Tournaments end.

Oris summoned Loen the next minute.

"We will resume when ALdin wakes up," Oris' said.

"No need to worry, it won't take a long time, Aldin will be up in a few more minutes," Leon said.

"How can you be so sure?" Oris asked.

"Because this has happened several times, he always wakes up after getting some rest to calm down," Leon said proudly as if it was his own feat.

"Could you tell us more about Aldin?" Ilas walked forward and asked.

"Aldin hates it when I share his information but what I can tell you is that he is a very talented kid. 

Meanwhile, Aldin was in his dark space and facing his humanoid friend.

"What happened this time," He asked.

"I just blacked out after getting hit by an attack." Aldin said, he was a bit down though, he experienced a flashback of the day he had gotten attacked by Luke, it was a very traumatic part of his life that he never wanted to go back to.

"I know it is hard for you to think about it, but don't hold back," The humanoid being said to him.

"How did you know?" Aldin asked in a low sad tone as the memories kept on flooding into his mind.

"I saw them when you blacked out, I also took over your body to help you win your battle. I know you don't want to kill people, and I know how painful that time was for you, but you need to move on, you will come across a battle where you either kill or die again, it is a tough choice to make but somebody has to make it. Holding back will not help, don't let that fear devour you." the humanoid being said.

"I know. But it is just so hard to make that choice, what if I use too much power and hurt somebody," Aldin said.

"YOu need to learn how to control your power, if you hold it back you will only make it foreign to you. It's time to leave," The humanoid being said and the dark space broke apart and Aldin woke up being placed on the bed.

The nurses were shocked and accidentally dropped Aldin to the ground, instinctively ALdin used a light construct to catch himself.

He stood up and the light construct broke apart.

"How long was I out?" Aldin asked the nurse next to him.

"Just for a few minutes," the nurse said.

Aladdin walked out and went to the arena. He took his time walking to the arena, looking at the academy one last time. When he got into the arena he activated his new skill, radiance.

His body was radiating as he walked into the arena and all eyes were on him,

Radiance was a technique he had created after learning how to steal mana and using light magic he would spread it in the air and used his take over the mana.

Coincidentally this was a few minutes after Leon had been summoned and a few seconds after Leon said that Aldin would be back in a few minutes,

"And here he is," Leon said.

As Aldin walked in the whole arena erupted into cheers, Bishop was shaken, he had come joyfully thinking that Aldin had been defeated and the truth had just shattered him.

"Now for the decision we have all been waiting for," Leon said as he flew to the sky.

The tower masters went down from their lounge, each using their own methods to go down., all of them flew down gracefully but Oris just jumped from the top and landed on the ground but no dust rose.

 They all walked in front of Aldin.

"We want you to choose among us whichever you will follow is up to you.

They started from Edna who was the tower master of the first tower. She was a tall lady in her late thirties with a mature but beautiful face. She was a built lady with a muscular and toned body. She was in cargo pants and a dark green shirt. Her hair was shoulder lengthed. She walked forward but a look from Oris changed her mind and she walked back.

"The others have stood down, I and Tower Master Xander are the only remaining contestants," Oris said with a 

"I will be showing first," Xander said. He lifted his right arm to the sky in an instant of a second the sky was filled with bolts of lightning, it vanished in a second and reappeared the next second and this time it was made of different colours. Xander took down his arm and walked back to the line.

:" Now it is my turn," Orsi said and walked to the front he rose slightly in the air and he let his aura free, the air sound of the place became calm but it also had a firmness to it making it immovable. In an instant, Oris was able to move from one point of the arena to another.

After moving to all the edges of the arena he went back in line to wait for ALdin's decision,

"SO, who do you pick?" Both Xander and Oris asked.

"I pick, Xander Storm," Aldin said. Oris was saddened by this but hid the pain.

"Next, Darvin," Leon announced from the sky.

Darvin walked out to the arena and all eyes were on him.

"NO need to display your abilities, I have already made my choice. I pick Oris Aborn." Darvin said and turned to face Aldin.

"I know we planned to go together but just as you said staying in your shadow will not be of any help to me, I want to shine without relying on your light," Darvin said.

"I understand," Aldin said and walked to the side.

"You should also choose your own paths, he might be able to help you all but you must all also be able to make your own paths," Darvi said and moved to the side to stand next to Aldin.

"What choice will you all make?" Leon said when he came down.

Terias walked forward." I don't want your help to improve but I need your light to guide me, I can surpass my expectations when I am with you," She said and also moved to the side.

Barren walked out next," I know I can excel with you but I don't want to lose myself, I will be going to my home town to sign up for the army," He said.

And so the other walked forward as well either choosing Aldin or deciding to make their own paths and occasionally as well some would follow Darvin and at the end of the day, the other tower masters apart from Oris and Xander had not gotten any other candidates to choose them.

When Darvin had chosen Oris a spark lit up in him, he had expected to not get Aldin, who was the best candidate, Darvin had also been great but not as great as Aldin. Benign chosen by Darvin had made him realise that he still had a chance, Darvin was indeed very talented. With the right mentorship, he would rise to the peak of magic. This would be his chance at greatness.

Once all of them had chosen the towers they would be joining Leon rose up in the sky.

"And this brings us to the end of this year's tournament," he said

The tower master walked away with their disciples following right behind them as they each headed to their respective lounges. On the way to their lounge, Aldin had his head held down, the tier was at the edge of his eyes and thanks to water magic he held them in place before turning them to vapour so as not to show. 

Xander and his disciples arrived at the lounge where there were other disciples waiting for them.

"Welcome all of you to the third magic tower. These are some of your fellow disciples," Xander said. The other disciples looked at the huge number of students who had decided to join the third tower in shock. They were mostly surprised by the huge number of them who were not water-attributed. They were most shocked to see Aldin who they had never seen before today and because of the performance. Since most of them had been here a few years back, they knew some of those who were in the room. They caught up a bit, 

After arriving Xander had walked out and after a few minutes came back. He sat next to Aldin who still had his head down. He could tell Aldin was very emotional at the moment. All he could do was sit next to him. He patted Aldin but it felt way too odd for him so he stopped. He was a man in his early forties who had risen to power as a tower master and had not yet been married, after in his youth he had not messed around and focused on magic, and now that he was at the pinnacle of magic all the women who made advances to him were either gold diggers or looking for a rise in fame and those he liked were afraid of him.