn't give him the chance. Darvin appeared in front of him the next second and with a whip of ice in his hand, he, swiped it at Bishop pushing him to the side. Darvin pounced ready to attack aim but Bishop was ready for him with a shield of ice.

Darvin jumped back having failed to get a hit in.

Bishop fired a fireball at Darvin. Darvin dodged it and using lighting pounced at Bishop as he formed an ice rock in his hand. When he got to Bishop he used a water ball to smack at Bishop, he hit away his arm. This was a distraction giving Darvin the chance to hit him with a kick from the side.

Bishop was pushed to the side several meters, making it clear to the tower masters that he too had practised the body refining. 

From where he had landed Bishop stood up holding his aching ribs.

" Now I'm not going to hold back!" Bishop said to himself.

Darvin had done the same and pounced at Bishop ready to attack him again but once he was close enough a huge explosion pushed him back.

"Guess I can't finish this quick now," Darvin said to himself.

In his hands bolts of lightning formed, and Darvin fired them at Bishop who used ice to block them. Seeing that the first ones did not work Darvin made bigger bolts of lighting and fired them at Bishop who used thicker ice to block it.

'Since I cant use lighting better go to the next plan,' Darvin thought to himself.

Ice formed on his body to protect him from the fire. Using his strength backed up by lighting he was able to instantly move to Bishop aiming to kick him back but Bishop was narrowly able to hold it, Darvin simply supported the held-on leg and used the other leg to kick away Bishop.

Now Bishop was really mad. He was on the ground facing the sky with his anger at the Max.

"Now you really did it!" Bishop shouted at the top of his lungs and got up, thousands of needles of fire instantly formed in air above him.