

"What the fuck are you doing?" Rayel out of anger.

Out of the shadows, Damon came walking out.

"You are all under arrest for working with the other elders and creating unease among the students." He said."Men take them away."

The whole group was dragged away into the dungeons screaming curses at the guards.

"I am sorry you had to witness that," Daman said and then noticed the floating darkness construct." Are you by any chance related to Aldin?" He asked Isabella.

"Yes I am his student, do you know where he is, he said he was going to see the tower master but hasn't come back," Isabella said,

"Follow me this way," Damon said in a saddened tone. Damon instructed guards to carry the load she had to their apartment and directed them

Isabella could pick on the tone of his statement and immediately became wary. They were taken to the infirmary, and the first person they could see was Xander, the tower master who got everyone worried.

His wounds had been covered and the bleeding stopped when he went there, and thanks to some high-quality pills all his wounds had healed, he was currently resting to regain his energy. He was seated on the bench next to Aldin's room.

"I am sorry this had to happen but if not for ALdin none of us would have been here," Xander said.

Isabella fell to the ground almost bursting into tears.

"It's alright he didn't die, he is just unconscious," Xander knelt to the ground next to her and told her.

Isabella breathed in a couple of times to get rid of the sad emotions she had in her, all this while, VAlem watching from the ground found all she was seeing unbelievable.

"Right this way," Xander said after Isabella calmed down and opened the door to Aldin's room, he was calmly asleep on the bed, his wounds were all healed and he was breathing normally.

This gave Isabella great relief, she even slouched on the wall. But then suddenly a familiar scenario occurred, the mana in the room increased by a lot and it was drawn from all over the tower, the room was suddenly extremely lit, and the temperature of the room shifted from extremely cold in intervals of a few seconds. the ground also shook, this went on for almost a minute before stopping and at the end of it, Aldin could be seen jerking on the bed like a demon-possessed body. It was morphing in real time, his muscles twitched making it seem as if worms were swimming through his flesh. His bones also cracked a lot, his body was morphing. They could do nothing but watch except for Isabella who had fainted.

Aldin Randell.

After seeing that my master was alright all the pain I had turned to relief and at that moment lost consciousness.

When I closed my eyes I found myself in a meadow during the spring, the entire plane felt so relaxing.

"Hello child," A voice said behind me, I turned to find myself face to face with a giant, she did not seem human though, parts of her body were earth, vegetation or water and it kept on moving around her.

I had to turn my head upward to see her fully, yes, she had the features of a female human being. She suddenly shrunk down to my size.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You are quite peculiar, rather than fear you are more inquisitive, interesting," She said.

And that was when it hit me, I was in an unfamiliar place, had met a giant woman, and the first thing I asked was who she was.

"Not that it is a bad thing," She asked making me flustered but I didn't whether it showed.

"Why am I here then," Aldin asked

"Good question, I believe **** should have told you about the upcoming disaster," She said, I was not able to hear the name she had mentioned as if I was not meant to hear it. Due to me not hearing the name she had mentioned and not knowing what disaster she was talking about, my face showed it all.

Suddenly a black mist appeared and the humanoid being in my head appeared in the middle of it.

"Did you not tell him anything," The lady asked.

"He is not ready yet," The man said." When the time is ready ill be able to tell you everything," He said facing me.

"And when will that be, we don't have that much time you know, they are almost ready to wreak havoc, eight years is the most that we have before they start taking action."

"He'll be ready by then, if you pressure him right now then he won't be able to grasp the foundations and it would just be a repeat of history"

They argued for a couple of minutes before turning towards me.

"The whole thing is complicated, once we are ready we will let you know, "The lady said/

"And what happened when I was in the dungeon, i don't use fire magic," I said. During their argument, I had recalled everything that had happened.

"That was a gift from me. It was to help you get out of the situation, you will now be a quadra-attributed mage, make sure you use that power well, and one more is waiting for you outside."She said and the next second I was back in the real world with Xander, Isabella, Terias, Valen and another man I did not know inside the room with me.


After Aldin's advancement and body altercation, everything calmed down he was now taller than before and even more muscular. His hair was even longer and had more strands of white hair in his dark hair and his face looked like that of a man in their early twenties. He slowly opened his eyes afterwards they now had a shade of golden hue in the dark and a very unnoticeable slit in them.

He looked up to face those who were in the room with him, he was slightly dazed and had no idea where he was.

"Where am I?" Aldin asked though it did not come in his normal voice, but a deeper muscular voice that seemed foreign to him.

Those in the room were shocked and speechless.

They stood in silence for the next couple of seconds Aldin spoke again.

"Is everything alright?" Aldin asked.

"Yeah," Xander said with tears running down his cheeks.

He rushed over to Aldin and hugged him, Aldin was embarrassed about it,

Damon knelt down to Aldin almost making Valen fall to the ground.

'Thank you for dealing with the tower's menaces for us, former elder Arlackis still under imprisonment.

This reminded both ALdin and Xander of their encounter sometime back and they invonturaly stopped the hug.

They stayed in a moment of silence for a few seconds before Xander broke it.

"How were you able to break free from that seal?" Xander asked.

"I realised that rune was not blocked so I used it," Aldin said.

Xander suddenly felt like an idiot, the answer was that simple but he had not been able to realise it making him extremely frustrated.

Xander was now silent. Since Aldin felt he could trust all those around him, even Valen he chose to break the news immediately before he was bombarded with questions.

"I am now a quadra-attributed mage," Aldin said."Wii you help me get used to it Terias."

The whole room went silent, everyone was stunned, two in the room were shocked that he had another added element and the other two were wondering what the other three were apart from water.

The four in the room zoned out.

I had a second awakening thanks to Arlack, I was on the verge of breaking through during the whole fight," Aldin said lying through his teeth."And initially, I was tri-attributed," ALdin said clarifying everything

He let them digest all he had said.

"That's fantastic," Xander said without questioning a single word Aldin had said.

Then Terias joined in the joy but Valen and Damon were still struck by shock.

Due to the loud cheering Isabellawoke up to find Aldin although he did not seem the same, she knew it was him and without hesitation jumped to hug him in tears.

"I am alright," Aldin said to comfort her. But then the hug turned tighter.

"You should be more careful with yourself," Isabella said, in anger. She moved from and held ALdin by the throat trying to choke him but his new body was harder than it looked, she was now eye to eye with Aldin and she could not help but notice how handsome he had turned.

She slowly got off of Aldin and stood on the side in silence not wanting to talk.

Since ALdin was fully healed now and well rested he got off the bed ready to leave the room and that was when it became very apparent how much he had changed, his clothes looked extremely undersized on him and revealed his extremely chiselled body.