After math


Aldin walked back out to the crowd, he was met by the crying residents of the tower, this helped reduce the guilt he was feeling. A smile crept on Aldin's face as he watched them.

'Despite how I feel, it is worth it if they will be able to get smiles on their faces.' Aldin thought to himself.

He looked at the axe that he had crafted in the middle, this would serve to remind them of today's events and clear all those who had any malicious of those very thoughts.

Aldin walked to the front of the podium where he was viewable by all the crowd.

"This axe will serve as a reminder to all of you, all those who try anything against the tower will pay a hefty price," Adin said.

Then he walked away and together with him Xander and the rest followed him.

"They all met up at Xnader's office, Mars and Zach who had also been at the execution were on the table as well.

"Now how do we deal with this, the tower is extremely low on staff, and I do not know how we will manage." Xander began his opening remarks.

"We did not suffer that huge of a hit, the only important people we took down were the elders, the others are easily replaceable," Damon said.

"But we need people we can trust," Xander.

"I have an idea," Mars said which drew attention to him.

"There was a tutor who taught Zack and me, while we were in the academy, Dorothy Stark." Mars continued despite the stares.

"The fallen noble," Valen said out of turn.

"Yes," Mars said.

"How much do you know about her," Xander asked Valen.

Valen was a bit shaken when Xander asked her the question, after all, he was still the tower master but in the end, she still continued talking.

"She was a noble of the Stark family but lacking magical talent to the matriarch she was disowned and her younger brother took over the family, rumour has it that she was very knowledgable and that she began schools, from what I can tell it is very much true.

"From your experience with her, what do you think of her ?" Xander asked facing Mars.

"She did not look down on me despite me being a commoner and she was very kind during our lessons," Mars said.

"Then we have ourselves a new manager of operation, I'll go pick her up. Aldin you and I are leaving immediately," Xander said and walked out with Aldin following him.

"The rest of you are going to help me deal with the aftermath," Damon said. "Let's get to work." 

This gave the rest a bad feeling about the whole situation. Henceforth, all those who had gotten formal education, which was everyone including Zack, helped in managing the bookwork of the tower with Damon's help.

When Aldin and Xander left they went by lightning since both of them could use it well, although Aldin was a bit slower headed to the tower, and with the evening sun they were able to get a wonderful view.

"I know how it feels to shed blood, it will never be easy. But it is all for a good reason so stop blaming yourself." Xander said.

These words really helped ALdin to wash off the feeling of pain a lot.

Within no time, they had gotten to the capital.

"Xander was dressed in a change of clothes that did not necessarily indicate that he was the tower master but one of a noble standing while ALdin was in his high-end forge-mastered clothes that were white with a blue hue in them. This though was not what made all the eyes face them wherever they went, the cause of all this was Aldin's giant structure and handsome face, any human being would have their eyes glued on him when they got a glimpse of him. His physique was so outstanding that all those who had funny ideas kept them at bay.

'If only they knew how painful it is to get that,' Xander said, when he was young he had tried it out but he never had the mental strength enough for it and he gave it up very fast, which made him give respect to his student, not knowing that every time he had had an evolution that happened during his advancements he was always unconscious.

They finally got to the school where they were met by an unexpected sight, the school was surrounded by guards.

Everything was trashed.

Xander and Aldin tried walking in but they were blocked by a guard.

"This is under the sanction of the Stark family." The guard said.

"And what is going on here?" Xander asked.

"You have no authorisation to know," The guard said.

"I do though," Aldin said and took out an insignia of the third tower from his pocket and showed it to the guard at the door.

"Wait for me outside here," Aldin said.

'I have to help you in all the ways I can, i can take care of this myself,' Aldin thought to himself.

Aldin barged in shoving the guard to the wall and sending them flying.

"As he walked in he could see all the school teachers tied on one side,

He could see Dorothy Stark on the ground with a guard on top of her and a nobleman staring down at her.

"You thought I couldn't find out your plot,' The man asked her.

"What plot Julius?" Dorothy who was on the ground asked.

"The plot to take over the family and become matriarch, no matter how well you try to hide it, I know the type of schemer you are. Kelly takes her out," Julius said and turned to come face to face with Aldin.

"Guards arrest him," Julius said.

But Aldin simply flashed his emblem and all the guards stood still, even Kelly, Julius saw this and took the sword from his hand and was ready to make the slash but he was struck by lightning before he could move dying on the spot Aldin walked over to where Dorothy was and shoved the stunned guard away and lifted Dororthy.

"Congratulations new matriarch of the Stark family," Aldin said with a huge smile on her face/.

"Who are you," She asked out of shock.

"Your former employer, ALdin Randall," Aldin said and she replied with a shocked expression and a gasp.

"How did you change this fast?' Dorothy asked as her curiosity got the better of her despite the danger she was currently in.

"I had an advancement recently and every time, my body alters," Aldin said.

"Do you use the body refining method," Dorothy asked.

"Yes," Aldin answered amazed that she knew about it and also highlighting that she was greatly knowledgable.

"I guessed so, it does after all strengthens one's body and in the end also causes alteration, but for it to cause such huge changes, you must have had to have a lot of mana and had to endure all that pain," Dorothy said.

"I don't actually undergo the pain most of the time, I am always unconscious when that happens," Aldin said.

'That's one way to deal with it, why did you come here by the way?" Dorothy asked the bi question not even looking in the direction of her brother's corpse out of anger.

"Would you like to be chancellor of the third tower," Xander said appearing from behind Aldin.

This time Dorothy showed some emotion, shock.

"Wh..Wh..Wh...What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean I would like to hire you to be the tower chancellor, we are currently short staffed and we need help to work around that, and if possible you could bring your teachers along, and don't worry about the school, I will get help to run it for you and you can still manage it from the tower," Xander said.

"Thank you for the offer, and who are you?" Dorothy asked/.

"I am Xander Storm, nice to meet you," Xander said almost giving Dorothy and the men behind her a heart attack.

"I know you might not believe me but this sure will prove it," Xander said and took out a pendant from his neck it was a black oval-shaped pendant with the number 3 on it but it also excluded a powerful aura that made everyone apart from Xander to tremble. He placed it back into his clothes and the aura disappeared together with it.

"And don't even worry about your territory, once we have everything in place you can take over the seat, and in case of any opposition I will send you help, all I need is for you to come to the tower and become my chancellor," Xander said.

"If you put it like that then I have no reason to say no," Dorothy said.

"Now, the first order of business, Aldin would you do the honors," Xander said

"Gladly," Aldin said with fury and a flaming aura forming on him.