The battle part 2

All the mana in the entire building was diverging onto Aldin's location and his screams were growing louder, his body also began to darken, his skin turned pitch black and he disappeared into the darkness. Aldin was undergoing great pain and it was devouring him, however, the current situation was not fully caused by this. After getting stabbed by Arlack his body reacted to the near-death scenario, the great secret within his blood was being brought out. This triggered the event that would soon be known as the first-ever second awakening.

All of a sudden in the dungeon, they were all in a small flame that could be seen but despite that Aldin's body was nowhere to be seen, with all the mana coming from the tower and all around it, the flames grew larger and began to consume all those around him,

Suddenly without warning Aldin's eyes opened up his pitch-black body could not be seen but his eyes, blood red could be seen shining in the dark.

His body moved on its own, the flames in the room condensed and changed from bright yellow to a very very light shade of blue and an intense heat to it. The guards and everyone in the room could feel the danger it emitted and ran out of the room hoping to escape but that would only fare so for a few of them.

Unluckily for the elders the second awakening Aldin had just undergone had undone the effects of the man seal placed on him.

Aldin said nothing when he saw Arlack, after all, he was now semi-unconscious and the other person in his head could not take over control. The room had been closed up by the blue fire, some of the guards had been able to escape but the rest were locked in the dungeon and being burnt to death. 

Arlack and the other moved in to fight ALdin so as to be able to escape.

As Arlack took a step forward Aldin appeared right in front of him and with one swipe of his cut off his arms and burned the edges to stop the bleeding, then the same he did to his feet. Arlack had no time to react when Aldin placed his hand on his head and froze the remaining part, the other elders who tried coming close to Aldin were instantly burned to death, and after all, attackers who had tried to kill Aldin died the firewalls came down. Aldin walked out of the dungeon

When Xander was being carried out of the dungeon he was silent but once they went outside of the dungeon, then he was able to see the one who had rescued him, it was Damon, one of the newest elders.

"Get me down, we have to get back in there and rescue Aldin," Xander screamed.

"We can't, if we were in there we might not be able to get out of there, I'm sorry," Damon said and continued running off, he took a turn and was met by a group of armoured men.

"Go to the front of the dungeon, he and all his companions are there," Damon said and they passed them and headed off to the front of the dungeon,

"I had some reinforcement come over to help battle Arlack," Damon said answering the question Xander was about to ask,

"Then at least allow me to go watch as they kill the bastard who killed my disciple," Xander said with so much pain in his voice.

Damion could feel the pain from Xander's request that he just had to turn back. 

When they arrived they were just in time to see the firewall go down and a dark walking out, the men who had come to help Damon were about to attack Aldin.

"Stop," Xander said to the men, before Damon could ask why in front of their eyes they saw the darkness on Aldin's skin vanish into thin air revealing who it was.

Aldin Randall

Sorrow filled me when I saw Xander getting stabbed, everything after happened to me in a daze. I found myself walking out of the dungeon, there were armed guards waiting there for me, I would have attacked if a voice was shouting from the back of the crowd, but when I looked I could see Xander being carried. A wave of relief washed over me but so did the mental fatigue, my eyes closed and everything went dark, but not for long before I found myself in an open field.


When whatever had been covering Aldin peeled off and he was finally recognised, Xander attempted to get off of Damon's back and go to Aldin, Damon thought held on to him and told a guard to take Aldin up.

Aldin gave Xander off to another guard and had him taken to the infirmary together with Aldin.

He went to check out the room where Aldin had walked out of, when he walked in, his jaw was a jar. The whole room was charred with remnants of the guards that were here a couple of minutes ago, the elders dead and on the ground bleeding out except for Arack who had had his arms and legs cut off and was in a block of ice.

'Did he do this all himself?' Damon thought to himself as he looked around not seeing any other living being.

'Who is this kid,' Damon thought to himself.

Damon and his men then went around taking down the remaining forces Arlack had left behind, they were all immediately killed on the spot, this ended up leaving the tower with very little staff to work with, which made it harder for Damon to help take control of the tower, issues came over from the students who were under the other elders they were staging rebellions wanting to know what had happened to the elders but the information could not be given out as it was rather a sensitive matter. Meanwhile, in his room Xander had received news of the items from the academy having arrived, he sent a guard to Aldin's room to tell those who were there to go and have them picked up. After being informed Isabella, Terias and Valen walked down the hall and headed to pick up the belongings.

"Look at this fresh meat, Valen do you mind leaving them to me," It was Rayel." You can take a walk, I'll be sure to take care of them well."

"He is the one who got Aldin thrown into the dungeon," Terais simply whispered to Isabelle's ear, her eyes went red with anger.

Suddenly a huge dark goo wrapped around Rayel, the mana was being sucked out of him and he would have difficulty moving. he used aura burst hoping to escape but it too was sucked at, Terias used her own fire spell to burn Rayel's hair and aimed at his face next,

"You should learn some manners, You're lucky Aldin didn't kill you on the spot,": Terais said and at that moment the goo disappeared.

They walked ahead a bit but Isabella almost fainted and was luckily held onto by Terias

Using the mana absorbing capabilities took a lot of mana from her furthermore when she used it as extensively as she had just done. They made it to the docking area where their items were and asked for some help from the guards to take them up.

"Sorry but right now we are a bit short-staffed.

"That's alright, I have a solution to that," Isabella said. From one of the crates she took out a pill bottle, it had the mana refills pills she had been given by Aldin to use whenever she was practising magic.

She then made a dark construct where all their belonging were kept to be transported to their apartment.

As they walked into the tower they were met by Rayel who had behind him his fellow senior disciples.

"They are the ones that attacked me," Rayel said to the people next to him, almost like a kid crying out to their mother.

"You should have not made your advances on them, and if I were you I would walk out of here," Valen said bluffing hoping to send Rayel and his friends on there way but that was to happening.

"Shut up you bitch, you should have walked away when you had a chance," Rayel said.

"Then you should have learnt a lesson when you got frozen," Valen said.

As they said that guards began to appear around them.

'Shit, now we are cooked, why did they have to appear now of all times,' Valen thought to herself.

The guards were the tower's internal law enforcers and would answer only to the tower masters and elders, and for a long time they were believed to be serving under the elders except when the tower master was nearby.

'Shit, what do we do now,' Valen thought. Meanwhile, Isabella was extremely calm.

Out of nowhere, the guards closed in on Rayel and his friends, they were beaten to a pulp and chained.