Bloody massacre

Everyone stared at his chiselled body in amazement, Xander snapped out of it first.

"Nurse," Xander said and the next moment a nurse came walking in.

The nurse also joined them in staring at Aldin's body. She was star-struck by how chiselled his body was and it took Xander tapping her on her shoulder to snap out of it.

"Get him a new set of clothes," Xander said. She rushed out of the room and went in a hurry to get Aldin a new set of clothes.

"All of you snap out of it, "Xander said but they were still silently staring at Aldin. Xander then shoved Aldin into the bed and covered him to get everyone's attention.

"We need to leave, there are preparations that need to be made," Xander said as he shoved everyone out of the room.

Moments later the nurse came in with ALdin's new clothes in hand ALdin also noted that she was sweaty all over.

"Do you need help getting them on," The nurse asked.

"No thank you, I can handle it myself," Aldin said shooing her out after taking the clothes from her hands.

He changed after she left into his new patient uniform that seemed way too fitting since it was gripping onto his body tightly in a manner that made it comfortable.

'This is annoying, she brought the wrong size,' Alding thought to himself.

Using his forgemastery skills he was able to alter the clothes to fit his size and even added one of the sheets not to make it as translucent as it was and also gave it a blue hue to match with the white of the original cloth, once he was done he got out, outside he met a guard, the nurse was nowhere to be seen.

Aldin walked out of the infirmary and headed back to his room. As he walked through the halls all eyes were on him. He finally made it to his apartment where he found Mars and Zack in the room.

"Have the others arrived?' Aldin asked.

"Who are you?" Mars said.

"It's me," Aldin said and using his magic displayed all his three initial elements since Mars had no idea Aldin had gotten a fourth one.

Mars sighed in relief.

"What happened to you, you look different," Mars said in awe.

"I had my advancement today," Aldin said and went to sit at the nearest seat.

"The others went to pick out items, they never came back but all the items were delivered except for your items that were in the warehouse," Mars said.

"Ohh," Aldin said and looked at the direction of the items, one of them was his harmers which gave him a great idea.

Aldin got up from the seat he was on went over to the pile of items and picked up his hammers.

"I'll be back," Aldin said and walked out.

Aldin went down to Xander's office, he got in and found the five people who had been in his room earlier at the same table as the elders had held their meeting. They all noticed the pair of hammers.

"Have a seat," Xander said. Aldin walked to the table and joined them.

"What were you guys talking about?" Aldin asked.

"We wanted to know what to do with Arlack.?' Xander said.

"I think we should torture him till he dies," Isabella said. "He deserves what he'll get."

"We don't like that idea, it still allows for unexpected events to occur, that man is still a tier-five mage," Damon said.

"Then I have a suggestion, how about a public execution," Aldin said.

"That'll be too easy for him," Xander said.

"Then how about we destroy all he had in front of him, after all, he built all by his own strength, I am sure he'll feel quite the pain seeing it all go to ashes." Adin said." We could start with his spoiled yurt beloved disciples, I have a few in mind, then to the remaining men who are still under him and finally drown him to death." 

After Aldin said this all those on the table looked at him in shock, never did they think they would hear all this from Aldin.

"Great idea," Xander said with alarming enthusiasm.

"They get everything ready, I'll be the executioner," Aldin said and the hammers on his back changed into axes, Aldin smiled making the scene extremely scary,

Over the next hour, a stage was made outside the tower. The whole tower was together there and the guards who were still deemed to be loyal to Xander were on watch. Once everybody in the tower had been gathered Xander began his speech.

"Today is a wonderful day, with great determination we were able to root out an enemy of the tower," Xander said and on cue, the guards brought in the armless Arlcack and the corpses of the other elders who were working with him. Followed by other tower staff who had been discovered to be working with him together with the guards who did the dirty work for him and all the students who were his minions."

"You are all charged with cooperation in the attempted murder of the third tower master, this according to the kingdom's laws is warranted a death penalty." Aldin read out with a huge smile on his face." And thus the judgement will be passed out today." 

Aldin took out one of his axes.

 He went over to the first student who was closest to him, his hands tied behind his back and a sack on his face.

He lifted his axe to chop off their head but fear took him over, he had never willingly killed.

'It is them or me,' Aldin thought to himself.

Xander walked towards him," You don't have to do this if you don't want to" he whispered in his ear.

"No I have to, they deserve this for all those they have hurt," Aldin said after resolving himself and bringing down the axe chopping his head.

His head went flying and blood began splattering everywhere. The crowd was silent as the head rolled.

Aldin was frozen in time, he was experiencing the guilt, disgust and pain of his actions.

In the crown where the head landed, a scrawny kid could be seen stomping it and was dragged away. Aldin looked at the kid who was in tears as he was dragged away. Images of what he had seen in the tower's dungeon began to overlap with his vision.

His rage went sky-high and he got the motivation to continue.

"The oppression ends today, all their injustices will be paid today," Aldin said in a loud booming voice that drew all the attention to him.

"No more," He said and lifted up his axe. That turned into a scythe. He continued to the first who had not gotten the sacks put on their heads, he chopped off their heads. Each and every one of them, each time blood would splatter on him, WHen he got to Arlack he looked like a serial killer with the blood of their victims on their bodies.

Arlack looked at Aldin with fear, trembling at all the bloodshed he had seen. Aldin looked him straight in the eyes with a soul-chilling stare.

"This is all because of your action," ALdin said this cold in his new deep deep voice which made all those within earshot tremble. He lifted the axe and in accordance to his will lightning fell from the sky and landed at the same time as the axe and chopped off Arlack's head.

In that moment the whole crowd went silent, this was now the birth of a legend, a story that would be told over and over again for generations to come. 

The bloody massacre.

With the crowd still silent Aldin walked away and as he did used water magic to get all the blood of him and that which was on the ground and also in the corpses to condense it to form an ask that was stuck in the ground. In it was embedded an array to keep its mana refilled and to retain its shape.

All the crowd was left in silence and later on, some began to weep in joy. The joy spread out in the whole crowd they all had something they had lost to Arlack and something to be grateful to Aldin for, nobody bothered them as they cheered to their heart's content.

Meanwhile, Aldin had made it to one of the closest bathrooms and threw up, although he found reason to do the execution, he still felt awful for all the blood that had been poured. He felt like a murderer and this guilt kept on eating at him and he did not think it would ever go away.

As he walked out he could see blood on the walls and the heads of those he had just killed staring at him, after blinking a couple of times it disappeared.