Tournament part 4

"What!?" The tower masters shouted. Even Xander, Alastor and Opius except Ivy who found it amusing.

"Poor kid," Ilas said.

"And are his parents still alive?" Edna asked.

"Yes, Darvin is the only one who lost his father to a beast raid.

"Do you have any more details on this?' Xander asked.

"No, I only heard these bits and pieces from them," Leon said.

"Thank you, you may leave now," Oris said.

Back at the arena floor, Aldin was still taking on Ivor's lightning but he got bored. He formed a very dense and thick shield of ice and used it to block Ivor's lightning. While the lighting was getting blocked, Aldin formed an ice lance on his hand, Ivor saw this and used a will-filled wind blade to shatter it and attack Aldin's arm but the armour was too hard to cut through.

Ivor stopped firing the lightning since it had no effect on Aldin. A few will-filled wind blades appeared next to him, he fired them at Aldin who tried and failed to take over forcing him to use the shield to counter the blades. Ivor took this chance and used wind to propel himself to Aldin in an instant. He used a wind-propelled kick to hit Aldin, this barely pushed Aldin only a metre away, this was seriously angering Ivor, he had never fought with anyone like Aldin, and this was probably because he had never faced a tri-attributed mage before.

Ivor now had deluded thinking and was going to let loose, the air around him crackled loudly and huge bolts of will-filled mana appeared. Aldin felt the presence of the strong will and moved back in a big jump, this was the opportunity Ivor needed as the lighting followed Aldin, it was fast and caught up with Aldin just as he was landing from the huge jump, Aldin instinctively used lighting on his feet to fly into the sky. The lighting went straight a couple of meters before turning back towards him he dodged it on time and this time it did not just turn but split as well. There were now five giant bolts of lightning aiming at Aldin.

Meanwhile, back at the ground, Ivor was using every bit of control he could master to steer the bolts of lightning when something clicked inside him, his urge to win was surfacing more than ever, and the nature of the mana of his lighting changed as well, the began to glow a bright green that coated it's surface, this was the aura and it made the lightning move faster aiming at Aldin, determined to smite him to the ground. Aldin had to dodge them faster than before since the speed of lightning was getting fast As he was dodging one of them part of it scraped his causing it to bleed, it took him back to the day of his encounter with the mercenary group and his fight with Luke. This caused lighting to hit Aldin's chest, the armour blocked it but it passed through his arm into his body, Aldin began to fall to the ground, his vision was fading away and the darkness was creeping in, he could even see his holding onto his body with murderous intent, Aldin was going insane with fear. From the viewer's point of view, Aldin was falling to his death. Dale was flying towards him to catch him before he hit the ground. 

Then Aldin froze in the air, he stopped falling. He was unconscious though, leaving his unconscious mind to take over the body. Due to his desire not to use his other attributes, his mind would only use water. The water lord rune had activated and thanks to it, ice on his body helped Aldin to float in the air. He turned to look upright. His open but blank eyes began to glow from all the mana it was controlling. Ivor aimed his lighting at Aldin. They moved to him quickly, but once they got to him they got cancelled, Aldin had used take over the will skill.

"You are the one causing him such pain, I'll make you pay," The unconscious Aldin said, but not loud enough for anyone to hear him.

A pair of giant snake-like pillars of ice formed in the air. They slithered in the air and moved towards Ivor fast, ivor recalled the lighting aiming them at the ice snakes but they were intercepted by Aldin's bolts of lighting.

"Accept your punishment!" Aldin unconsciously shouted. The ice pillars were about to get to Ivor but Dale appeared in front of them and used wind storms to stop them from hitting Ivor, They only had a few breakages since it was dense ice. They were fixed an instant later and continued their journey towards Ivor, Dale used a bigger storm that destroyed them, and they were reformed again.

From the side of the arena, Darvin shouted," Aldin snap out of it," Aldin'ssubconcnious reacted by turning its head to face Darvin, suddenly it lost control and began falling to the ground again. This time Dale caught him.

"The winner is Aldin!"Leon shouted to the whole arena, when Aldin fired the final attack it was deemed too powerful therefore making Aldin the winner by default.

"That was one heck of a finale," Ilas said.

"Sure was," Oris said in a daze.

"What happened at the end, he seemed out of control," Edna said.

"He went unconscious and his sub-conscience took over the battle, it is something like a beast instinct, to destroy the danger," Leon said, also confused by his own words since Aldin had not used any of his other attributes that would have been quicker.

"Then does that mean, Aldin was just playing with him the whole time," Opius said, the question that was on everyone else mind and feeding their wonder.

Meanwhile the whole arena was celebrating Aldin's win. Fireworks were blowing up in the sky. The thelightworks were loud and the students were cheering. Aldin and Ivor were being transported to the infirmary. Bishop who was now fully treated was on his way back to the arena and saw Ivor and Aldin being carried to the infirmary. Aldin was injured on his arm and unconscious while Ivor was just unconscious and stinking from soiling himself.

This gave Bishop the image that Aldin had lost his battle since he wasn't close enough to smell Ivor.

"All that talk and no show, what a wimp." Bishop said. This statement was loud enough for those close to him to hear it.

Everybody stood where they were and looked at Bishop like a crazy person before continuing with their duties. When he got to the arena cheering.

'Even though it was not me, at least nobility still came out winner,' Bishop thought to himself. He made his way to the tower masters lounge with a smile on his face, when he walked in the room was so tense.

"Why is everyone gloomy, i saw Aldin, we should be celebrating, Ivor beat Aldin," Bishop said and everyone in the room looked at him like mad man.

"Kid, you need to get a reality check, Ivor was defeated by a landslide and even when he was serious he was still getting played." Ilas said.

"But I saw ALdin being carried away wounded," Bishop said to defend his statement.

"Ivor is lucky he isn't mush," Edna said.

"Just stop talking or else the pain you are going to feel when we get back is going to double," Ivy said to shut up Bishop and prevent any further embarrassment.

"Now we move on to the selection," Leon said from the air.

All the fourth years walked out to the battle area, it was time for them to choose the towers they wished to join.

They were in an orderly line, according to when they performed. 

"First is Marco Barel, which tower do you pick?" Aldin asked.

"I am sorry but I can only follow whichever tower Aldin goes to.

This made the other tower masters angry.

"What do you mean by that?" Ivy got up and shouted.

"This is utterly ridiculous, do you think we came here to waste our time," Edna added.

"Sit down, you're embarrassing us, it's their decision to make."

"I've had it, you are all licking to Aldin so that you can win him over."

"You entitled brat, shut it. These students respect ALdin for his power, if I were in their situations as well, I would have also followed Aldin. The dual attributed that you took in was just beaten by a single attributed mage who is a tier lower than him. He is wasted with you, you are a disgrace to the mage community. Your nobility got into your head, if not for your position, your head would be rolling right now." Oris said filled with anger. His anger had made his aura, a pure white misty aura to form a layer on his body.

"The next time you utter such crap, I am going to petition for your extraction myself," Osiris said, firmly resolving to do it.

All this while the other tower masters were silently watching not wanting to get involved. Leon thought was because he was touched by Oris' great care for Aldin that a pang of guilt almost made him confess but he also did not want to get Leon into trouble.